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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. That's listing a stack overflow in ucrtbase.dll is most likely a redist problem. What version of Cakewalk are you running? Try installing the latest early access release.
  2. This is fixed in the latest early access release. Please download it and verify if it solves your problem.
  3. @Herbert Miron Its possible that one of your plugin's is corrupting memory leading to this. If you have already tried safe mode and loaded the project without any plugins check if your Microsoft redistributables are up to date by following this link. That installer should repair your redists in case that is the issue. Do you get the issue only with that project or any project you try and open?
  4. Yes I can confirm that this is a change in behavior. We'll look into addressing it for the upcoming December update. Thanks for your report.
  5. Cakewalk isn't a DPI aware application and so it relies on Windows to do the scaling. In some scenarios text in menus may not look very crisp as a result of this. Are you sure that you are running at the native resolution and Windows is not set to do scaling in display settings?
  6. @Greg Wynn Nothing in this release I know of that would cause that. What levels specifically were reset? Can you send the CWP file you used prior to opening it and show what the levels were in the prior version? You can easily roll back and verify if the levels are what you expect. Take screenshots before and after.
  7. @Matthew Simon Fletcher Could you send a link to your template so we can try and evaluate why it takes long?
  8. This is addressed for the next release. Its not a bug as such but was a missing case. Melodyne or any ARA plugin pre reads the audio and streams it as needed. I've now added special handling for ARA plugins to mute their output during override recording and comping.
  9. Exactly, there is no universal way to set the buffer size.
  10. I found the way to recreate the problem. It was the Bass track being soloed that leads to the issue. It internally soloes the sidechain bus for the sonitus compressor. Older versions don't handle this properly and think that some other track is soloed when its not, which is why they play silent even after unsoloing the bass track. There was an additional corner case I wasn't handling which is why even saving after unsoloing didn't fix it. I've solved that issue for the next release.
  11. @Terry Kelley your issue appears to be caused due to an internal sidechain bus being left in a soloed state. I cannot reproduce anything that could cause that problem the latest release. Is it possible that you started that project in an early access release that had that issue? In any case it can be fixed by simply turning on exclusive solo and toggling solo on the master bus and resaving your project. If you or @Michael Reynolds have any way of reproducing this in a project from a fresh project created in the 2020.11 release let me know ASAP.
  12. If you have a copy of the project with the issue send us a zip or bundle file containing the audio as well.
  13. 32 GB is plenty for most purposes. If you have an issue its unlikely to be RAM. If you are using the latest Cakewalk it will list a code if there is a dropout. That can be used to diagnose the cause.
  14. To clarify - this is not a bug per se. Its an unfortunate side effect of backwards compatibility of projects when dealing with 8.3 file names in the case of VST2 only.
  15. Yes this is the unfortunate effect of 8.3 names with VST2. We have code to handle loading plugins irrespective of mismatches and we synthesize a better UUID that doesnt rely on short names for that. However for automation it still uses the old format for compatibility reasons. I'll think about it some more and see if there is a way to auto detect this and prevent envelopes getting orphaned in such scenarios but its not going to be easy.
  16. This would be rare. We replace VST2 to VST3 based on rules provided by the VST3 spec. If a plugin vendor marks the plugin as being convertable then its unlkely they will change parameters because that would be silly.
  17. It is not linked to the plugin dll and certainly not the install path. However there are some caveats with VST2 plugins. see below. Plugins are assigned a 128 bit UUID when scanned which is used for all operations including loading plugins as well as automation. For VST2 plugins the UUID is derived from the manufacturer assigned plugin ID as well as the plugin name (because ID's are not guaranteed to be unique). This is the legacy method used only for VST2. VST3 plugins already have unique UUID's . For automation envelopes for VST2 plugins for legacy reasons the UUID utilizes the 8.3 plugin name. If you are loading a project on two machines and the 8.3 file name differs for the plugin you can run into orphaned envelopes. The most common reason for this is because the new machine has disabled 8.3 file names on the hard drive. This is a bad idea. You can check if there are different 8.3 file names on the two machines for the same plugin dll by running this from a dos box and replacing <plugin.dll> with the actual dll name. If the dll has an 8.3 file name it will be listed. BOTH machines must have identical 8.3 names or automation will get orphaned potentially. dir /X <plugin.dll> Do this test and see if you find a difference with the plugins that are having orphaned envelopes. If there is no 8.3 name then you need to reenable support for it in the OS and re-install or copy the plugins again to let the OS generate them. This is not something we can change for VST2 without breaking compatibility with millions of projects. This is a good reason to not use VST2 plugins when possible.
  18. @Jacques Boileau This is data specific so we will need a zip of the project with the issue.
  19. That error is displayed when no presets were imported for a selected category or something failed while loading a specific preset. However if you see the presets imported OK looks like you are all set.
  20. If I remember you can select all the plugins and then import and it should import to the relevant ones.
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