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Everything posted by paulo

  1. Same here. Happens every time. Sometimes I get an error message along the lines of "Oops something went wrong" and other times it just closes itself. Can't be bothered to do it again, so it can stay as it is until I'm forced to do something about it.
  2. Exactly. More reason why it would be nice if it just worked.
  3. AFAIK the offer price is direct purchase from Eventide, but the $20 is an APD shop discount voucher.
  4. I think the clue is on the OP.?
  5. ? BA is about as much use as an ash tray on a motorbike in my experience.
  6. You should complain about that.
  7. I'm thinking that you might have misunderstood when you heard that the FSF was for people with complaints.
  8. Cool. I already did it then. I'll consider that one ticked off the list.
  9. Not fair........where do I complain about being overcharged for something that I'm not buying anyway.......???
  10. That's the least of his problems............imagine how many trips he's gonna have to make to move all the plugins. Find a singer from Santa Barbara and form an Earth, Wind and Fire tribute band?
  11. Price already increased at PB........... £6.12 now...........?
  12. This. I can't be bothered to even try this time as it's the same every time for me too.
  13. Do I need it.....? No. Will I use it much......? Probably on the first two projects I do after purchase. Will I forget that I have it within 2 weeks of that......? Probably. Does it look nice.....? Yes. Despite all of the above am I still tempted.......? Yes. Will I buy it.........? I'm with whatever kk is calling himself today - I'll take my chances in hoping that the freebie will change before the price goes up. Free is no good if ya don't want it.
  14. Never understood the Halloween thing........ 364 days a year parents tell their kids to be in before dark, respect their elders, don't talk to strangers and definitely never take sweets from a stranger. 1 day a year........go on kids get out there in the dark and ask strangers for sweets and if they refuse to give you any throw eggs at them.
  15. They have to say that or we'll all be onto them wanting a free upgrade.
  16. Have you tried run as admin option for CW? This has worked for me with some VST's that do not show up otherwise.
  17. Alternatively, use the media browser to navigate to the file then just drag/drop the file into the track pane
  18. Those were the days. All the hoop jumping required just to use what you paid for now is a complete PITA as far as I'm concerned, not to mention the associated risk of the supplying company going out of business and leaving you high and dry. Fortunately that didn't happen with CW, but if it had then reverting to X3 Producer was my worst case scenario back up plan.
  19. I've been watching some today and got so relaxed that I kept nodding off. LIGHTBULB MOMENT! New Groove 3 marketing opportunity...............Eli's bedtime stories for geeky insomniacs.
  20. Just grabbed it. Everything was instant and it added on to my current pass. Cool beans. Now I just have to find a way to remember that I've got it.
  21. Maybe All Knowing Erudite Host Exceeds Responsibility Concerning Underlings Musings ?
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