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Everything posted by paulo

  1. @confused bapu It was already posted the day before.
  2. Izotope website states that upgrade from MPB 1 and 2 is $499. Even though the MPB bundle contains advanced products IIRC correctly I just got the one serial number for the whole bundle, so I don't have an actual serial number for an advanced product. The upgrade from "any advanced product" specifically states "including vocal chain bundle" yet there is a separate category and different price below it for upgrading from MPB, so I think it would be wise to seek clarification from Izotope before buying this offer.
  3. I learned that my plan to not fix something that wasn't broken turned out ok.
  4. He's nothing like I thought he would be, which is strange because I've never consciously thought what he might be like.
  5. Hello This is Arvind from microsoft customer support. I have not read your question properly and to prove this I will shortly be back to give you an answer that will not be at all helpful......
  6. I'd have to see a picture of the inside to be sure.?
  7. Well done you utter bell end. What unusually named songs have you written?
  8. I've sworn off buying anything toontrack ever since they started with their "upgrade now or else" crap.
  9. Yeah, it's usually there in the small print accompanied by the threat that admitting liability can invalidate your insurance. I've often wondered, like in a case not too far from me recently, where a car left the road, went through a garden and ended up in somebody's lounge what the insurance company expect the driver to say to the person watching the TV. "Hello, I just want to say that I accept no responsibility for this whatsoever."
  10. I wish they would come up with a better way to buy the physical drive option as an upgrade in UK. The only reason I haven't upgraded from 1 to 2 is the massive downloads which experience has taught me never go well.
  11. paulo

    @ NAMM now

    Yeah, that Daryl can go and get his own, right?
  12. paulo

    @ NAMM now

    Will there be room for both of them on the t-shirt?
  13. Bounce the current mix to another track. Turn of all fx and solo that track plus whatever track you are recording.
  14. Indeed it is. I can see this one actually getting a fair bit of use.
  15. Thanks for the reminder. I have it bookmarked, but often forget to look for new issues.
  16. This function isn't going to get used at all.......
  17. I never use the plug in browser. To me the look and layout is a backwards step compared to having my own custom menu and because of that I tend to forego the drag and drop convenience because it doesn't seem any quicker overall. Shallow and fickle as I am, if it was all sexy looking like in S1 I might be more inclined to use it. In fairness to CW it is the only nice looking thing in S1 though.
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