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Everything posted by reginaldStjohn

  1. Another way to do this is to route the tracks to an auxiliary track. Then you can record the auxiliary track like you did with the bus or just hide the mono tracks and treat the auxiliary track as your stereo track. A couple of thread that explain other ways to do it as well. http://forum.cakewalk.com/How-to-convert-two-mono-tracks-into-one-stereo-track-m3556324.aspx http://forum.cakewalk.com/How-to-turn-two-mono-tracks-into-one-stereo-track-m3352697.aspx
  2. in cakewalk there is audio snap. pg 599 of the Reference manual goes into great detail. Select an audio clip and hit "alt-a" to open the audio pallet. You many need to move some of the transient markers around or add some. I actually like to time most of my audio clips by hand by splitting and moving the clips into time. This avoids any artifacts.
  3. You can always "pin" a plug-in window so it will stay visible while opening another one. There is also an option to Recycle the plugin windows or open a new one. See pg 851 of the Reference guide
  4. There is an option in the preferences to "group" clips that are recorded at the same time. You can also select all the clips you want grouped, right click, and group them. Then when you select, split, move etc. one clip the others will have the same thing done to them. See pg 350 of the Reference Manual ("Clip Selection Groups")
  5. The only way I know to do this is have your effects on a bus or Aux Track and then "send" not route your track to the bus. Then you could export or bounce your effects bus to audio.
  6. The person to respond to this would be AZSlow3. He has written a plugin controller that is much more flexible than the build in ones that come with cakewalk. In addition he might know how to help you. I don't have a faderport so don't know how to help you. Here are a couple of semi-related threads.
  7. How do you have the audio loop set to follow tempo? Is it a groove clip or did you set it to follow tempo using the audio snap pallet? If you bounced the audio clip that would loose the audio snap setting because you baked it in when you bounced. You would need to select the clip, before changing the tempo, open the audio snap pallet and select "clip follows project". Then change the tempo. You could also try bouncing it once you change tempo to see if that makes it render at the correct temp.
  8. You seem to have the basics understood. I have an X32 producer and use it with many DAWs successfully. First, you do have to set the gain on the X32 to get the desired level. The X32 will convert the analog signal to a digital version that it then sends out the USB into your computer. This is how you record. In your DAW, Cakewalk, you assign all the tracks to a bus, usually called Master but could be anything. Then the output of the bus should be routed to your X32 outputs. Usually outs 1-2 but you could route them to other outputs if desired. ASIO only allow one interface to be used at a time so you would not be able to monitor through your laptop's soundcard. You would need to use the X32 to monitor. In addition, the X32 is going to be way better then your built in sound card. Many people disable their onboard sound card so there are no conflicts as well but this isn't always necessary.
  9. If the midi tracks are part of your project, not being imported, then you can simply drag them while holding shift it will constrain the start time of the clip to to not change as you drag it to the new track. If you want to copy it add the cntl key (shift-cntrl) while dragging and it will make a copy. If you want to use the "copy" and "paste" dialog then your best bet is to place the "now time" cursor at the start of the clip you want to copy. Then copy it. select the destination track and paste it. It should copy to start where the cursor is. You can also note the start time of the clip in the "inspector" and then choose "paste special". You can then type or copy the start time manually.
  10. You can also turn down the metronome so it is not so loud. In fade outs or where your voice is the main instrument you can automate the metronome to fade out or be softer in those parts. You could also track with headphones that give you more isolation like earbuds or closed back phones.
  11. This is only my opinion so take it as you would like. I usually leave things in midi formation while I am writing and arranging a song. Then, when I am ready to mix, I bounce to audio and treat everything like I recorded it to audio files. This way I am not tempted to continually tweak things. There are times I will bound to audio sooner if system resources get low. I think the best thing is to experiment and then evaluate which methods seem to work for you.
  12. What does your automation curve look like? Can you post a picture of the automation curve. Maybe the automation is stepped?
  13. A screen capture of your project with the tracks and console visible might be helpful.
  14. I have this problem as well, in all versions of Cakewalk, on a 4K monitor. It is like drawing lots of clips or data on the screen slows everything down. Cakewalk's official response was that it is not optimized for 4K yet.
  15. You can select non contiguous tracks by holding down cntrl or shift while individually selecting the tracks.
  16. I think the quote you used is to make a VSTi guitar or other programmed sound not sound like a machine made it by varying the accuracy of when the instrument sounds referenced to the beat. If you have a guitar VSTi that allows you to specify each not in the chord then you can make it sound like a strum by offsetting each note in the chord by a small amount of time. This is simulating what happens with a real strum. Some VSTis already have a strum feature so you do not need to do this manually
  17. The only way to do this is to create a project template or a track/bus template. The metronome is really just a bus in your project to which the metronome sound gets routed. Setup a project template with the metronome the way you want it. Then when you start a new song/project select your template. See the Reference Guide pp 1332
  18. I had an NVidia card that has the same driver issue. I worked an worked on it but the final solution was to get a card by a different vendor, Intel or AMD.
  19. If you have the vocal on one track and the midi, routed to your GS Wavetable Synth, and they both play when you hit play in Cakewalk, which I am assuming you are using, then you should be able to export them both. Each track should be routed, or output to, a main bus on the right side of the console view. If you go to the file menu and choose export you will see a dialog with lots of options at the bottom. Select "Entire Mix", or "What you hear". You could also select busess and then just select the main bus to output. Your export should be a "mix" of your vocal and midi audio. Another thing to try, besides looking in the Reference Manual, is to replace your GS Wavetable Synth with one that comes with cakewalk, like TTS, and see if that makes a difference.
  20. I had an NVidia card and the NVidia driver was always a problem. You can disable the built in Audio by going to device manager and finding the audio device and disabling it. See if that helps. If not, it may just be the NVidia driver. The only way I found around that was to use an AMD based Video card.
  21. My suggestion would be use a midi source for your metronome. It will move with the tempo much more transparently then an audio file. If you you want it as audio then freeze it or bounce to audio. If your audio file is changed too much in time it will always have artifacts. For your groove clip solution have you looked at the Reference Guide pp765. It may give some clues or things to try. You could also try elastique time stretching from the audioSnap pallet (RG pg. 691)
  22. I don't know? Could be that trying to record multiple tracks in a loop without stopping the transport has a bug? Or that the input echo doesn't move when you select the next track to record? Or that while recording all the notes are playing back on the midi channel to which the original controller sent them on and then when you stop they get assigned to the tracks midi channel?
  23. I run my home PC, and work PC for that matter, on 4K TVs for many years now. I always have my windows scaling set to 100%. I have not noticed any problem with drawing and clicking with these parameters. What I do notice, and has been mentioned by Cakewalk in some help requests, is that when I have lots of tracks and/or take lanes and the track view is maximized, then the UI slows right down. I am assuming it is the UI trying to draw all the waveforms and other information that can fit on a 4K monitor?
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