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Cobus Prinsloo

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Everything posted by Cobus Prinsloo

  1. Thanks, I've fixed this. Do you make use of the Gain feature in Assistant View?
  2. AH, that sounds like good advice, tank you!
  3. Where are your input/output sliders on the right when you Click the "Learn" function?
  4. Hi, Yes, I've looked at the "learn" function but read in the manual "Learn input should not be used to meet loudness compliance standards" This doesn't make sense, because why bother then to include this function? If you're getting 99,9% results with it, I'll start using it.
  5. Thanks, I have done as suggested. I then also noticed that the link between the Gain gauge and output level was unchecked, so I fixed that (see screenshot). I'm now getting better results. Just one more thing; if the Maximizer module is there to add gain, then what's the purpose of the limiter output slider on the right?
  6. Hi, I've done what was suggested: True peak on, and limit set to -1. However, the peak reading above the limiter on the right still reads +1.1 and +1.0. Did I miss something?
  7. Believe it or not -- I'm not able to find a reference to this setting in the CW documentation. Does it only activate/deactivate the Pro channel? It's the button to the right of the "Post" setting.
  8. Has anyone else had latency issues after the update?
  9. Thank you everyone for your valuable contributions -- these help a lot.
  10. AH -- ok, thank you. One final thing: what's the difference between the Gain gage just above it, and the Output Gain slider on the far right?
  11. Thanks for your reply. My understanding was that "True Peak" is only necessary when the output intent is for a streaming platform such as Spotify because of the analog > digital conversion. Should one always have TP activated? Even so, how will this help obtain the peak level required by a specific platform, i.e. -1.0 dBTP (for Spotify), or -0.1 dBTP (for CD)?
  12. Hi all. I'm trying to figure out how to control the Peak as indicated above the output limiter on the right. I'm able to get the volume in LUFs to more or less what I want (for CD), but the Peak readings are way too high: +4.4 What can I do to bring the Peak value down to -0.1? I try to understand the correlation (if any) between the Gain setting on the left and the limiter to the right. My understanding of a limiter is that the input sliders determine the threshold, and the output sliders determine the amount of gain. If so, then why have a separate gain setting on the left? Thanks for any comments. Cobus
  13. I also have latency issues since the update.
  14. No, it doesn't. I decided to delete these phantom clips, making sure that the Comp option under the Smart tool is unchecked and re-recorded them. No problem so far (touch wood)!
  15. I unchecked the Comp option under the Smart tool, when working with the clips because I read somewhere in the Documentation that this can mess with audio clips.
  16. Yup -- comping is active! The Mute tool didn't make a difference, because it wasn't muted in the first place. But -- when I erased small parts in a clip, then whatever waveforms were left, turned back to normal solids again. Weird behavior - probably a glitch!
  17. Have you ever seen anything like this: the waveform in the audio clip is transparent—it only has an outline? And it is non-audible. I made 100% sure nothing was muted.
  18. Yes - I tried both options before, making sure neither clip nor track were muted, but none helped to make those clips audible again.
  19. Hi John, I wanted to see the video you posted on this forum a while ago, but now it is not available anymore 😞 Any chance you could upload it again?
  20. Howdy'all. I started to work with vocal recording and things have been running smoothly until now: a recorded WAV clip seems to be ghosted (compare the righthand with the lefthand clip on the same track). It was a second take, and the previous take was automatically muted. But, I unmuted it rather to be able to mute/unmute entire tracks quickly. Since these actions, the clips have gone into "phantom" mode, and don't play back. I made sure they were not muted. Can someone make sense of this?
  21. Ok, the volume automation was recorded! It created an envelope on the soft synth's audio track (see screen grab, track 31). BUT - I need that envelope on the Midi track (track 14), where I have the piano roll notes for direct reference. I did create a volume automation envelope on the Midi track for testing, but it had no effect.
  22. No, I was just playing. I've done this several times with other songs according to tutorials on Youtube: when Write is enabled while the music plays, the automation is recorded as a new envelope in the Automation lane.
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