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Noel Borthwick

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Posts posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. On 11/26/2022 at 3:45 AM, tulamide said:

    This version changed something regarding my personal issues. The first start, until the project selection window opens, is not faster. But the plugins do load faster at project load. They also open fast now (at least all of which I tested) in the DAW. But the "busy" moment after stopping the playback has not gone completely. It does happen when I run a loop and work a bit, especially MIDI. The display that normally shows the current time in the transport bar, and is used also to show progress when rendering or opening, shows a progress bar after 1 second, for maybe another second. I can only read about "saving", the rest goes away too quickly.

    @tulamide try capturing a video while you stop the transport. That will show the exact message being displayed. Most likely this is autosave which if you have a big project will take a second to save the project. Perhaps one of your plugins is causing the project to get modified while playing.

  2. The slow start issue your reported should be solved in the early access build. 

    Your other issue on stopping the transport was also solved in the 2022.11 release. By default Cakewalk doesn't send all notes off messages now which was the cause of the delay with some instruments and plugins.

  3. It so turns out that there is no Windows API to reliably detect no internet when you are going through a network/router. The known API's report a valid connection even when the router actually has no internet! Likely because from the point of view of Windows it is "connected".
    I actually tested the API's and they report internet connectivity even though its dead. Windows itself actually pings the microsoft servers to check for internet.
    See this article.


    So in a nutshell the only way we can prevent this lag while checking, is by doing the check asynchronously.  I'll look into this for a future version...

    • Like 2
  4. How long is the timeout? It's probably doing the check for updates and timing out. It's quite fast when there is really no Internet but perhaps when it's on a lan with no Internet it's less efficient. 

    I've now changed the API to check for an internet connection so perhaps it will improve.

    How do I test your use case - just have a lan connection with no Internet?

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  5. 2 hours ago, Milton Sica said:

    don't know what operations are carried out to close a Project, but I think that maybe it also deserves to be observed if there isn't something better in the routines, because I observe that for many seconds the application appears as NOT RESPONDING

    Not responding is shown when the user interface is busy for a long time. Again this is most likely mainly due to plug-ins talking a long time on destruction. See if manually closing plug-in UI before closing the project makes a difference. Are you using 32 but plugins? This will also slow down further in this case because of bitbridge overhead.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Milton Sica said:

    What I can report is that projects that took 1.30 m/1.40 m to open now open in 30/35 s

    That's good. Do you have an lot of open plug-in windows in your projects?

    Most likely some plugins are doing excessive message activity when their UI is opened the first time, resulting in slowing down the project open. If you close the plug-in UI before saving the project is it still slow to open?

    We initially were waiting for all UI activity to finish before showing the project to prevent flicker. Now we only wait for our drawing to complete. 

    Is the load time better than prior releases as well or the same as it was in 2022.09 now?

  7. On 11/22/2022 at 8:47 AM, tulamide said:

    And the prior version is 2022.09
    I also don't experience this issue with my other DAWs, for example Waveform and FL Studio.
    As I wrote, I don't use any AV other than Windows Defender.
    I will happily try the full installer.

    @tulamide since you are the only one reporting this issue can you please try the latest build we posted.
    There is a change that may resolve the issue you were seeing where some plugins could slow down project load times.


  8. It's odd because there are no plugin related changes in 2022.11 compared to 2022.09. There are a few completely unrelated features that would not change this behavior and we don't observe this behavior.
    Is this happening with all your projects or only a specific one. Please try and pare down your project to try and troubleshoot it further and find what tracks/plugins specifically are causing the slowdown. Then PM me a link to a zip file with the project that exhibits the problem and we can try and replicate it here if possible. Also if you have a second PC to try the same test it would be useful.

    This article has some details on troubleshooting plugin related compatibility issues that might be useful.


  9. Have you actually tried the rollback process to the prior version (2022.09) or are you speaking anecdotally based on what you observed after install.
    Also its important to note which version you were running BEFORE you installed 2022.11. If you had a much older version that you aren’t comparing apples to apples. Most of the time slowdowns like this are caused by AV programs or other tools interfering with the process of loading dll’s by aggressively checking them.
    Comparing other apps is meaningless because they are not loading 3rd party dll’s
    Another thing to try is to run the FULL installer which is linked on the release notes post, then reboot your system make sure other apps are not running and try again.

  10. 12 hours ago, winkpain said:

    For what it's worth, information-wise, I use Melodyne quite a bit, stand-alone and ARA in CW.

    Every project that I've used with Melodyne/ARA in CW has this \Melodyne\Transfers folder in the CW project folder file, and every one of them is empty.  The \Separations folder located in \My Documents\Celemony (or wherever determined from within Melodyne Preferences) is the folder with all the pertinent data in it, it would appear. And this folder can grow quite large.

    Maybe you added it by accident to an FX bin at some time. Or perhaps Melodyne itself creates the folder even though it doesnt need it. People copy projects with Melodyne all the time. I doubt that the separations folder is necessary and is likely used for internal temporary data. You can prove it for yourself by moving a project to a different machine or by temporarily renaming the seperations folder and opening an existing project. I bet the separations will be regenerarated from the existing project data.

  11. I think there is some confusion about this. When using Melodyne in ARA mode the Melodyne Transfer folder is not used because the audio comes from Cakewalk's project audio folder directly. All assets are managed by the DAW.

    If you do not use ARA mode and capture audio in Melodyne then it will create a "Transfers" folder beneath our Audio folder. Cakewalk gives the plugin access to the project folder for this correctly.

    I've no idea what the separations folder is used for but it is not per region data managed by the app. Its specific to Melodyne and not handled by the DAW. I suggest talking to Celemony about how to manage the data in that folder.

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  12. @ku7431 we actually ran into this after installing an update to the latest version of Visual Studio. We have a fix for it but we assumed that end users would not run into it so we were deferring it to the next release.
    By any chance do you have Visual Studio 2022 installed?

  13. 7 hours ago, bitflipper said:

    I got to wondering if you could say that about any file. So I saved your last post and loaded into Adobe Audition as raw audio. It plays, albeit very briefly. Here's what it looks like:


    The audio will be nonsensical to listen to. Basically the bundle stores wave files of the same bit depth back to back in different chunks. Most wav file importers will grab just the first chunk and ignore the rest.

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