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Everything posted by paulo

  1. Due to currently attempting a cover version.....
  2. To give credit where it's due, some of the good stuff about Cakewalk hasn't changed either....this very afternoon two of the bakers dug me out of a hole within minutes of me pressing the help button.
  3. A good example that things are not always as they might seem - most of those are the same actual posts. Bapu has enough dirt on someone to have had his old post count ported over. Not that he cares about such things. Obviously. ?
  4. And the award for the largest amount of absolute crap written by a single plug-in vendor goes to......
  5. Mac users are more likely to fill in surveys. Apparently it's in the conditions of ownership.... 1) Do not miss any opportunity to let the world know that you have one.
  6. As long as it was higher than 2 metres you would have been fine. Covid can't travel further than 2 metres. I thought everyone knew that.
  7. That's actually quite a lot for a bloke who never leaves his house. ?
  8. I remember when that pic was taken. I was watching the lesser known 4th film in the "Look Who's Talking" series...
  9. dyslexia... As in - craigb tried to be funny, but suffered an unfortunate bout of of temporary ........
  10. That will pale into insignificance when you see how much crap vstalarm will now be sending your way.......?
  11. I'm looking forward to Bapu's review of Candy Cane Lane...... in July 2024.
  12. In that case tell them that there's still no need for a meeting because the appropriate course of action has already been decided by the corporate overlords. Get with it or get out. Easy Problem Solving powered by Paulo™.
  13. Yep, that version of it won't even open on one of my pc's now. I have all the old installer files anyway, it's just the authorisation that might be an issue. I can't even remember how that worked with CCC to be honest.
  14. I downloaded quite a few of the free VA soundbanks earlier this week and I think they're considerably overpriced.
  15. What other buttons do you really need ?
  16. Just tell them all that meetings are for people who can't make their own decisions, so if they need to have a meeting then they're clearly not up to the job. Easy Problem Solving powered by Paulo™.
  17. It was until they borked the CCC a few months back. Now it's only good for as long as my current pc's last. Edit: It works on one PC now, still won't even run on the other.
  18. TBH I find the relentless bombardment from all directions these days from people vying to relieve me of whatever money I may or may not have with sales that more often than not aren't really sales has the exact opposite effect on me.
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