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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. Not at all. Bit depth and sample rate are unrelated.
  2. I was referring to the File name field not the new dialog itself. Sorry we don't plan on having two different dialogs in place. Its not practical.
  3. Nothing forces you to use this. Change the file name to what you want it to be. It defaults to a tag thats all. Please read the release notes or follow the video tutorial posted in this thread to understand how to use the new features.
  4. @Ty Ener-Chi please post in the main feedback thread and provide a project that has a repro. Its impossible to diagnose without knowing exactly what you are doing. Have you tried rolling back to the prior release to check if its a new issue or not?
  5. This is as expected. The content of the MP3 export dialogs is captured at the time that the tasks are created allowing the user to change the default ID3 info. If you change the project settings after the fact it won't pick it up. You will need to update the tasks manually if you do that.
  6. You can double click any task to recall its settings. Recalling automatically would have been potentially annoying if someone just clicked a task. To save new settings to an existing task you can do it from the drop down menu for the task (button to the right of the task)
  7. Performance is mentioned primarily to explain that using double precision doesn’t mean you will get half the CPU performance because there are secondary optimizations in modern processors. The main benefit is the higher precision. Compare these two formats: 32 bit float https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-precision_floating-point_format Sign bit: 1 bit Exponent width: 8 bits Significand precision: 24 bits (23 explicitly stored) And 64 bit: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-precision_floating-point_format Sign bit: 1 bit Exponent: 11 bits Significand precision: 53 bits (52 explicitly stored) In practical terms, the second has much more than 24 bit resolution so you could literally go through a huge number of gainstages, bounces or mixes and the noise floor would be inaudible. With modern CPU’s why not use the best resolution.
  8. That is not a net performance gain in general. It Is talking about specific mix operations in the engine. And the avx thing is talking about gains with avx processing rather than double precision vs single precision. The only reason I quoted that paper was because modern processors have abilities to handle 64 bit operations more efficiently. Processing twice the amount of data for streaming is always going to have a cost.
  9. I don't think we ever claimed a net performance gain. It's about precision and noise.
  10. The 64 bit engine can be turned on in preferences or in exporr. The first is applied while playing the second while rendering. They both affect the engine by telling out to use 64 bit float when mixing and streaming. Bit depth only affects the file capture at the end of the signal chain when exporting or bouncing.
  11. Modern as in circa 2005 lol. This is not new technology - we led with it a long time ago. I’m surprised this thread is even being discussed in 2021, Using 64 bit however requires twice the buffer size so it has a higher memory hit and takes a bit more cpu to handle the extra data being streamed. Also even today there are a few plugins that don’t handle it properly so there are a few downsides. An example of 64 bit gains is discussed in another white paper that we published with Intel several years ago. http://www.noelborthwick.com/2011/07/14/utilizing-intel-avx-with-cakewalk-sonar-x1/
  12. These links should help. http://forum.cakewalk.com/64bit-Audio-engine-vs-double-precision-engine-and-a-dithering-question-Noel-please-m3804976.aspx https://www.cakewalk.com/Press/Release/1047/White-Paper-Benifits-of-x64-for-Audio-Workstations Essentially the 64 bit engine uses double precision floating point numbers from end to end assuming that plugins support it. The main advantage of 64 bit computing is that its very tolerant of errors that build up over thousands or millions of computations and has a massive dynamic range. You can literally do multiple mixing gainstages that clip > 0dB or go to very low levels and then scale back up with no audible errors creeping in. In fact the original white paper had a test project that did something like that. Not only is it advantageous for mixing, it is actually more efficient for modern CPUs to process. As far as the export settings go, its simply a way to control whether you want the export to use the 64 bit engine processing or not. I.e you can have it disabled in preferences and enabled in the export or vice versa, (If its disabled in export it will NOT use 64 bit processing even if it’s ON in preferences) The delivery file format is independent of the engine precision. You can choose to export to 16, 24, 32 or 64 bits. Obviously 64 bits will retain the full resolution and integer formats will be dithered down. There are still advantages to mixing in 64 bit even if rendering to 16 bit because the conversion happens at the last stage. Whether you will hear a difference with 64 bit really depends on the processing in the project. In simpler projects without a ton of buses and processing its unlikely that it would be audible.
  13. @Adam can you elaborate further what specifically is broken? If you can attach a simple test project or give a step by step recipe it would help reproduce the issue here. I’m sure it is something minor to fix if its broken. Preferably please post any bugs or regressions to the main 2021.09 feedback thread since we’re tracking that more closely.
  14. It's not. Most encoders write audio directly without first being written to wav. Only the external encoder does that
  15. That means you are running the wrong rollback. Make sure your are running the one from here https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/33755-current-release-202109/
  16. I'm thinking of adding a parallel export to wav for other encoders
  17. Which version of Windows are you running? This sounds like you potentially have a bad installation and some components did not install properly if its crashing immediately on creating a new project. I suggest rebooting your computer make sure you don’t have Antivirus software running and then try reinstalling Cakewalk. You can also rollback to the last version and reinstall the software again.
  18. @Jean Corivo Have you tried rolling back to the prior release to verify that this is actually specific to 09? Upsample on render depends on whether the plugin supports it. Not all synths support it properly. Also by any chance are you setting the render buffer size to a higher value?
  19. I can repro it with your file! I'll investigate it thanks.
  20. Yes you can create two tasks and they will render the wav and mp3. Its not rendered at the same time however it will do two bounces.
  21. In addition to what Jon said, have you set your bounce buffer size to a high value? If so set it back to Follow Playback buffer size and retry. Also you can easily disable the plugin flushing as mentioned in the release notes: Edit > Preferences > Audio - Configuration File: BounceFlushTailsMaxDurationSec=n (0 to 60; default is 20; set to 0 to disable tails flushing) Effects tails maximum flush length while bouncing (seconds).
  22. Yes we should not be displaying that error message. Its a known issue thanks.
  23. This is a known issue explicitly mentioned in the release notes. Its out of our control: Caution: Some plugins can be unstable or crash with large buffer sizes so use this with caution. Depending on the plugins used, we recommend using moderate sizes like 50-100 msec rather than higher sizes. Also if you are using plugin automation, large buffer sizes will not sound smooth if you are using plugins that do not support sample accurate automation. Several IK multimedia plugins also have this issue.
  24. @rocstudio I'm not seeing any cases where audio disappears when you do a bounce to clip with buffer size set to 350. If you can reproduce this can you share a zip of your project folder so we can look at it?
  25. Yes the that buffer size is global so is used by bounce to clip as well. That part is not new to this release. Perhaps we should ignore that setting for bounce to clips since it has no UI.
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