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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. All UI in windows or Mac is single threaded. Unless you are using something like direct 2d. Windows supports multiple threaded UI messages but pretty much nothing uses it due to compatibility issues and other complexities. We utilize multiple threads for UI only for toast notifications. What we use are higher priority messages rather than timers for things like metering and now time updates. So yes, the more plugins or other components that are keeping the UI thread busy the more lag will be perceived. We typically don't do expensive operations on the UI thread unless its a command and the UI needs to be intentionally blocked.
  2. Yeah "won't activate" was a bad use of words. I've updated the post. They have already diverged several ways by adding new features - just two recent examples are the new instrument sidechaining and external insert features if used won't be compatible with CbB. This doesn't mean the projects wont load in Cbb (we always support both forwards and backwards compatibility) but those features won't work properly in CbB or may cause functional issues.
  3. @Jaime Ramírez Are you referring to the Melodyne time display play head when you say "cursor". Typically plugins display their time info using timers. In Sonar we have a more optimized way to display our playhead so its possible that Melodyne itself is not very optimized for displaying its time. That would be something for Celemony to look into. Also, if this is happening in a specific project, it may be that some other plugin is hogging the UI thread and blocking updates in Melodyne as a result. As mentioned, we're not seeing this across the board.
  4. You can certainly open your projects. Only saving new edits is disabled and export. Same as classic SONAR. And yes for infrequent users they can certainly subscribe when they need to. This is one of the benefits of a monthly sub - its a very cost effective way to use it if you are an infrequent user.
  5. I think you are confusing TH3 with TH-U. The new Cakewalk TH-U bundle is a Sonar and Next exclusive and will not work with CbB. Unless as Jon mentioned you have a full license of THU from Overloud itself. The latest update to Sonar which does include TH-U will likely go out sometime this week.
  6. Given the crap you get from Starbucks passing off as coffee I can guarantee you that you're getting a supremely better deal with Sonar ?
  7. Hi Tom please send me an email or PM. Yes I think you will like the EI enhancements even besides mono outs. It was sad to lose Billy. Passionate guy.
  8. It's no different from the old Sonar platinum membership other than the fact that there is no unlock after 12 months. After the lease period elapses the software won't activate until you purchase a new membership. EDIT: "won't activate" was a bad use of words. You can still open the app and load projects but you will not be able to save. i.e the software acts like its in "demo mode"
  9. Not today but there are definitely plans to do this among other things in the future. In fact, the new vector drawing facilitates this.
  10. If you actually read my last message you would see that I said “there will be other promos”. There are some people that will genuinely benefit from this promo. If its not for you wait for another. Can we please stop with the endless negativity?
  11. Glad you like Sonar. BTW mono external inserts will be in the upcoming release next week. Re SSL are you referring to their channel strip plugins? Not sure what integration you mean. If it's vst3 they should work like any other plug-in. We support the channel context vst extensions so if they support it, it should work. That's how softube etc do it in Sonar.
  12. See Ashwins post above. This is a general sale targeted for BandLab membership and not specifically for Cakewalk users. Sales come and go at all companies esp during July 4th. It would have been nice if it included existing members but there will be other promos.
  13. Send a message to support. Perhaps @Ashwin Rao can help.
  14. Just a heads up for anyone wanting to get Sonar. Edit: Please note that this specific promo is only for new bandlab membership subscribers so if you are already a member this promotion will not apply to you. If I may say it, irrespective of preferences you might have for perpetual licenses it's a pretty insane deal to get a full year of updates to Sonar, Next and all the other membership perks at this price. Here's the link. https://www.bandlab.com/membership PS: no further debates about membership here please. This is simply an informational message for those who may not know about this deal.
  15. Glad you were able to get it activated. Support can work with you on the web issue. Regarding the crash, normally there isn't any issue changing driver settings outside the app as long as the driver makes the proper notifications to the host. Which device are you using? If you send me a crash dump from the crash I can take a look at what caused the crash.
  16. Have you purchased a bandlab membership? To clarify, having a free bandlab account will not activate Sonar. You need to purchase either a monthly or annual membership and then sign in to your account from Sonar before it will activate. Until you do that you can only evaluate the software.
  17. Sorry that you are having trouble. Kindly contact support and they will troubleshoot with you.
  18. We know that you don't like subscriptions. Posting repeated inflammatory posts about this is not great and will result in posts getting locked or removed. This is a peer to peer forum to discuss the use of Sonar and ask questions about the product, not the company's business policies. You aren't going to get responses to such queries.
  19. Mp3 settings are saved as part of the project if you use export task queues.
  20. This information is already there in the project info tab in the browser.
  21. A more appropriate forum for feature requests is here. Some of these have been requested before. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/forum/8-feedback-loop/
  22. We'll force remove the shortcut in the next update.
  23. Here is a doc that highlights some of the features in Sonar. It needs to be updated and doesn't include XSampler and some other new features yet. Besides this, there have been tons of performance and usability enhancements as well as many hundreds of bug fixes since CbB. Just considering the UX improvements this would be the most significant Cakewalk release since Sonar X1. To give you an idea of ongoing work here is the changelog from our recent internal release.
  24. At the application level we don’t distinguish between the core types. It just works with threads and we create one thread per core. The OS scheduler and CPU itself handle the lower level management of the cores.
  25. No need for that. You can run Clean Audio Folder from the process or tools menu I forget where it is. It will scan and show you all files no longer referenced by the project and allow you to delete them. Its pretty normal for the application to leave behind files as part of import or when you undo an import. It can’t delete them because the user may choose to redo the operation.
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