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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. Clean link without all the gunk https://8dio.com/instrument/adagio-violas/ According to a couple of different posters at VI Control this is one of their best string libraries. Here is a comparison of various 8dio string libraries:
  2. Vocallective's NATA female voicebank for the Plogue Alter/Ego realtime voice synthesizer is now a free download Site: https://nata.vocallective.net Plogue Alter/Ego https://www.plogue.com/downloads.html#alterego Announcement: https://www.twitter.com/vocallective I haven't tried this yet so can't testify to how good/bad/easy/hard it is.
  3. I was wondering the same thing and contacted the creator. I received the following reply this morning.
  4. May or may not be related but I'll mention this in case it might help. I recently had a similar problem with Wave 10 after I reinstalled the Abbey Road suite where the VST scan would hit Waves 10 and then crawl like a sick slug , issue went away after I reinstalled Mercury. Details: Waves uses a couple of DLLs to cover it's library. Abbey Roads was on WaveShell3-VST3 10.0_x64.vst3 and after reinstalling A.R. the DLL was the same version but had a newer time/date stamp than the other two. Additional attempts at reinstalling A.R. didn't change things, reinstalling Mercury (which updated WaveShell1-VST3 10.0_x64.vst3 and WaveShell2-VST3 10.0_x64.vst3) did. As mentioned previously problem didn't occur till after after I reinstalled Abbey Roads and all the Waves VST3s were the same version. Now my VST scan times are back to normal. If still having issue try reinstalling your Waves plugins.
  5. Caught my attention because its one the few (at the moment) new libraries specifically for Kontact 6. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ http://soundethers.wixsite.com/soundethers/granular-moon-kontakt-6 Soundethers has released Granular Moon, a collection for Kontakt 6. Price $30 Tech Specs: 250+ patches, divided in 5 categories, with Mod Wheel assigned to all sounds. 127 original samples (3.73 GB) delivered in wave 48hz/24-bit, ready to use in a DAW. Content: Atmospheres (66) – evolving sounds with intervals - long samples (up to 4 minutes..). Field Loops (28) – raw environments recorded at hi-res in different locations. Multis (91) – the real core folder of this library, explore it. Pads (30) – tonal playable sounds - analog sources processed with granular synthesis. Arps (36) – additional unusual arps, made with the basic Kontakt arpeggiator script. Full detailed manual, with infos and screenshots. Read and edit sounds. Price: $30 - Granular Moon is made for Kontakt 6 full version only. It works in demo mode in the Free Kontakt Player for 15 min. only.
  6. I still have my Akai S900 with the GreyMatter expansion. I've thought about selling it but every blue moon I dig it out and use the audio triggers for something or other so for the moment I'm going to hang on to it.
  7. TheSteven

    Send audio to VSTi

    If audio is coming into Cakewalk in an Audio Track - can't you drop your plugin in the track's FX bin?
