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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. A couple of important notes... Aquiver is current selling at Rigid Audio for $4.99 If you're on their mailing list or maybe it requires that you've previously purchased from Rigid Audio in the past - then check your emails. The email includes link that gives you a 20% discount! So price would be $3.99 Also if you're not on their mailing list... If you sign up you'll receive two FREE KONTAKT instruments! http://rigid-audio.com/page41.html
  2. LAST 24 HOURS - SAVE 40% OFF THE LATEST DRONAR MODULE Forgive the double post but without changing title of original post some people might not realize sale ending. https://www.timespace.com/products/gothic-instruments-dronar-orchestral-woodwinds Perfect for media composers and sound designers, Orchestral Woodwinds includes premium recordings of flute, piccolo, clarinet, oboe & bassoon performances. But hurry the intro deal ends tomorrow! "A great addition of expressive and evolving wind-based sound design" - Sample Library Review Possible additional discounts: SAVE! If you've previously bought a Gothic Instruments title from Time+Space use code: GOTHLOYA20 when you checkout to save 20% off this title at any time! This code can also be used against other Gothic Instruments libraries. NOTE: You must be logged into your account when you checkout to take advantage of this discount. The following is from an email sent to me - this may be a personal discount code (if so it'll probably only work for the 1st person who uses it). As a valued T+S customer you can use the code NSRCVE0Y to save an extra 20% to make total of 40% off until 11.59pm GMT on Feb 4th If you can redeem loyalty points.
  3. LAST 24 HOURS - SAVE 40% OFF THE LATEST DRONAR MODULE https://www.timespace.com/products/gothic-instruments-dronar-orchestral-woodwinds Perfect for media composers and sound designers, Orchestral Woodwinds includes premium recordings of flute, piccolo, clarinet, oboe & bassoon performances. But hurry the intro deal ends tomorrow! "A great addition of expressive and evolving wind-based sound design" - Sample Library Review As a valued T+S customer you can use the code NSRCVE0Y to save an extra 20% to make total of 40% off until 11.59pm GMT on Feb 4th With discount price comes to $41.87, cheaper if you can redeem loyalty points.
  4. My first concert was seeing Yes after the release of Close to the Edge at, I think, the Long Beach Area. I went with a car load of friends stuffed into my newly acquired and resuscitated Ford Falcon station wagon. At Yes' appearance at the 2017 R&R Hall of Fame Geddy Lee fills in for the late bassist Chris Squire and kicks @ss.
  5. Recommend with an SSD that you change the size to 1GB min/max* otherwise you disable your system from being able to log certain kinds of errors. *and/or if you have an HD move it to there. You system might operate fine with 0 page space but if, for example, you're having shutdown errors you'd never know until something more serious starts occurring.
  6. AudioModern Riffer v1.1.2 for both Mac/Windows is available. Released: Jan 25, 2019 (based on file date). Download from your account - https://audiomodern.com/my-account/ No idea what has changed - no change log, no news on web site or KVR. Last email notice I received was for update 1.07 Still has issue where exported MIDI* only matches forward pattern not your program settings i.e. no backward or pingpong. *this is regarding the drag'n'drop MIDI functionality, recording the MIDI output works just fine. Found out about update when I checked creator's website after I noticed plugin was still for sale on AudioPlugins site for $29 (using reward discount) https://audioplugin.deals/riffer-by-audiomodern/
  7. 30% off Presonus Presence XT Editor, now $55 instead of $79: https://www.jrrshop.com/presonus-presence-xt-editor $46.20 with code: GROUP Presence XT Editor Full control over sample zone, layer and program functions Intuitive user interface Powerful JavaScript engine Full control over articulations and key-switching Customizable knobs and buttons Presence XT Editor unlocks the Edit Page of Presence XT, the built-in sample player instrument of Studio One. This add-on turns a great-sounding instrument into a powerful sound design tool for musicians, producers, and sound-designers. With direct support for all major sampler formats, it's the perfect host for any custom sampler sound library. Import samples via drag & drop, supporting popular formats such as WAV, Kontakt (unprotected}, Giga, SoundFont and EXS24. Edit mappings, layers, and various trigger options. The assign articulations to key switches with just a few clicks. Then add additional realism to sounds with manual or automated sound shaping and sample playback variations using the powerful JavaScript based script editor and create effects like fret noise, key-clicks, or legato via scripts. In addition 8 assignable knobs and buttons are available as custom script controls. System Requirements Compatible with Studio One 3.2.2 Professional or higher Finished sounds can be saved as Presence XT presets or exported in a compact sampler file containing all samples, mappings, scripts, and settings for convenient file sharing and exchange.
  8. Actually that's one of the reasons why a post is locked; voting either yay, nay, hooray, etc. is tantamount to continuing the discussion.
  9. Don't know if this is what you mean... If you click on your user name you can then select your level of ignoring (level of ignorance?)
  10. Lol, good ol Slippery - new user with 2 posts under his belt or old user using an alias to troll the forum? Perfect of example of why a locked post should actually be locked. Also a good example of why users with under 10 posts shouldn't be allowed to 'react' to posts - to prevent flyby spamming.
