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Everything posted by paulo

  1. He teaches at University where students struggle with the 8x table.............. ?
  2. I guess they have to draw the line somewhere. I'm still amazed that they were as accommodating as they have been.
  3. Same here. Upgrade is $99 https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/39-FX-Bundle/5338-Vocal-Bundle-Upgrade-from-VocalSynth-2-or-Nectar-excluding-Elements-
  4. Why is it that you never get the experience you need until just after you just needed it ?
  5. I always thought that it was a bit cruel that they named the condition a word that is a little tricky to spell correctly.
  6. This stuff? I don't think that you're supposed to eat it.
  7. I've been telling myself that for quite a few years now. It seemed like it was quite often free back then and I did get it from somewhere or other, but binned it very soon after due to Pace/ilok causing other issues which disappeared as soon as it too was gone. Haven't seen it as a freebie since then and I wouldn't mind giving it another try now that ilok manager is better, but I'm determined not to be the one who blinks first..........I figure that I deserve it even more for free now considering the problems it caused me last time I tried it.
  8. Cue outrage from Foreigner fans.......
  9. I'm guessing that sons of billionaires get to do it however they want to.
  10. Too busy being the son of a billionaire....... If that were me, I wouldn't hang out here either. He's probably scooting round the ocean somewhere in a big ***** gin palace wearing real gold speedos with platinum diamond encrusted flip flops while knee deep in high class hookers and blow. If he's not, I wanna know why not?
  11. Yes, I've seen those. I'm leaning towards recommending some kind of Behringer based solution to her. There's no great rush so I'll leave this open to further suggestions for a while longer.
  12. What is the exact file location you used? Mine is in Program Files/Steinberg/Vstplugins/Virtual Bassist/Virtual Bassist Content. If yours is the same is your e-licenser working ok? I think it should give an error message if it's not being recognised, but on the rare occasion that I have had one a reboot seemed to make it work again. If neither of those, then maybe worth trying a reinstall or could be that it's a win10 thing ? Can't help you with that I'm afraid.
  13. I don't think there ever was a 64 bit update for this unless you know differently for sure.The problem could be that the data file has been moved from the default location. The Virtual Guitarist program of the same era had an exe as part of the installer to set content location if moved from default, but I don't see that option for VB maybe because the data is only 500MB compared to about 7GB for VG ? Maybe try relocating the data file to default location and see if works then ?
  14. Mebbe you should try JRR Shop instead. I think the JRR Ship people could be pirates.......... Add to cart for discounted price.?
  15. Uncle Eric will tell you how to make it happen if you ever want to buy anything from JRR. Just send them an email and he'll get right back to you.?
  16. I have an old one that we were going to try first, but yes I was already thinking that a better one would probably be the way to go. This is not a case of an ambitious singer, purely a hobby type thing and I am "the band" so really all we need to do is make her laptop into a Karoake machine for want of a better phrase to use for practice / confidence building. Cakewalk DAW is OTT for what she will be doing, but I went with that because I am familiar with it, so easier for me to set up for her and the price tag is of course very attractive, plus if she ever does get all creative on me I can just bring the .cwp into my system and easily work on it.
  17. I was looking at that little mixer last night and was going to post it here today to ask opinions as it seemed like a good option to me. I am in the UK and the bundle is "temporarily out of stock" on Amazon with only vague references to future availablilty, which in my limited experience with them that seems to mean never, but I found the mixer on it's own for £29, so it shouldn't be too difficult to put together a similar package buying seperately. I did find the bundle on ebay, but more than twice the price.
  18. Thanks for the info. It's still crap though......?
  19. Can't offer you an answer, but BA is nearly always flaky for me (win 7 and 8 ) Whenever it wants to be updated I usually end up having to download the latest version manually and install it as the update hardly ever works. Often when I open it I get a blank white window and it just sits there like that for various lengths of time. Lately there have been some other windows that also open over it that have to be closed before I can see it. I know nothing about writing software, but for a company that can handle something as complex as Cakewalk it seems ridiculous that something as basic as BA is so problematic.
  20. I'm trying to set a friend up with a basic rig to practice vocals on a win 10 laptop. I Installed Cakewalk and made her an easy project template that just requires dragging whatever backing track she wants to work on into the project and she's off..................Only when I went to plug a mic into the laptop did I realise that it doesn't have a mic input, just the built in thing which is obviously no good. So we need to come up with a low cost way to input the mic. All she needs is the ability to sing along to one track for practice purposes, so what is the best way to go - cheapo interface or usb mic ? I have no experience with either, so any advice from those who do would be most welcome.
  21. TBH, I only bought the MPS2.1 upgrade when the deal was on because I kinda wanted the Nectar 3 upgrade anyway and it was cheaper to buy the MPS bundle than it was ti get that, so they were basically paying me to have the rest of it. Then the whole grace period thing came up and before I had even really dug into O8A I had O9A. First time I've ever had the new version while it was actually the new version. Coming from v7 I'd say the Mastering Assistant (because I'm basically clueless and just twiddle things until it sounds better) is a big plus. Master Rebalance in O9 is pure filth though.?
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