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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. There is no loss we just removed the chance of that happening unintentionally. Much better to be explicit about such a dangerous operation to prevent someone accidentally modifying a full mix.
  2. @marled can you share a link to the project file used for your test?
  3. Its not broken. This functionality was intentionally removed because it caused numerous unexpected behaviors for users who accidentally had CTRL pressed. If you want to change across all tracks, first select them all by pressing CTRL-A and then do the quick grouping.
  4. @RBH good to know that it works with the Apollo. Do you get an active latency slider in Audio Preferences with the Apollo as well?
  5. @PeterMc Yes the driver exposes 8 samples as a minimum but when we set it it rejects it. Probably an oversight from the manufacturer. I'll let Focusrite know. However they have the best implementation for allowing dynamic latency changes.
  6. @Michael McBroom please check out Ben's post above.
  7. I recommend checking out Brian Eno's OBLIQUE STRATEGIES quotes... Originally released as a deck of cards with 500 quotes, these have grown and been updated. I've put them into a text file that you can conveniently use to replace the stock built in ones in Cakewalk. (We added affirmations to the startup toast notifications last year) To check these out, simply copy the attached ProjectOpenNotification.txt file to this folder: %APPDATA%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core Just type that path into the Windows search bar and it should take you to that folder. Then save the attached text file to that folder. This will override the default built in notifications. You should get a sometimes cryptic but always thoughtful random oblique quote the next time you open a project file. (assuming that you have notifications enabled in preferences | customization | display) You can even add your own quotes to that list or make up your own list of creativity tips. I've had these on for a long time now and they never fail to entertain or inspire. YMMV PS: The original Oblique Strategies deck is still available from Brian's website. ProjectOpenNotification.txt
  8. In case you missed it, the 2019.11 Early access release is available. We plan to release this early next week so if you would like to try it out and report any showstoppers we'd appreciate it. There are some significant improvements to our ASIO support as well as a ton of fixes as reported in the notes.
  9. Yeah same here. Node selection behavior has not been changed.
  10. @btbrockNot seeing any issues with lasso selecting nodes on either clip envelopes or track envelopes on the main track irrespective of whether lanes are closed or not. Are you potentially confusing track envelopes with clip envelopes? If you are still seeing issues please submit a repro project with a video or detailed steps you are taking. There has been no change to the lasso select behavior of envelope nodes.
  11. No changes to the start screen so not sure why you would see a difference. Regarding midi please try raising your midi buffer size to about 50msec and see if it improves performance. We're still experimenting with the new defaults.
  12. I agree that 2/4 is the most musically sensible outcome. Most likely the operation is getting tripped up by the order in which the deletions occur internally. We'll take a look.
  13. Yep we can see what every user is doing onscreen now in real time ?
  14. WASAPI should be available on all Windows installations. Its the default Windows driver model. Click on Playback and recording and then choose "Wasapi Shared" as the driver mode. That should work with Realtek sound devices. >>As well as the observed symptoms, using ASIO mode against the onboard Realtek HD Audio causes hundreds, then thousands of threads to accumulate in the Cakewalk process. Wow thats bizarre sounds like a serious driver bug. The threads cannot be from Cakewalk and are likely being spawned by the driver itself. Unfortunately we don't have the Realtek ASIO driver since I think it only ships with some OEM PC's.
  15. For DX plugins it should automatically load the 64 bit version assuming it is installed and working properly.
  16. It is possible that you may see an improvement when switching lenses since there are some optimizations in the load code that prevent track settings from being updated among other things. I don't follow how you imagine workspaces would assist in the other thread. Workspaces essentially act like a filter for visible features and store positioning information for views and toolbars. It won't allow you to move where a feature itself is visible.
  17. @Colin NichollsNicholls can you post your report here please? Early access is better handled here rather than the support channel.
  18. 100 ms isn't that much for bounce. Plugins should be able to tolerate any buffer size. I suspect one of the plugin's in the project has a bug with large buffer sizes and is corrupting memory when its set high. Since your audio interface won't go higher than 20 msec you can try switching to WASAPI exclusive or MME. Both those modes allow the audio buffer size to be set as high as 200 msec. If the export crashes with those settings then we know that its related to some plugin in the project..
  19. @Joe Dun thanks for your feedback. Simplifying the program while retaining behavior for professional use can be a complex endeavour to do properly. We are committed to improving in this area and the Lens feature was a step in this direction. In the next update we are making this much more discoverable and have added it to the first run onboarding to allow users to pick a preset that best matches their requirements. In the future we plan on going even further with this so please keep the suggestions coming!
  20. Interesting. Thanks for troubleshooting, @petemus. All that setting does is set the buffer size to that prior to the bounce and then restore it post bounce. Can you try and set your audio device to the same latency if it goes that high and retry the bounce? This should do essentially the same thing so it will be interesting to know if the problem recurs.
  21. If you are getting heap corruption it's likely one of your plugins corrupting memory. So not something we can solve necessarily. Try and isolate which plugin causes it be removing plugins one by one and exporting after each step.
  22. Yes Lenses have incredible power to customize the app to make it as simple or complex as you want. As you discovered you can completely remove a feature you may rarely need such as screensets by making a lens that excludes it. The same could apply to any other feature, or views. The big deal is that not only does it hide the UI for the feature, it removes all the hotkeys associated with it so that you won't accidentally invoke that feature. For users who want a customized de-cluttered experience that is focused on their needs lenses are an ideal solution. For the next release we have made several improvements to lenses. We're also renaming the feature to "Workspaces" to make it more evident to new users what this feature is intended to do. There will be some improvements to the factory lenses, several fixes and also an enhanced onboarding experience for new users to initiate them into using the feature.
  23. 99% of plugins handle it with no problems. I never use anything other than fast bounce.
  24. Are you using fast bounce? That mode never drops out. If the bounce fails you should get an error message.
  25. @chap_sistine where are you getting a blank screen? In BA or CbB? BTW The new BandLab assistant 3.1.1 has a mechanism to manually refresh activation of CbB without having to reinstall the application or log out and back. See this screenshot. To access that option click the dropdown menu next to the open button.
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