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Cobus Prinsloo

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Everything posted by Cobus Prinsloo

  1. I assure you I never touched the Mute tool. These muted clips were automatically created during punch recording. But thank you - at least now I know how to unmute them.
  2. Hi, and thanks for the reply. I understand the comping workflow pretty well, but this is an abnormality: compare the muted clip (T8) with the abnormally muted clip (T9) below it -- you will notice a difference in the graphic portrayals of these two instances. The normal mute clip (T8) is greyed out as it should be, while the abnormal one (T9) is not greyed out, it has retained the original blue color for its outline, but it has no colored fill. The Comping tool is also useless on this clip
  3. Hi, I'm getting weirdness whenever I punch record a track in Comping mode. When a new recording is done above on top of a previous one, the previous clip/s changes into a weird, muted version that cannot be unmuted. See Record 9 under Take 1. It is also reflected in the composite track (3) - even though another Take (15) is active and unmuted. I've tried to Mute/Unmute it, taken it into other tracks, and Solo-ed this specific Take, but to no avail. This is not an isolated incident - I get the same problem in other projects. Is this a flaw? With this issue, it has become impossible to use punch recording.
  4. Thank you for the advice - problem solved! I changed the Input of the track from Midi Omni under "All Inputs", to "2 - Focusrite USB Midi", which is my audio interface.
  5. Oh - it's an old one - a Casio WK-1600, but it has functioned well until I started getting those stacked Midid notes about two weeks ago. I didn't change any of the Midi cables, so this is a mystery.
  6. It looks like that solved the issue -- thank you! Midi notes still stack doubles in the Piano Roll for some bizarre reason, though.
  7. Everywhere Focusrite USB Mide is selected, but there is something else under Control Surfaces. I didn't know what it is. Could this be the reason why notes played via m Midi keyboard generate double notes, i.e. two of the exact same notes stacked on top of each other in the Piano Roll view?
  8. Hi everyone. Lately, I have had a notification pop up each time I start Sonar. I have no idea what it relates to because in Preferences, I only have my Scarlett 4i4 selected. It may be related to the fact that one of the projects I have been working on also freezes a while after starting playing back. It plays back ok, but then, with no warning, Sonar freezes. The timer comes up, after which I have to force quit Sonar. I hope someone can give a suggestion or two.
  9. Just like a list of different FX, where changes in the order of such FX may also change the sound, I believe the same would be true for Sends. In this case, I want the Reverb to be first, followed by the shorter and longer delay sends.
  10. Hi, changing the order of inserted Sends is not as simple as changing it in a track FX Rack. If someone knows of a way to do this, I'd greatly appreciate it.
  11. Oh, ok then, thank you. I thought Sonar might have a few extras not covered in the Cakewalk documentation.
  12. Thanks -- I noticed this is from the Cakewalk documentation. Is there one for Sonar also?
  13. Yes -- the all feed into an Aux bus with Reverb. Aah, so this is the culprit, then! When I mute this bus, Solo mode functions properly for each track. Does this mean that I'll have to mute that bus every time I need to solo any of these tracks, or is there a better way around the problem?
  14. This is an enigma. I have a group containing 3x vocal tracks and soloed the first track (the lead vocal). But, for some reason, the two harmony tracks still play along, no matter what I try. I even Muted the other two, but they still play! The only way to kill their playback is to literally delete them. Can someone please propose a theory that might explain this phenomenon?
  15. Thank you! Can you also please indicate where I can download Sonar's Documentation?
  16. Hi, first things first: I noticed that the "Publish to Bandlab" function in Cakewalk is not available in Sonar. Where should I go to be able to publish songs to my profile? If anyone has made use of Bandlab as a distributor for their music, can I have some feedback, please? In the future, I'll have to decide on one to publish my music. Thanks
  17. This has to be some sort of clash between my Focusrite and Windows audio drivers. Sporadically, all my audio works through my Scarlett4i4, other times its like the audio interface is non-existent and the audio only goes through my PC speaker. When Cakewalk or Sonar are running -- the Scarlett4i4 is used correctly, and all audio (mp3. wav, or Internet) works fine, but when I close these apps, Windows reverts back to its pathetic built-in speaker. Figure that out!
  18. I installed the latest version of VLC Player, and although the mp3 opens, there is no sound. I now tried playing some of my older MP3s that worked, and none worked. This has to be a Windows 10 issue, and I suspect the audio issue is related to a recent Windows update. So, I tried to uninstall this update, but there is no uninstall option for any of the "Servicing Stack" updates (see screen grab). It is in times like these that I wish I had a Mac!
  19. Hi, I recently upgraded to Sonar and am very happy with its performance (far better than Cakewalk). However, exported MP3s suddenly won't play in WMP (Windows Media Player). It worked fine when I was still using Cakewalk. (see screen grab of the message when I try to play). I suspect that it may be because Sonar uses another/newer codec, which Media Player doesn't have. If so, I can't see any options in WMP to update its codecs.
  20. I see no such option under Help -- the closest I get is "Documentation". There is a link to the Cakewalk documentation in Pdf, but so far I cannot see anything similar for Sonar.
  21. Thank you, I will try that. Something else -- Does Sonar also have an installer for its documentation like Cakewalk? I notices that Sonar's Help link take me to the Web.
  22. At the Bandlab site. But never mind -- I decided to purchase a membership.
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