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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. Not Sonar. Its a plugin crash. PS: It's easy to check this yourself. The crash dialog in Sonar will typically say whether its a plugin crash or not. Your crash message is telling you to report it to the vendor We can't solve crashes in plugin's so this is something you have to take up with the vendor.
  2. @Max Arwood I sent you a PM. Please contact me there.
  3. I will take a look at your files this morning thanks.
  4. We can’t follow up on a crash report without a dump file. Please provide a link to the crash dump or PM it.
  5. Send me the crq and dat file via a PM. Also please confirm whether you already have successfully signed in and activated sonar on your online machine. This will verify that you're membership is active.
  6. Not today. It's MacOS and windows only. It could in theory run on ipadOS but the UI would have to be scaled accordingly. Next has full PDC btw
  7. This is a plugin crash. Its crashing from Chandler_Limited_Zener_Limiter Sonar isn't even involved in the stack. The plugin is invoking a dll called necryptopp.dll which appears to be a cryptography dll. then crashes with an unhandled C++ exception. The plugin is invoking something which throws an exception and the plugin doesn't catch and handle the exception properly. I would forward your dump to the plugin vendor to fix if you want to use this plugin. Otherwise use safe mode to load the project and remove the plugin. TACK_TEXT: 00000001`fbddcf70 00000001`a44d2155 : 00000001`fbddd0f0 00000001`fbddd0f0 00000001`fbddd6b8 00000001`30bb0cc0 : KERNELBASE!RaiseException+0x69 00000001`fbddd050 00000001`fbddd0f0 : 00000001`fbddd0f0 00000001`fbddd6b8 00000001`30bb0cc0 00000001`e06d7363 : necryptopp+0x92155 00000001`fbddd058 00000001`fbddd0f0 : 00000001`fbddd6b8 00000001`30bb0cc0 00000001`e06d7363 00000000`00000000 : 0x00000001`fbddd0f0 00000001`fbddd060 00000001`fbddd6b8 : 00000001`30bb0cc0 00000001`e06d7363 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : 0x00000001`fbddd0f0 00000001`fbddd068 00000001`30bb0cc0 : 00000001`e06d7363 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000004 : 0x00000001`fbddd6b8 00000001`fbddd070 00000001`e06d7363 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000004 00000000`19930520 : 0x00000001`30bb0cc0 00000001`fbddd078 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000004 00000000`19930520 00000001`fbddd0f0 : Chandler_Limited_Zener_Limiter+0x33a7363 SYMBOL_NAME: necryptopp+92155 MODULE_NAME: necryptopp IMAGE_NAME: necryptopp.dll This is the crashing stack. [0x0] KERNELBASE!RaiseException+0x69 0x1fbddcf70 0x1a44d2155 [0x1] necryptopp + 0x92155!necryptopp+0x92155 0x1fbddd050 0x1fbddd0f0 [0x2] 0x1fbddd0f0!+ 0x1fbddd058 0x1fbddd0f0 [0x3] 0x1fbddd0f0!+ 0x1fbddd060 0x1fbddd6b8 [0x4] 0x1fbddd6b8!+ 0x1fbddd068 0x130bb0cc0 [0x5] 0x130bb0cc0!+ 0x1fbddd070 0x1e06d7363 [0x6] Chandler_Limited_Zener_Limiter + 0x33a7363!Chandler_Limited_Zener_Limiter+0x33a7363 0x1fbddd078 0x0
  8. No worries. Sonar is alive and well and has been Production ready since the beginning of this year. We've already had 5 or more official Membership updates since the the official roll out with BandLab membership.
  9. Glad it's working well for you. In the next update there are a few more external insert improvements. - the ping signal is now shown on the return meter which makes it easier to troubleshoot connections. - ping is failsafe and always ensures that the audio engine is initialized -external insert no longer loses port settings when switching between friendly output names
  10. What that means is you aren't encountering the same problem. The change were discussing here would be in a future release of sonar. The issue itself is not new and has existed since the origin of the load balancing feature. Make sure you are trying it in Sonar and not cbb and if you have an issue that can be demonstrated make a project file and file an issue in a new thread please to avoid confusing this.
  11. Thanks for sharing a project to reproduce the issue. The problem has been around for awhile but was not noticed since likely not many people had the specific combination of factors. You have to be running projects with lots of delay and have plug-in load balancing enabled and have envelopes downstream or something that uses timestamp info. This particular project had 10000 samples of delay. The actual problem was a simple time-stamping issue and unrelated to latency compensation, though latency certainly makes it more evident.
