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Everything posted by paulo

  1. I don't really see how encouraging people to pay for a different daw instead of paying for the one that he's always told people is great (and will probably still be cheaper than s1) is going to help him maintain credibility.
  2. The questions are easy if you know the answers and difficult if you don't.?
  3. I'd say he lost the plot quite some time before that.
  4. The bit at 3:53 is what I've always imagined would happen if I were to stand at your front door and press the bell ring button.
  5. I guess....... if you're one of those special people that considers something that you paid extra for as being free.
  6. Correct. Buying an NI drive was a waste of time and money in my experience. NA re-downloaded every single thing on it anyway.
  7. That'll be about 50 unemployed per Beyonce album then...
  8. Quoted utterance is misleading.
  9. Someone already did that and it was deleted by the overlords PDQ. That's how you can tell something is true these days! I couldn't possibly bring myself to endorse the use of the g word. Eeuww. I feel dirty now from just having to read that word. But if you must, I hope you wash your hands after typing that word and I'm not saying that you shouldn't be specific about what year it is.
  10. It seems like the perfect plug in for those who miss the sound of their next task being extracting mangled tape from a tape deck.
  11. Or just point one at the lead guitarist so that he only thinks he's successfully drowning everything else out..
  12. I thought this was going to be about some new vigilante automatons designed to keep the streets of San Francisco tidy.
  13. I'm not saying that there has been a video of it on a popular video sharing platform for a month or so now and I'm not suggesting that people could easily look for that if they're really so desperate to see what it looks like. ?
  14. I just listened to the whole thing and the first good news is that time passed quickly..... I don't consider myself to be any kind of expert, but overall your mixes come across well listening on my tablet thingy (that has surprisingly good sound all things considered). I agree with the comments re guitars on the song mentioned here. I get what you're going for, but maybe slightly overcooked. For future reference, if asked to name someone here who regularly nails a mix, Nigel would probably be the first person I (and I'm sure others) would think of, so any advice from him should probably be considered to be good advice. Based on a single listen Stranger Things is probably the stand out track for me. Listened to as a whole the album is maybe a bit one-paced/samey, but I guess you could also just call that consistent. At one point the next song appeared to have the change of pace/mood that I had been kind of partly waiting for ......and my ears pricked up a little.... Ooh I thought, here we go......that turned out to be an advert, LOL! Anyway, it's all good. On a personal note I would have liked to hear a little more grit in the vocals, but that's personal taste rather than a fault as such. Congrats on finishing the first one. I'll be interested to hear what comes next.
  15. Posting in a thread about the thing that you've never forgotten and then forgetting to tell people the thing that he's never forgotten.......? Bapu's funniest post ever!
  16. Oh, so you're that guy, huh? 1 minute before Zo entered the shop..... " Zut alors! I just popped outside to smoke a Gauloises and that guy who just wants to play with everything all day is coming down the street.....quick let's all hide, but don't tell Jean Luc... let that sucker deal with him..."
  17. In my experience the response time is good, but the ability to respond in a manner that suggests that they actually read the question properly seems to elude them.
  18. That new montage does seem pretty impressive and can be bought for what is pretty much chump change really.* * If you are Elon Musk.
  19. How many times does a singer have to twist their wrist to screw in a lightbulb ? None. They just hold the bulb in the air and expect the world to revolve around them.
  20. Fair enough if your only qualification is the free version, but cutting out those who paid 3rd part vendors is really not a good look on them.
  21. The thing I learned from playing that game before is never go first...
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