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Everything posted by paulo

  1. I'd be happy to give you absolutely nothing for your Samp v4 licence.?
  2. Hands up how many people read that and thought........what's this Verion 6 DAW that he's on about and why have I never heard of that brand name before? Ok, just me then.?
  3. Being serious though, this thread would probably get a better response rate if it were posted in the computers/hardware section.
  4. The 2019 award for the most honest thread title goes to.........
  5. For many years now I've found that after 5 tracks I'm getting twitchy. Apparently this is a thing and not just me, one theory being that modern production techniques are the cause of this by being fatiguing on the ears. I also think that in these days where people don't necessarily buy the whole album but cherrypick the individual tracks that they like that compiling the album in such a way that makes it more coherent is becoming less of a thing because most people never listen to the whole thing anyway. Some of my favourite albums back in the day had a very distinct side 1 and side 2 where the mood changes as it builds and are just not the same if listened to in a random order.
  6. My guess would be that after the initial sales subside there will be a "deluxe" edition released with 3/4 other tracks on it so that diehard fans will buy the album again. I don't buy many albums these days, but when I do I usually wait for the second edition.
  7. Sampletank 4 available for whatever loose change you have in your pocket plus the rest of that banana you have there........
  8. I have CDO. It's a bit like OCD but the letters are in the correct order.
  9. I don't particularly want to block all sigs, just those who feel the need to take up half the page with whatever crap they feel that everyone should all have to see every time they post. I haven't tried the block all function because I haven't figured out how to reverse it if I did need to see one for some reason. Generally, blocking individual sigs works as advertised and is a good feature IMO, but it won't let me block the sig of a mod for some reason or rather it says that "there is a problem with blocking this users signature", but then it disappears anyway. Until next time and ...........there it is again. ?
  10. Apologies if it has been asked already, but why is it not possible to block the signature when the user is a moderator?
  11. Clever invention if it really works as advertised. I'm never likely to be an ableton or bitwig guy though, so not a lot of use to me.
  12. John Not trying to speak on behalf of Mr Content, but I'm pretty sure that you're reading too much into his comments in the sense of how much of it is really directed at you and Jyoti, so no need to consider your discussion to be unwelcome here IMO. Obviously, it's the CH (or some kind of sterile manifestation of it) so there's going to be some bufoonery and people like me who haven't got a freaking clue what you're both on about (trust me reading it several times has not helped in the slightest) but that's ok. I also don't understand why one colour of guitar is any better than another one either, but that's no reason for guitar fetishists no to dribble themselves into a frenzy because their favourite brand now comes with a sightly different colour of wood thing to hang the strings on. So IMO both of you should keep doing whatever floats your boat. There's room for everyone* * That's not an invite Colly Jolly Energy guy.
  13. 50 years ago my only real thought was....left boobie or right boobie...... Now that I'm reading that back I guess I haven't really changed that much.?
  14. Shouldn't that be I could care less if you're in America?
  15. What kind of idiot would have a t-shirt with a picture of himself on it? Oh wait.......... ?
  16. There's no fun in being naughty if it's allowed and there's nobody there to read it.
  17. Based on the first offering, saying that I was whelmed would be a generous omission of under.
  18. There's really no need for any forum to have more than one of those.
  19. a) Forum here shows Noel's post as Tuesday, yours as Wednesday - hence comment. b) I do - see a. c) Research 0/10. see b. d) Grasping at straws now, and frankly starting to sound a bit touchy about being beaten to the scoop. (See a,b and c) e) I never said you were confused , you did. ?
  20. When I bought v4 4.2 was already the current version so that is what I got and I had the same issue, so I contacted Celemony and they quickly sent me an older installer (4.1 something) and it's working fine now. I didn't bother with the latest update - decided to wait and see if it was fixed first. I guess not.
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