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Everything posted by paulo

  1. I'm posting this response on the 23rd October 2027, but have travelled back in time and altered the date so that it appears to come to you within a time frame that is more agreeable to you. My reason for posting is to congratulate you on getting an actual useful answer on a Microsoft help forum. How did you find someone who actually answered the question that you asked?
  2. I tried it during the dark days as a potential back up should the worst happen and it didn't really work for me. The projects I tried did open in Reaper but were a total mess. Some reported good results though so I guess it depends on how your projects are set up.
  3. What does ugly smell like?
  4. I never understood the fascination some had with P5, but wasn't it basically combined with/built in to Sonar when 8 became 8.5? I thought that was why it was called 8.5 ?
  5. I thought it was more a case of..... Employed Craig ?
  6. Don't worry, I've been underpaid enough for both of us. Oh, btw it's your round then Moneybags. And the next time.... And the next time..... And the next time...... And the time after that..... And the time after that...... And the time after that........ And so on.......
  7. Bapu don't need no more plug-ins, but recently he did buy this............. He's not into tidying the yard or anything. He uses it to blow all his $ bills out of the way so he can get around the house better.
  8. No, she gots plenny of teef. No probum there.
  9. His secret is that he never drinks any of it - have you not noticed that ? Congrats Mark. I want to know how this came about and also if there are any vacancies for highly-paid, know nothing wannabees that I can apply for?
  10. I got myself a redneck girlfriend.......figured that if in future she ends up losing a couple of toes she'll still have 10.
  11. https://wireworldaudio.com/where-to-buy/
  12. I once had a girlfriend who I was head over heels in love with. She had everything I could have ever wished for and I was convinced that she was the whole point of my existence. I couldn't imagine ever feeling the need to even so much as look at another woman ever again. Unfortunately, she was injured in a car accident and the resultant surgery on her feet involved some minor amputations and that's when everything changed. We had never had so much as a cross word before, but now we fought all the time and I could barely even look at her without ending up in a bad mood. One day things finally came to a head and she left me. Her parting words were that I needed to seek help. There was something wrong with me. I was devastated that what I once thought was the perfect relationship was over, yet strangely relieved at the same time. Over the folllowing weeks when I had time to think about things I came to realise that every fight we had since her accident wasn't really her fault at all. I did it. I caused it all and for the life of me I couldn't understand why. She was perfect and she was my whole world and I ruined it. I began to think she was right. There was something wrong with me, so I went to the doctor to seek help. I told the doctor the whole story and straight away he knew exactly what my problem was.................. I was lack toes intolerant.
  13. Hmmmm, you could take that two ways..............?
  14. John is quite well known for the way he keeps things organised by having special folders for certain things.?
  15. I can totally relate to the noisy neighbour thing, it really can be a problem..........all through last night my neighbours were constantly banging on the walls and yelling. Luckily I couldn't sleep anyway and was getting in some drum practice,so most of the time I couldn't hear them.
  16. In my case the links go to something different every time and none of it is what is listed. I'm taking as a sign.
  17. Outstanding. I'm off upstairs now to throw all my gear out of the window.
  18. Once on BB King's birthday, his wife wanted to give him something very special! BB already had pretty much everything a person could want, money, fame and happiness! BB's wife decided to get "BB" tatooed on her butt, a "B" on each butt cheek. That night, after eating dinner and cake, she decided to give BB her gift. After explaining that her gift was very special, she proceeded bend over and pull her pants down, revealing her bare, tatooed *****! She told BB to take a look...... He looked and said, "That's great honey... but who the hell is BOB?"
  19. Not really an answer to your question as such, but something you may want to consider going forward........ I keep all my projects (and back ups) on external HD's which avoids needing to do what you are now asking how to do - just plug the external HD's into the new PC and you're done.
  20. Glass half full...............The cheapest one makes the expensive one look cheap.
  21. I don't imagine that anyone would seriously expect people to buy Kontakt just to get these.
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