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Everything posted by reginaldStjohn

  1. Also make sure the interleave button "little circle" is set to stereo for your busses
  2. No, but Blue Screens are usually related to HW conflicts or errors. I actually haven't seen a blue screen since moving to windows 10.
  3. I have it and use it all the time. I use it for Reverb, Cabinets mostly. I really like that I can HP, LP filter the IRs right in the interface
  4. I have had this when my interface's sample rate doesn't match the project's. Is this an existing project? If it is try creating a new one.
  5. If there is a keyboard shortcut or menu command to go to the next bar then you should be able to map a midi controller/button etc. to activate that command. You would have to setup a control surface. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR X3&language=3&help=ExternalDevices.03.html
  6. There is not stand alone version. You can use a VST host like https://www.cantabilesoftware.com/free-vst-host.
  7. I use touchdaw Android app as a wireless controller.
  8. I don't know if anyway to "drag" clips from multiple tracks to one track in one go. Some ideas that I can think of are the following: - Use take lanes since that is exactly what they are made for - Create an aux track, point all the comped tracks to the aux track and then record it. - Leave them all in their tracks and route them to a bus or aux track. Then hide the tracks?
  9. Just as another data point I had an Nvidia Video card that would cause high latency. I tried all the tricks mentioned in this thread and even more. I eventually just got an AMD card (Radeon) and that fixed it.
  10. I have never used the drag and drop method. I have used Melodyne to convert to midi. Maybe try that as a work around?
  11. As they say, "A picture is worth a 1000 words." I wonder how many words a moving picture is worth?
  12. You can't set latency to 0 so I don't know what setting you are talking about. The latency is dependent on your audio buffer size set in your audio interface. You can access the settings usually in the same place that you set what driver you are using.
  13. I always use Melodyne to create a harmony for me to practice. I will create a harmony from a lead that I have sung and corrected. Then I make a mixdown and practice as I drive to and from work. I am not a great singer but after about a week I can generally sing the harmony(ies) good enough. Of course people probably think I am singing to the radio
  14. Any opinions on how these compare to others like JamStix or even EzDrummer etc?
  15. I took a quick listen on my laptop speakers, all I have in front of me right now, so I could be way off here. However, what I have found useful is to compare, both using my ears and using an analyzer tool, my sounds with those I want to attain. I have used Melda's MAnalyzer and Izotope Ozone EQ to compare an Isolated guitar track, or the beginning of a guitar intro, to my sound and compare the difference. This helps me find the frequencies that I am missing or have too much of. Most of the distorted guitars that I have analyzed in similar genres as you are mentioning are mostly a flat frequency response between about 100Hz and 4-5KHz. Just listening quickly to your guitar sound it isn't bad but it seems to lack some in the lower mids (200-800Hz) or have too much in the 1-2K area. Hopefully that is helpful.
  16. Doesn't sound like your doing anything wrong. It could be a corrupt project. Can you try to create a new project and just re-create tracks to reproduce your side chain and see if it still happens? You can also contact tech support and send them your project to see if they can reproduce it.
  17. Thanks for the suggestion. Do you have the standard or the Pro Version?
  18. I have been looking for a good pop brass section. However this one is a bit too rich for me right now. Any suggestions on other similar ones at a bit lower price?
  19. I listened to the demos when I saw the email. I thought they did not sound good. Very synthetic.
  20. I have a LX88+ that I use with Studio one and it did integrate pretty good. However, There are drawbacks to Studio One controller support. For one there is no indication what console channels you are controlling. It also only supports absolute position for faders and pan. So if you switch channels and move a fader it will imediately jump to the fader location and not wait for the fader to reach its current value before moving it. Those are some things that I have found annoying.
  21. The only suggestion I have is get a AMD (ATI) card. I had latency problems with my NVidia card that I could never get resolved. I installed a Radeon and the latency went away. You can find many video cards sufficient for a DAW for around $100. If you can find a fanless one even better.
  22. Awesome review. Thanks Amicus717
  23. I have been eying since I learned about it some years ago. Can someone explain how Albion One is different then just an orchestra library? Is it loop based or sample based or both? Is it mostly for film scoring or is it good as a general orchestration tool? Sorry, I have looked at some of the videos and read the marketing material but I still don't quite grasp what this is?
  24. I don't have the Akai keyboard but a few months ago was comparing keyboards as well. I think you have to specify what you are going to do with the keyboard/controller. Are you just interested in the keyboard or do you care about the control aspects of it as well. The Komplete Kontrol series has some neat features if you use Kontakt heavily. If you are just trying to find a good keyboard for recording midi there are other options such as weighted keys etc. that may fit what you want better.
  25. People have given you some good suggestions but I have one that others have maybe not mentioned. Have someone else mix your music or at least listen to it to give you feedback. If you really do have some hearing issues, many of us do, you will need someone else to help you judge any moves you make anyway.
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