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Everything posted by paulo

  1. I can't be bothered to wait that long.
  2. Enabler would probably be a better description in this case.? I wouldn't know if his pants are regularly on fire or not.
  3. The wise owl (not pictured) said........"Pink Floyd"..........
  4. I looked at the link expecting my next thought to be ....meh........but they sound quite interesting actually. My favourite price too.?
  5. I cant be bothered with Labor day, it sounds too much like hard work to me.
  6. I thought Bapu was the missing link.
  7. When you have to explain the joke........... ?
  8. I'm not at my DAW pc right now, but IIRC if you go into options>pitch grid> there is a pitch background selection in there that allows you to chnage background. I think piano keyboard is probably the one you want to make it look like it used to.
  9. I tried Larry, but nothing happens. I have emailed JRR yesterday and today to ask what to do but no reply so far. To add insult to injury they just sent me an email reminding me that the offer ends today.?? If they offer a solution in time then I'll get it, if they don't I'm sure I'll manage to live without it.
  10. He might be right about others having done it, but as I suspected changing location does allow me to add to cart, but I can't pay as it won't accept credit card payment.
  11. Yes it did. I wish they hadn't dropped that.
  12. paulo

    UVI Toy Suite

    I wouldn't want it if it was free.
  13. I'm not sure if that would work - I tried that before with something else (not JRR) and then my credit card was rejected because the address given did not match the cardholder's address. I've emailed Uncle E to see what, if anything, can be done.
  14. I was thinking that, but for a different reason.......no tv would mean way too much talking to the wife time for any man to cope with.
  15. Just tried to buy the MPS2.1 offer from JRR but it won't let me because apparently I live in the wrong country so it would seem that sales vary by location.
  16. I had just the one..... Over compensating for other bodily deficiencies.... Peculiar Excessive Nonsense Involving Strings
  17. Hopefully you gave them what they seemed to want.
  18. That wasn't an option because the voucher was only enough to cover one t-shirt and there was no way I was giving them more than the value of the voucher. I bought a backpack in the end instead. As for the amazon thing, I wouldn't buy clothing mail order but I can see why people who do would do that tbh. Clothes sizes seem to vary so much - when buying jeans I have been known to be three different sizes in the same store.
  19. Another true story......last year I was in a clothing store looking to use up an about to expire gift card. Not really my kind of place tbh hence why the card was about to expire, but it seemed wasteful / ungrateful to just let it expire so I figured that a t-shirt is a t-shirt and they sold some of those so that should be easy enough............. Turns out that none of the t-shirts had size labels in them and there was no place to try them on and tbh they all looked too big for me. I had no choice but to ask how anyone was supposed to know what the sizes were when the obvious was pointed out to me............You download the app from the store then scan the squiggly thing on the price label of the shirt you like with your phone camera and then it will tell you what size it is. Stupid me.?
  20. The phone is bluetoothed up to the car silly so it's hands free. The message would just appear right in front of you on the dashboard display........just like the fuel guage does.........oh wait........?
  21. Not having that. People are always saying to me ..."that Bapu fella, he has to be smoking something, right?"?
  22. Recently I was wandering around an electrical domestic appliance store to kill some waiting time. They had some very expensive regular home size fridges with dark glass opaque doors that had stickers on them inviting you to knock on the door and see what happens. I looked around for the cameras, but didnt see any obvious ones so I obliged and the fridge lit up and I could then see through the previously dark doors and thus the contents of the fridge (had there been any) were revealed to me. At that point a salesman arrived at my side and started his spiel.....how cool is that? etc....... I asked him what was the point if it and he told me it was energy saving and therefore good for the planet because you can look inside without opening the door and letting the cooled air out which the fridge then has to go to work to replace. My response was the obvious one.... how many times do people in their own homes go just to have a look at what is in the fridge, but not take anything out? He looked at me like I was the one being silly. Then there was the guy when I picked my car up the other week wanting me to install a device on the car that would send a message to an app on my phone to let me know when the fuel level was getting low.............FFS!
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