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Everything posted by paulo

  1. My wife left me because she said I was arrogant and took her for granted................ She'll be back.
  2. Wait........I thought that's what this place was already.
  3. Going from memory here, but pretty sure that there is a CAL option called VARYVEL that does what it's name suggests.
  4. Thanks for replying. I do split the notes up too, I just figured that once spilt, moved and rendered that they would stay where they were. As you say the sound is ok, just the display looks off. If I live to be 100 it still won't feel right to call them blobs. ?
  5. I heard that prefers to do things manually.
  6. A long overdue section IMO. Good to see. I guess that "Instruments & Effects" could be the new Software section if people choose to use it that way. I suspect that Hardware and Techniques were dropped because of relatively low traffic, but Techniques was often interesting to read even if you had nothing to add to the discussion and was also generally far more civil and drama free than the main forum. Even though I rarely visited the hardware section I think it's important to have as not all problems are to do with software and where else is anyone supposed to ask those questions?
  7. I recommend starting your search in the last place. Everything that I have ever misplaced and then successfully found again was in the last place.
  8. She was only the Handyman's daughter, but there were always a tool in her box.
  9. ........and let the rejoicing continue.
  10. My low sense of self esteem will not allow me to capitalise something that serves only as a reference to myself. I see you are also a fan of ye olde English words - how queynte.
  11. Congratulations, you passed the test! Now go to bed.
  12. Thank you for confirming that I'm not going mad, or at least that if I am I'm not alone.
  13. See the first words of my statement. That said, I can at least spell pedantic.? But you probably did that on purpose to show much you don't care, right? ?
  14. I've done it and not noticed anything that stands out in a mix. In a related subject - has anyone ever corrected the pitch of something in melodyne, bounced to clip and then later re-opened the same clip in melodyne and found that the corrected notes are displayed as still being some way off pitch?
  15. The ones that instantly spring to mind are old, but in case anyone hasn't seen them..... Sound City (netflix) Inside the Rhapsody (you tube) VH1 channel also did a whole series about Classic Albums which are pretty good if you like hearing how they were put together.
  16. I'm no expert, but if somebody is called JohnG, should it not be written as Johng or in the case that the Capital G is being used as a further identifier to the name John (ie not John A,B,C D,E, F etc or maybe being the first letter of a surname) should there not be a space between John and G?
  17. Whoa.........TMI for my liking (images in my mind that are going to take several beers to unsee - which luckily I have to hand) but glad to hear that there's one less source of ball ache in the world. Anyhoo, suggest that you edit your OP to include that you're going to record a song about it so that the rozzers don't close you down. Maybe invite suggestions for the song title...... I'll go first...Great Balls of Fire.
  18. Ray neglected to move with the times though and soon his business crumbled..............
  19. Phew, I thought it was just me that couldn't see the difference. As for scenes v save as, I tried the scenes thing once and didn't really find it very useful as it took just as much time to sort itself out as it did to switch between regular versions like I'd always done before.
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