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Everything posted by reginaldStjohn

  1. I have often recorded in the same way you mention. However, I have never seen it overwrite a take in a lane. It will start to fill in empty gaps so that you don't get so many take lanes created.
  2. This really sounds like a flakey hardware connection or problem with your interface. Maybe try to change what port your Quad Capture is plugged into (it is USB right?). Silent busses mean that they are not routed to an actual hardware output. When you get this message check your routing and see if your Quad Capture is showing up or if the project has reverted to some other audio output.
  3. I can verify that the nVidia cards tend to have higher DPC latency then the Radeon cards. I swapped my nVidia GT card out with a Radeon and the DPC latency went down quite a bit.
  4. I have had times where a track appears to stop working. In my particular case it always had to do with a pro channel module. If I turned off the pro-channel my track would sound again. If I started deleting modules until it sounded again it would usually come down to the console emulation modules or once it was the concrete limiter. Just a thought.
  5. Could be some sort of input echo or you have the audio routed to two tracks or buses? Try opening a new project, insert an instance of SD3 and route the audio directly to your master out. Does that sound any different?
  6. Make sure that when you export that you are exporting the whole mix from the master bus where everything goes to. Your comment about "bounce the tracks" is interesting because you don't have to bounce your tracks to export your mix. You can bounce them if you want to but that is separate from exporting your mix.
  7. Yes, you can use Mackie Mode. Actually there is a sequence of keys to press and hold on the NanoKontrol to make it output Mackie mode. See the NanoKontrol manual/quickstart for that information. I would also recommend you get Azslows (http://www.azslow.com/index.php?action=downloads) controller since it opened up more options.
  8. Could be just a corrupt project. I don't know of anything that would turn that feature off. If you upgrade there is s feature to click on a control and swipe and it will select the same control all the tracks.
  9. Takes on a single track are not affected by "group tracks" commands. That has to do with grouping multiple tracks. Take lanes are meant to represent separate takes of the same track and therefore generally are not independent of each other. When you select a part of one take lane it is promoted to the track and the other takes are muted in that same area. If you move a split point on one take lane the others move with it because you are adjusting where the transition from one take to another happens. Although it is possible, generally you don't try to overlap audible parts of multiple takes on one track.
  10. I finally got it to open in Studio One but I had to start a new project. I cannot try the MIDI import function with the "Free" version so I would have to buy it to try it? I did try adjusting all sorts of things, I don't think the learning curve is too steep it just doesn't quite behave like I was expecting.
  11. Not that kind of freeze, I mean Studio One stops responding and I have to kill it. I did get it to work in Waveform so I was able to try it out. I watched all the videos and played around with it for a while last night. I like the idea but I am not convinced that it is any faster or better then using Superior Drummer and its midi files. I usually have to had modify stuff anyway to fit what I am doing. I was hoping the fills in Jamstix would be useful since I am not very good with coming up with unique and interesting fills. I tried playing around with the fills in a section for a while and was unable to get the brain to do a fill that I thought sounded very good. It just sounded like random hitting of drums. I tried all the "up, down, flat" etc. played with complexity and all the other options. Maybe I was expecting too much?
  12. I would really like to try this seeing as I have been eyeing it for quite some time. I downloaded the free version, installed and tried to load it into Studio One and it just freezes Studio One. I also tried it in Waveform and it didn't even show up. I have an email support request in but have not heard back. Any ideas from those that have it. I have the x64 VST 2 version installed and scanned an all my hosts are 64 bit.
  13. You have to make sure that windows is not using the microphone. One way that might work is to disable it in the sound manager control panel so that windows will not use it.
  14. It is lighter in the CPU and has some slightly different features. I use it for putting on tracks and ozone for buses and mastering
  15. I have had problems like this in the Pro Channel, particularly with the console emulators but it could be any of them. Do as "scook" suggests and turn them off one by one until sound starts again.
  16. This is just a shot in the dark but has your audio interface or the project bit depth or sampling rate been changed?
  17. Just my 2cents. I use the gain knob to get initial levels going into the FX bin and track fader where I want them for things like hitting a compressor or saturator at a level I like. This might not even be necessary if the plugin has an input gain on it. In that case I use it to set an approximate level so my volume faders can be set close to the 0db level. This gives me more resolution when I am mixing and want to tweak the level of the track in the mix. You could also do all this with clip envelopes or destructively applying gain to a track and then leave the gain knob at 0.
  18. This should probably be in the feature request sub-forum
  19. Plus, I have a really hard time with the user interface. It is quite different from Cakewalk, Studio One, Mixbus etc. It is pretty capable but I really struggle with its interface and so have not updated.
  20. I don't have your interface but it sounds to me like you have some sort of "record what you hear" or output looped back into the input setting. The metronome should not be record-able unless the input you are recording is some copy of the output.
  21. While in the PVR if you kit the 'T' key this should bring up a floating toolbar where you can select the draw tool. A middle mouse button click might work as well. You could also look in the keyboard bindings for the pencil tool.
  22. I believe if you 'alt-click' on a bus to select it it will select the tracks and other buses that are routed to it. It may be 'ctrl-click' but it is one of those. If you send to a bus then that takes a copy of the signal and sends it to the bus. You could still have the output of the track going to a different bus. This allows you to send some of the tracks signal into say, a reverb bus. Then each track to which you want to apply that reverb can have a send to that bus with its own individual level of reverb.
  23. If you have the input of each instrument track set to the same midi channel or omni then this can happen if they also have input echo enabled. I think there is a setting so that only the selected instrument track gets input echo enabled by default. Check to see if the input echo on the other instruments is enabled?
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