  8. Stumbled across these GM (General MIDI) drum patterns. Chances are you probably have similar or better patterns with your favorite drum VSTi but these might come in handy and the price is certainly right. http://www.fivepinpress.com/drum_patterns.html Direct download link: InstantDrumPatterns.zip from web page: Instant Drum Patterns 200 and 260 Instant Drum Patterns At last, a solution to electronic drumming for people without a degree in percussion! Two all different book and software packages are available: 200 Instant Drum Patterns and 260 Instant Drum Patterns - for a total of 460 different patterns! They both include a variety of musical styles and fill patterns. About one-third of the patterns are fills. Features All patterns on disk Patterns shown in both music and grid notation Includes fill patterns Works with any sequencer (Standard MIDI File format) Works with any keyboard, module or drum machine with percussion sounds 200 and 260 Instant Drum Patterns Contents Ballad (15 patterns) Blues (6 patterns) Bossa Nova (6 patterns) Cha-cha (3 patterns) Disco (15 patterns) Funk (45 patterns) Pop (15 patterns) Reggae (15 patterns) Rock (15 patterns) R&B (15 patterns) Swing (9 patterns) Samba (9 patterns) Shuffle (6 patterns) Ska (3 patterns) Twist (6 patterns) Plus Endings260 Instant Drum Patterns (tm) Afro-Cuban (15 patterns) Blues (9 patterns) Boogie (6 patterns) Bossa Nova (9 patterns) Cha Cha (6 patterns) Disco (21 patterns) Funk (30 patterns) Jazz (9 patterns) Pop (18 patterns) Reggae (21 patterns) R&B (18 patterns) Rock (27 patterns) Samba (9 patterns) Shuffle (9 patterns) Slow (18 patterns) Swing (9 patterns) Twist (6 patterns) Waltz (6 patterns) Plus Endings and more. Instant Rap Patterns You asked for it - hot rap beats! The 560+ unique measures were written by leading drum author Chuck Kerrigan for drummers. The patterns can be used for rap, house, dance, pop, jazz or any style of music where you want a modern rap feel. etc.. These are GM mapped... more info on web page http://www.fivepinpress.com/drum_patterns.html
  9. If you have GPO 5 looks like they updated the install set on Oct 10th. from https://www.garritan.com/blog/the-lowdown-on-updated-installers-and-downloads/
  10. Thanks for heads up on update, haven't (at least yet) received notice from company.
  12. Note: In case you missed it - most of Voxengo's freebies now have VST3 versions. https://www.voxengo.com/group/free-vst-plugin-download
  13. 8-Jan-2019: Voxengo is pleased to announce the release of Warmifier version 2.2, a valve warming/harmonic enhancing plugin for professional music and audio production applications, available in AAX, AudioUnit, VST and VST3 plugin formats (including native 64-bit support), for macOS, and Windows computers. This updated version includes the following changes: · Added ProTools 12+ AAX64 support. · Redesigned the infrastructure controls. · Implemented color scheme editor with load and save functions. · Added several new color schemes. · Made the user interface scale switchable without host reload. · Added 90%, 110%, 150%, 175% visual scales. · 29% lower CPU usage on AVX2-capable processors (in 64-bit mode). · Added Retina support on macOS, and automatic high-resolution UI size adjustment on Windows. Warmifier is a special audio effect AAX, AudioUnit and VST plugin for professional sound and music production applications which processes audio signal in a way similar to analog tube/valve equipment. By using Warmifier you can achieve valve warming and “console” coloration effects. Warmifier is applicable both to the complete mixes and to the individual instrument tracks. You have several parameters at your disposal that allow you to control the strength and the color of the effect. Also, you have several tube/valve types to choose from. Each valve type offers a different overall coloration. While the effect of this plugin is definitely subtle, the difference it makes is similar to the difference in sound between various analog mixing consoles. In most cases it boils down to adding a subtle “sparkle”, “presence”, “warming” or “solidifying” effect to a sound track it was applied to. Warmifier features: · 7 valve types · 2 processing modes · Stereo processing · Up to 8x oversampling · 64-bit floating point processing · Preset manager · Undo/redo history · A/B comparisons · Contextual hint messages · All sample rates support · 41 ms compensated processing latency · User interface color schemes · Resizable user interface · Retina and HighDPI support Warmifier is available for purchase on-line for US$ 39.95. Demo version of Warmifier can be downloaded freely at the Voxengo web site: http://www.voxengo.com/product/warmifier/?eref=ml
  14. Thanks for update notice. Looks like it's popular...
  15. About The “Frog Guiro” is a wooden percussion instrument native to Thailand, popular with children and percussion students for its uncanny ability to croak like a live frog. They work great in Latin music too! There are varying sizes of frog guiros, ranging from as little as 2 inches in length, up to 7 inches and beyond! Contents THREE different sized frog guiros were sampled, each played with their own matched wooden stick. There are 2 microphone options available, and each frog was sampled “muted” in addition to the normal playing style, to offer variety. Articulations include: STROKES Full Strokes – 2 Speeds / forwards and backwards Half Strokes – 2 Speeds / forwards and backwards Brush Strokes – forwards and backwards Tremolo / Rolls – Up to 2 speeds HITS Front Side Tail Not all articulations are available for each frog, as the different sizes could not accommodate the same playing techniques. All three frogs are playable from within the one patch, with individual mic level control, panning, and playing style switching.
