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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. @Kevin Walsh use any service like dropbox or google to upload your file and share a link with us via PM.
  2. I looked at the freeze issue and it was actually introduced a few releases ago when we added support for multiple instrument tracks. Its now been fixed for the final release so thanks for reporting it - although it would have been better in the previous release thread
  3. As I said these thread is to report issues with the Early Access release so it should be used to report issues that are NEW to this release or its features rather than preexisting issues. We are of course interested in knowing about those as well but post them in the other more general forum. The external insert issue is not a bug - its a feature request and will be handled in due course. We have a backlog of many items so its normal for some things to take many months to be considered or addressed.
  4. Thanks for the reports. BTW please keep in mind that this thread is primarily to discuss any issues or regressions directly related to the 2020.07 early access and not to make feature requests or post general bug reports. Please use a different thread to report other issues.
  5. @sreamsInteresting. I wonder if it is so busy redrawing that it's not getting a chance to process the stop request. Can you reproduce this or was it a one off issue?
  6. @mgustavo there is no change on our end AFIK so I have no idea why it was a problem for you in the first place
  7. @Stxx There are no changes to ara in this release. Please provide a crash dump file so we can see the source. Crashes in melodyne 4 won't be fixed by celemony since melodyne 5 us the latest version. I suggest you upgrade.
  8. @Michael Heavner we asked you for a project file to forward to waves but did not hear back. they need that for further investigation. Can you please supply us a link to the project file?
  9. If you are able to capture a dump we can normally tell what operation is hanging.
  10. Because they work just fine in Cakewalk and that's the only consideration for now. The framework for a plugin doesn't change its capabilities or sound in any way just its compatibility. While its something we may consider in the future, we have more pressing things to do with our time than stuff like this at the moment.
  11. This is precisely the reason why we are very careful to change established operations in major editing views. While I may not like some operations personally (right click delete for one) there are many user for whom this is an important time saving operation. These were implemented decades ago at the request of power users to speed up editing. Windows conventions are good but not the solution to all problems.
  12. How do you know whether we will solve it or not before you have even given us a case to try and reproduce? We need to understand exactly what is happening in your case. We routinely use Waves plugins and I deal with the Waves engineering team directly and they have not reported this to be an issue as well. If it is related to a specific workflow that triggers this we need to understand exactly what is causing it. The best way to to get to the bottom of this is to work with us directly.
  13. Not at all. The only change is that you now have a choice to auto apply the selected workspace when loading a project or not. Unlike screensets workspaces are global, so we thought it was best for the user experience to give the user control over whether they should be applied automatically or not. This was in response to some users getting confused with why per project settings didn't appear to save (they were actually saved as before but the currently selected workspace would override them on next open of the project. This is no other behavior change.
  14. @Olaf thanks for talking the time to document your issues. We are definitely concerned with the essentials more than anything else so would like to work with you to get to the bottom of some of your problems. Some of them appear to be third party issues since they are not the norm. Contact me via pm and we can look at some of these problems in more detail.
  15. Plugins are the same ones that were bundled with SONAR at this point. The main reason for inclusion was that they are used in FXchains so the fact that they have dated UI is secondary. At some point we may update them but they perform well and sound good. With FXChains you can re-skin them to your taste.
  16. It doesnt do that intentionally since the user is meant to see the location. You shouldn't leave that option on by default.
  17. Thanks for the feedback. You are certainly a workspaces power user We had a lot of new users getting confused by workspace auto applying so defaulting to that being manual is less troublesome. If you can send me some details on how you utilize workspaces it may help us down the road.
  18. @reevant if you send a dump file I can take a look and see where its hanging. Send me a download link.
  19. If you prefer the workspace to auto apply then why not turn on the 'Apply Workspace on Project Load’? If you want it on a case by case basis then just apply the workspace manually. Workspaces are designed to be global not per project...
  20. Hmm no idea what your issue was. I even checked with the Waves developers and they said that Ovox is backwards compatible and there should be no issues. If you encounter it again share the project and we can send it to Waves. If its system specific you will have to work with them directly.
  21. That's a completely different issue and is not something we have control over. If the new ovox had a different vst ID from the old one it won't load automatically if older projects referenced the old version. This is not a Cakewalk problem. If you insert it in a project and save and reload it does it work? If so the original problem is fixed.
  22. @KevMany issues with mono interleave were fixed in the 05 release. Can you share your project file that has the issue? Without seeing the signal flow and plugins we can't investigate the cause of what you are seeing.
  23. Its still crashing? I have a confirmation from Waves QA that the 05 release solved the Ovox crash on load issue. Can you share a project please and a dump file?
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