  12. Thank you. Don’t take my word for it. Look at what’s been done. <Philosophical hat> Having concerns is normal - we all have concerns about different issues. Nobody knows what the future holds from one day to the next. Despite our best efforts something can come along and destroy everything overnight for any business. ahem - COVID? On the other hand, letting concerns paralyze you from enjoying the present is not healthy/productive. Enjoy what you have today…. </Philosophical hat>
  13. MIDInco firstly thank you for voicing your concerns respectfully to the community. Let me just say this - the Cakewalk team is comprised of dedicated and passionate people who believe in making creative tools for musicians. You may not know it, but most DAW teams are very small. Building DAW's is not a high profit margin industry in case you haven't noticed. To help catch you up - we've achieved a lot in the last six and a half years with BandLab... A lot more than we did under Gibson or even Roland. You can achieve a lot with small teams. Not only have we breathed new life into Sonar but we also built a new cross platform DAW - Cakewalk Next. which is very centered on music creation rather than production. For Sonar we've been laser focused on stability and the features we've added are very workflow centric. Our list of bug fixes since we started exceeds 4000 just looking at our ticket counts. I'll let you refer to the change log and make up your own mind as to the value we've brought. Here is the Sonar Change Log and here is the Cakewalk change log As far as the team goes there are a several senior members, some of which even go all the way back to the 90's. I personally started using Cakewalk in '92 and joined as a developer in 1997 on Cakewalk Pro Audio and I've worked on every single version of Sonar since. And my shoe size varies depending on the vendor I buy it from ?
  14. The video exposes a single stereo audio track to the Media foundation audio decoder which is what we're using to extract MP4 audio. So im afraid there isn't much we can do in this case. Sonar is not a video editing application so if you have more complex video formats you will have to externally extract the audio. I also tried this in a different DAW sand had the same results as Sonar.
  15. You cannot since it has expired. This forum is for Sonar not Cbb by the way.
  16. Im sorry there are no changes in the "latest version" that would account for what you are seeing. We know the exact set of changes that went in and nothing impacts latency. The issue the OP is reporting is not the same as what you are referring to so if you have a different issue make a fresh thread and provide a repro. The OP's issue isn't directly latency compensation related either. I should also add that if you have a problem with Sonar contact support and work with them. Staff don't actually do technical support in this forum - its a peer to peer user forum.
  17. We tried the project you sent in to support and I don't see any timing issues playing it here. Notes a properly silenced when the MIDI gate is active and I only hear quarter notes. I even stacked 10 instances of Fabfilter Pro L2 which has high delay on track one and the output was perfectly synced. I don't think the problem is what you think it is. The issue you are seeing may be something else since with the recipe you provided we cannot reproduce it. I'll send you a PM and we can troubleshoot further. Are you running Sonar? We're not updating Cbb for remote issues like this in any case.
  18. There is no need to add envelopes or activate all synth parameters ahead of time and it's intentionally not done because it consumes memory and processing for no good reason. Instead sonar creates parameters only after you change the value of a parameter in the instrument. If you really want all parameters go into learn mode in the synth UI and then choose a preset in the synth or reset the patch. This will trigger creation of the parameters and you will get a warning message if there are a large number is parameters. Many instruments expose thousands of parameters and exposing them all at once will consume unnecessary resources.
  19. Autopitch isn't integrated into Next yet, but it shares a lot of the same features.
  20. Its not so much the DAW as in what the video codec is reporting back when its transcoded to WAV, which is what happens. If you send a link to the MP4 I can take a look and see why its coming in as stereo. I assume that you have checked the import as mono box in the import video dialog?
  21. The sidechaining routing detects feedback and eliminates routing possibilities that would result in feedback. This is the most likely reason it's not shown.
  22. We've always had the ability to upsample at higher than 2x for ages, but its not in the UX. Read the help - the upsampling settings are in aud.ini https://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=CakewalkSonar&language=3&help=Mixing.25.html The {Plug-in CLSID}.SampleRate= variable specifies the per plug-in upsampling rate. It defaults to a value of 0 (zero), which means “resample at twice the project sample rate”. The max sample rate is 384000 Hz. This variable is not stored in the Aud.ini file by default, so it must be manually added if you want to change a plug-in’s upsample rate (Tip: copy the CLSID from the corresponding EnableFlags= variable).
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