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Everything posted by paulo

  1. Are you referring to this one.....? If so, yes I have it and I just tried it and it works fine for me. (win 7 64, latest Cakewalk version) Not sure exactly what it is that you are doing to the UI, but it looks like the forum software didn't like it either. ?
  2. Probably, but I agree that they are very good. Not overly in love with the look of UI's but still they might have just become my go to's.
  3. Just got the groove 3 code too, so I'm all set. An afternoon of installing and tinkering awaits............. Izotope rules !
  4. I'm in...... got the MPS and Verbs serials, but the installer d/l is really slow atm so I gave up on that for now. No mention of the Groove 3 thing so far, so I've asked the question. FWIW they told me that the grace period is 30 days so having bought 30th Aug I was slightly over, but that they would honour it anyway. Thanks again to Royal Yaksman for bringing this to light. Honourable mention to Larry for talking me into buying MPS2.1 - what a result that turned out to be!! Izotope showing their class once again.
  5. And Ringo will at last be the best drummer in the Beatles................
  6. She seems like somebody I'd like to spend a lot of time with.
  7. No, I was referring to this one.... I thought that was maybe why you were interested in old programs that will still run in Win 10? Maybe still some hope for you to get rid of that old pile of boxes in the garage? ?
  8. Still got some copies of Sonar 3 Power! to shift??
  9. A penguin is driving along one day and his car starts making this really strange sound. So, he pulls into the first gas station he sees, jumps out of his car, runs up to the mechanic and says: "I need for someone to look at my car! There's something wrong with it!" The mechanic looks at him and says "Well I can do that but you'll have to wait about 20 minutes or so." The penguin looks across the street and notices an ice cream shop! (Penguins just LOVE Ice cream.) So he says "OK I'll be back." He tosses him his keys runs across the street and has a big ol' bowl of ice cream. He comes back, looks at the mechanic and says "Did you figure out what's wrong with my car?" "Well" replies the mechanic "looks like you blew a seal." The penguin quickly wipes off his face and says "OH NO, that's just ice cream!"
  10. If you keep that up it will only be a matter of time before somebody posts a picture of Daryl's Uncle's big *****. Just sayin'.
  11. paulo


    Don't tell me...........it provides the groupies too?
  12. paulo


    I'm saving up for Ignore Advanced. That will also ignore every track you recorded and replace them with tracks from worldwide smash hits so that every track you produce is a guaranteed success.
  13. Some believe that he will if you say the p word...........
  14. paulo


    When someone tells you to ignore them twice you have to wonder what they are really saying. Is someone feeling lonely?
  15. I agree. In my experience Izotope support has always been first rate.
  16. Looks like I missed all the fun today. I had no plans to upgrade at this time, but I would have had to have had a word with myself at $99 for MPS3. Plan A still in place then......... wait for the inevitable sale.
  17. For some reason I suspect that wouldn't make any difference.
  18. When did this become an AA meeting?
  19. Poor old Bapu doesn't need to buy the bundle upgrade.?
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