  16. https://www.botdogsamples.com/shop/frog-guiros/ Creators text: This time around we are *selling* the frogs for $5. I'm not calling it a donation because we're making it mandatory. However, 100% of every $5 we get will go to Education Through Music: Los Angeles. ETM:LA partners with inner-city schools in Los Angeles to provide music education and instruments to all children, and also uses music education to improve academics, motivation, and self-confidence. OK, that's a bit of a copy-and-paste job but I've seen it in action and they are really good. Jdog and I went to a classroom in South LA and handed out some frogs and got to talk to the kids about writing music, it was very cool. It makes such a difference with some of these kids, just little things like not having to share a communal mouthpiece (much less an instrument), things we take for granted. If you're the type that is suspicious of our charitable intent, don't buy it! Trust me on this much, we have spent WAY too much time and money on this project to try to scam you out of your 5 bucks at this point. Though I'm happy to be audited, or, if you'd rather, donate direct to ETM and email us your receipt. My real hope is that through our silly video we can raise awareness for ETM:LA even if we don't end up raising that much actual dollars. Special thanks to @Farkle and @Mike Greene and the other composers that agreed to play the frogs in our video. And much thanks to @Jdiggity1 who spent many many, many, many, hours on this project, and then some.
  17. New from AAS Applied Acoustics Systems - Hover Sound Pack for Chromaphone $19 (intro price) Looks like its only available at JRR Shop at the moment. https://www.jrrshop.com/aas-applied-acoustics-systems-hover
  18. SoundEmote has some very interesting sound mangling plugins - the audio equivalent of a touch of wasabi here, a little lighter fluid there, a scoop of ice cream and a couple of buttons of peyote . Interesting enough to convince your parents* that their concerns about your profession or hobby have been fully realized. *unless your parents were teenagers or in college during the 60's
  19. Musician's Friend Stupid Deal of the Day Was: $59.99 Today $29.99 Savings: $30.00
  20. free violin library https://performancesamples.com/conmoto-violinslegacy/#description CON MOTO – VIOLINS LEGACY Expressive Ensemble Strings with Motion In advance of the forthcoming Violins A, Violas, Violins B, and Basses releases… Con Moto – Violins Legacy consists of non-comprehensive material from an early recording session for Con Moto, before it was re-recorded in another room with a smaller ensemble. Twelve violins (primarily soloist and 1st-chair musicians) from the Capellen Orchestra Start new topicThree dynamic layers, from moderately soft to FFF “Active-bow” sustains (non-static longs that move and evolve while simultaneously maintaining the dynamic/timbre) Recorded in a hall with multiple mic positions: Close Decca Wide 48kHz / 24bit NCW-compressed, ~422 MB total Built for Kontakt 5.5.1 and above – full, retail version of Kontakt required Download via Continuata NOTE ON DELAY: this library has a moderately delayed response when playing (80 ms based on the close mic).