  11. Another option: Acon Digital Verbrrate is on sale now $29 at Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/17-Reverb/886-Verberate
  12. Here's a nice freebie GT Analyser (free) High resolution spectrum analyzer plugin with loads of control. Info at: https://gramotech.co.uk/products/gt_analyser/ Direct download: Windows VST3 Mac plugin downloads available at plugin creator's web site.
  13. If a post is locked why allow reactions? Seems counter intuitive.
  14. The musician's version of Pokeman...
  15. Final reminder AAS String Studio VS-3 intro pricing is ending. https://www.applied-acoustics.com/string-studio-vs-3/ Sale pricing: $99 new user, $39 upgrade Received an email saying pricing ends on Feb 5th but web site says in a week & 2 days (around Feb 11th). Either way if you want to pick this up and have been procrastinating then you may be running out of time. Edit: AAS String Studio v-3 sale ends Feb 5th. The Hoover sound pack deal / everything Chromophone 50% off deal is what ends somewhere around Feb 11th.
  16. Thanks @Tiger The Frog without your review I might have ended up passing on this. Picked up Terracotta and found that it was more that a one trick pony. The ad says "7 layers of sound mix for unique sound design" Thought they would be just 7 terracotta versions or effects but 3 of them are actually separate (good sounding) instruments. So it's like getting 4 instruments (Terracotta, Celesta, Steel String and Music Box). So now I'm going to pick up Pheonix as well
  17. Get Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China, FREE directly from Ubisoft! Till Feb 5th - requires signing up for Ubisoft store membership https://store.ubi.com/us/game/?dwvar_56c4947f88a7e300458b4682_Platform=pcdl&pid=56c4947f88a7e300458b4682&lang=en_US Following info and review available at here: https://www.gamespot.com/articles/free-game-now-available-at-ubisoft-store-grab-it-n/1100-6464743/ Ubisoft is offering another new free game, for a limited time. This time it's the 2D stealth-action game Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China, one of the very few Assassin's Creed games that doesn't take place in Europe or the Americas. Make sure to claim your free copy through the Ubisoft Store anytime by February 5. This was one of a trilogy of Chronicles games, which each featured a new setting and Assassin. China features the female assassin Shao Jun, who trained under the series' biggest star, Ezio Auditore da Firenze. She returns to her homeland to take out a group of Templars called the Eight Tigers. Subsequent Chronicles games would be set in India during the Sikh Empire and Russia just after the October Revolution. Ubisoft has made a regular practice of giving away free games through its PC storefront, and this comes just as Epic Games has started to do the same for its own burgeoning store. Steam and Epic have been starting to battle it out publicly lately. Ubisoft's own store is competing with them to an extent, but as a publisher it's also able to partner with either store. The Division 2 is eschewing Steam for the Ubisoft Store, for example.
  18. Up to 50% off Sound Forge and Vegas Pro, plus Acid Pro for $99: https://www.jrrshop.com/magix?dir=desc&order=special_from_date Magix Acid Pro 8 $99 Magix Sound Forge Pro 12 $199 Magix Vegas Pro 16 $299 Magix Vegas Pro 16 Suite $399 I'm sure that our UK users will be jumping on this Acid Pro sale after the rejecting the Steam sale earlier...
  19. He seems like a knowledgeable guy - do you have a link or details on the lifetime thingamabob?
  20. Advanced Guitar Series: Guitalele for Kontakt Instruments VST-AU-AAX Flash Sale: $38 (goes $198 on February 1st Noon PST) Kontakt VST / AU / AAX 10,500+ Samples. 4.8GB (compressed from 11.7GB) Deep-Sampled Guitalele w/ new Solo and Strum-Engines Advanced Legato hammer on samples Designed as intuitive and playable right off the keys Intuitive 3D-Rendered User Interface Chaos FX System Product only available as Direct Download Full Retail Version of Kontakt 5.5 (or later) Required Clean link: https://8dio.com/instrument/advanced-guitar-series-guitalele-for-kontakt-instruments-vst-au-aax-samples/
  21. Udemy sale - courses for $9.99 https://www.udemy.com Of possible interest: Audio Engineering: Mixing with Studio One https://www.udemy.com/audio-engineering-mixing-with-studio-one/ Ultimate Home Recording School (1st Edition) Newbie to Pro! https://www.udemy.com/ultimate-home-recording-school-first-edition/ Music Production I - Learn to be a Music Producer! https://www.udemy.com/music-production/ Music Production in Ableton Live 9 - The Complete Course! https://www.udemy.com/abletonlive/ and others...
  22. Is this a script? If so, can I win the lotto next episode? Hey I'll even buy a ticket... On another note looks like last day of sale is today Jan 31st*. *based on ads by various resellers.
  23. During the panic of 2017 I upgraded my Cubase Elements to a full version and upgraded my old Studio One v2; not that I planned on abandoning Sonar/Cakewalk but I wanted to be more multi-lingual DAW-wise and it gave me an excuse to make the acquisition. Unfortunately I haven't done much with either. It's just that with everything else that has hit my personal fan over the last year Currently I'm using Cakewalk, Image Line and Ableton. Cakewalk is my goto DAW, but I find that the different workflows of Image Line and Ableton help foster a different mode of creativity.
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