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Everything posted by paulo

  1. Maybe try to think of it as generously giving sad people who actively seek offense a fleeting sense of achievement.
  2. I'm hopeless at writing the lyric, so if I did that first I'd never get anything at all done...... Which, admittedly, is not much different to having a HD full of projects awaiting the lyric, but at least it feels like some progress has been made towards that really quite good album that I occasionally perform with consummate ease before a grateful audience when I'm asleep. A while back I decided to sit down and do nothing but write lyrics in an attempt to remedy that. Now I've got several pages with just a title on and I'm not overly happy with some of them. The problem for me is that it has to come from within, by which I mean that I can't make a meaningful or interesting lyric out of going to the shop for a loaf of bread and bumping into someone you haven't seen for a while like Jarvis Cocker might, so I find myself at a point where I've basically said all that I have to say for now, sometimes more than once, so........ Maybe it's time to try just writing arty sounding meaningless bollocks of the kind that some listeners might spend hours trying to work out the true meaning of when in fact there isn't one and it really is just arty sounding meaningless bollocks? Hmmm,..... I may be gone a while.
  3. It's fine here. Your link is the right song just without the video, which doesn't really matter in the "listening to" thread I guess. FWIW this is the actual link... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uY2IEXxEVvM
  4. I forgot I had this until it came up during a random selection on a recent road trip. Always loved his voice.
  5. It seems to me that he maybe got some blowback from his recent attempt to push CW users towards S1 and now he's trying to backtrack on that.
  6. On my lappy under Help>about it says it's version number is 2024.02 build 098. If I check for updates it says the latest version is and I am up to date. CPC says dated 23 Feb 24. I guess the two numbers must be the same thing, but it might not be, or it could be sometimes and not others. It might be the last version, but it might not be and you might only be able to use it until the new one is out, or maybe for a long time afterwards. Or forever. Or only for a month, but anyway it's not out yet, but it is and the version that is out is not a beta, but it's not released yet anyway, although it sort of is, but not really and it's finished but there's an update coming soon, even though there's nothing to update because it's finished but not released, although some features haven't been added yet. This is what I've learnt from the communications provided by the people who are supposed to know. HTH.
  7. Maybe you'll be less pleased if you ever want to sign out of it.
  8. Aren't you also supposed to also click on just about everything and repeatedly press various keys as well? I've seen people doing that.
  9. Link not working for me.... Your connection is not private Attackers might be trying to steal your information from everyplug.in (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID This server could not prove that it is everyplug.in; its security certificate is from *.nexcess.net. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection. Proceed to everyplug.in (unsafe)
  10. paulo

    Trash is back

    I sometimes go for a smidge of the old Trash 2 on the bass track, but not enough to want to buy it again.
  11. Things that you don't really need can only make you sad if you allow them to. ?
  12. This. I lose interest whenever I see that requirment for something that I might not even want. Then he also adds having to pay to demo the product? Does this guy think he's Bandlab or something ? ?
  13. Is it really a globe thing though ? Or is it more like a flat thing ?
  14. Somebody had to do it, so I just saved them a job,
  15. You got me at bar one. The break obviously did you good.?
  16. paulo

    Need help!

    Link doesn't work.
  17. Sounds great all round (lappy speakers) . No crits here other than that I wouldn't have minded at all if Part 1 had been longer.
  18. It's not really any different to what some "legitimate" plug in vendors do though. Always Phoney Discounts. ?
  19. Maybe. Personally, I'm still using the same PC that I had to buy because X3 wouldn't install on the old one and the only "problems" I ever have are the limitations of what that PC can handle, so maybe it's the newer tech/OS that somehow "breaks" the program? IDK anything about that sort of thing. I really hope that they can make a go of it this time, but I think that displaying outward signs that the right hand maybe isn't quite working in tune with the left hand is not the best way to go about it.
  20. Anyhoo, time to give the OP his thread back..... Bienvenue Pascal. ?
  21. I've no doubt about the abilities and good intentions of Noel and his team, but the seemingly chaotic lack of clear direction at the moment is not really a good look for an already failed more than once product (in the sense of it's seeming inability to be financially sustainable) that is about to once again ask people, including those who have already been burned before, to pay for it again.
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