  21. Babylon - comprehensive equalizer plug-in with eight fully automatable filter types. on sale £10 MSRP £30 https://gramotech.co.uk/products/babylon/ GT Analyser (free) High resolution spectrum analyzer plugin with loads of control. Info at: https://gramotech.co.uk/products/gt_analyser/ Direct downloads: Windows VST3 MacOS AU MacOS VST3
  22. Not sure how useful this is but thinking it might be awesome if run on a touch sensitive screen to control things... While designed for use with Airwave V3 for Omnisphere there's no reason (that i see) that it can't be used for other purposes - see Advanced features below... https://github.com/getdunne/modmate MIDI Mod-Mate Direct downloads: http://getdunne.net/download/modmate/ This is a MIDI effect (can be inserted in the MIDI effects slot of Apple Logic Pro X) to provide a very basic MIDI "macro" capability. I developed this specifically for use with Airwave V3 for Omnisphere, a pair of sound libraries for Spectrasonics Omnisphere developed by Belgian DJ and sound designer Laurent Véronnez (aka Airwave) and John "Skippy" Lemkuhl aka PlugInGuru.com. The Airwave V3 sound libraries are unique in that four distinct MIDI CCs (continuous controllers) can be used to affect the sound in real-time: CC#1 (mod wheel) CC#2 (breath controller) CC#4 (foot controller) CC#67 (soft pedal) For the very best experience, you should use a hardware MIDI controller which provides multiple MIDI CCs, preferably in the form of touch sliders, as on the excellent Maschine JAM, or Sonic Logic 3 for iPad. For people who are not yet ready or able to buy these very nice hardware MIDI systems, I created this very simple plug-in, which lets you at least get started with Airwave V3, using just the standard controls available on nearly all MIDI keyboards: pitch bend and mod wheel. Using the ModMate plug-in (basic) The four large rectangles on the right of the GUI show the output levels for MIDI CC's 1, 2, 4, and 67 (top to bottom). The six narrow vertical rectangles on the left show the input levels (from your MIDI controller) for pitch-bend up (pbUp), pitch-bend down (pbDn), and mod wheel (modW), as well as MIDI CCs 2, 4, and 67 (ignore these if your MIDI controller has only pitch and mod wheels). To the right of each of these indicator strips are four checkboxes; checking any box connects that input to the corresponding CC output. Try it; it's easier to use than to explain. If you don't check any of an input control's four destination boxes, the control's data will be passed through the plug-in unchanged, so you can use that control normally. If your DAW supports it, your selections on all the checkboxes can be saved as a preset, and will normally be saved automatically as part of the track settings in a saved project. This has been tested with the Mac AU version in Logic Pro X and with the VST version in Reaper 64-bit. Advanced features You can click/drag in any of the vertical indicators on the left, and the plug-in will respond as though you had operated the corresponding input CC, and will generate CC output messages for whichever output CCs are checked for that input. You can also click/drag in any of the horizontal indicators on the right, and the plug-in will generate the corresponding output CC messages. In both cases, the indicator (and CC output) will snap back to zero when you release the mouse button. You can double-click any of the colored slider labels (not pbUp or pbDn) to change the corresponding MIDI CC number. You may type any number between 1 and 127; you don't have to put "cc" at the start, but it's OK if you do. You must press Enter to confirm the change. Note CC#1 will always display as "modW" because MIDI CC #1 is the standard mod wheel. If you have a MIDI controller with knobs or sliders pre-assigned to MIDI CC numbers other than those used by the Airwave V3 libraries, you'll want to change the input CC numbers along the top of the plug-in window, to whatever CC's your controller outputs. If you're using ModMate with an software instrument or library which is set up to respond to MIDI CCs other than what the Airwave V3 libraries use, you'll want to change the output CC numbers to the left of each large horizontal indicator. If your DAW supports it, your MIDI CC assignments can be saved/restored in presets, along with the checkbox settings.
  23. If you haven't rebooted your computer since the problem first occurred reboot your system now, then do a full VST Rescan. Sometimes the VST Scanner gets stuck and if that is part of the problem until you kill the process or reboot things won't change. To perform a full VST Rescan: 1. Go to Edit > Preferences > File - VST Settings. 2. Under Scan Options, select Re-scan Existing Plug-ins and Re-scan Failed Plug-ins, then click Reset. 3. The following confirmation message appears: “This will reset configuration settings for all your VST plug-ins to defaults. VST Plug-ins will be unavailable until a VST Scan is performed. Any custom configuration settings will be lost. Are you sure you want to do this?” 4. Click Yes. 5. Click Scan. The background VST scanner scans your list of plug-ins. When scanning is complete, you can reapply any custom settings to your plug-ins. Note: After performing a full VST rescan, clear the Rescan Failed Plug-ins and Rescan Existing Plug-ins check boxes, especially if Automatic Background Scan is selected. Leaving all of these options configured simultaneously can lead to a continuous scan loop.
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