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Everything posted by paulo

  1. Errr.....Brian.....I invite you on ze stage wiv my expensive light show and zis is ow you repay me.......you don't even know what is my name....? Your mother is a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.....
  2. 7 to start 8 different threads asking how to change a light bulb 2 to point out that the OP has already asked the same question in another thread 3 to berate the OP for not giving enough information re the type of the light bulb and how old it is 1 to show distain that the OP has the nerve to even post on the forum without first knowing such basics. 1 to ask exactly what they were doing when the lightbulb stopped working 1 to suggest just reinstalling the current lightbulb to see what happens 2 to suggest that something must have been changed within the lightbulb as it has always worked fine before. 4 to argue whether the correct term is lightbulb or light bulb. 6 more to point out that there are already several threads asking the same question 1 to ask if they have read the manual that came with their light bulb. 1 to say that they’ve looked and can’t find any manual anywhere 2 to post links to old versions of the manual that are more or less the same. 1 to start a new thread moaning about people who start new threads about light bulbs when there are already several on the same subject on page 1 alone. 2 to point out to that person that they have effectively just started another one. 1 to start a thread moaning about people who start threads moaning about people moaning. 7 to like that thread 18 to tell you that they don’t need to change their light bulb as theirs is working just fine. 3 to tell you that you’re using the wrong kind of light bulbs. 6 to tell you that they stopped using light bulbs years ago. 4 to tell you that they’re still using candles, so they have never had to change a light bulb. 15 to tell you 10 different ways of changing it. None of these methods apply to the type of light bulb fitting that the OP has. 1 to copy and paste their answer into some, but not all of the many threads. 2 to say that this topic was already covered a while ago - learn how to use the search function. 1 to say that they didn’t even know there was a search function and it doesn’t work anyway. 1 to drop an “amusing” anecdote where they once had to change a light bulb while a semi famous person was in the room. 3 to mock them 4 to tell those mocking people to stop mocking them 2 to post popcorn eating emojis 1 to say that they’ve run out of popcorn 2 to report the thread because they are upset by the tone of some posts 3 to moan that the threads should all be moved to the coffee house because displays of humour shouldn’t be allowed to interrupt the very serious business of discussing illumination science. 1 moderator to appeal for calm whilst secretly hoping that someone will give them enough excuse to lock the thread because no point in having a Sheriff’s badge if you can't wave it around occasionally. 1 industry pro to remind you that they are an industry pro who has written a book on the subject and where you can buy it. 4 to post you tube videos made by people who talk too much that - eventually - give you a rough idea how to do it. 1 to make a home made video in yet another new thread about how he does it. 2 staff members to say that the method of changing light bulbs has now been improved and will be in the lightbulb update that will be released soon. Note that they have covered both bases in the light bulb v lightbulb debate. 3 to ask how long is soon? 1 to start another thread telling people to learn to be patient, that the new way will definitely be worth the wait, implying that they have some kind of inside knowledge (they don’t) 1 to ask that person if they have some knowledge that others are not aware of. 6 to notice that that the person that question was directed to never answers it. 1 to resurrect the thread 2 years later to ask if any answer was ever given because their light bulb has just stopped working.
  3. Across now to our live feed at Thomann HQ where we're hearing that word is spreading through the office that somebody has actually bought it.....
  4. I liked the story that they had to change the name (number) of the road that ended there due to constant sign theft.?
  5. I had visions that his delayed response was due to the need to unlace his shoes to be able to work it out properly...?
  6. The middle aged woman stood naked before the mirror dismayed by what she saw.... "I'm all wrinkly and everything is too big or too saggy" she said turning to her husband " please tell me something positive, love...." "There's nothing wrong with your eyesight."
  7. Not really - just the continuation of current trends.?
  8. When your drummer hasn't taken his gorilla tranquiliser..
  9. There wont be any. The average human will be probably be too dumb to remember how to breathe long before the year begins with a 3 and those who are still managing to remain alive will have rendered themselves unable to reproduce.
  10. Meanwhile, in other news..... Who cares?
  11. I had to look at a map to see where those places are and now that I have done that I'm thinking that everyone who is from Buttzville probably says that. "uh, yeah.....my home town.......it's uhm.......near Belvidere......yeah, sort of between there and Washington" Good luck with the new chapter.
  12. Because Notes hasn't got enough storage space.
  13. It's almost like Steinberg somehow think that there aren't already enough reasons to hate them.
  14. Iron Maiden's Lawyer: "We thought you might say that so we asked AI to make an image that suits your style......"
  15. I have zero interest in the new Sonar. I couldn't even install it if I wanted to without buying a new pc and there's nothing like enough in the new version so far to make that seem like something I would want to do, so for all I care they can take another 5 years to sort out whatever they are doing with that - I doubt that there are many here that have more patience than me in regard to that, but given that said new version isn't even properly available yet the amount of hoop jumping required simply to continue operating the existing version is getting ridiculous. Being asked to renew permission to use it every two weeks or so does not inspire much confidence that "it's not going anywhere".
  16. In my case it's seems like it must be something they have built in to the offline Auth Response File as my DAW pc is very rarely online. Authorising through the program direct to that PC doesn't work , so I have to export the AR file and take it to another PC to get the Response file, which didn't really bother me until it became a fortnightly thing. That seems very OTT and sort of says....ok, we'll let you use it for a month and then we'll see how we feel about it..... which is really not something I want from a software program that is the gatekeeper to many years of work. Back in the dark days it was said that come what may CW users would never be locked out of their work, that something would be done to make sure that is not the case. There seems to be some walking back of that assurance now. Whilst this now monthly auth thing does technically honour that premise, it's really not very reassuring to have to effectively ask for permission to carry on using it every few weeks and hope that it'll still be ok when I have to ask again in a matter of weeks.
  17. Craigb Central has been updated and is now called Craigb Far Right.
  18. Hang in there, I hear that a delegation from bandlab is already on the way to the forum to explain everything........
  19. Dodgy? I do not know what is zis word, Is like a little derg? Do you 'ave a little derg? Does your derg baht?
  20. But you get all the bathrooms? Seems a bit selfish. Stage left: Cat yaks up a fur ball and meows.....yeah, tell me about it.......
  21. For me it's akin to taking a walk through the iffy side of town - by the time I get back home everything about my life that disappointed me before doesn't seem so bad after all.
  22. It's very easy to overdo a pun topic, so tread Caerphilly.
  23. Zeese nights.....zey are ' ow you say so crayzee
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