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Everything posted by reginaldStjohn

  1. Have you checked out the user's guide for you controller? In my account there is a document specifically showing how to set it up and use it in Sonar.
  2. Your video is blank on in my browser. I guess you could try to roll back to the previous version.
  3. You should be able to open a plugin with the transport playing and adjust to your heart's content. When you say "it doesn't work" what do you mean? What is happening and what are the steps you are trying to take?
  4. We probably need a few more details but here is some general advice. 1. The device that is midi capable that you want to control the Helix Native inside of the daw needs to be seen and setup in midi devices in Cakewalk as a control surface. 2. You need to assign, in Helix Native, or know its defaults, which midi CC messages control which knobs and functions. I haven't tried this with Helix Native but in many plugins you can right click a control and "learn" the midi CC by moving the associated control on the MIDI device (Pod Go?) You could also try the Line6 forum for help as well.
  5. Website is not working for me right now
  6. So why is fiddling with velocity not an option? Is it that you have too many instruments to adjust? If you took all your velocities lower than 127 and moved them up to 127 then you would not have hardly any dynamic range, which is what I though was the direction you wanted help with. Of course this would not sound very good so it is only an illustration.
  7. I don't think I understand your question? Cakewalk is all digital since it runs on a digital computer. It sums things in 32 bit floating point numbers, unless you have the 64 bit engine selected i believe.
  8. I don't think that this is typical behavior.
  9. Have you read the section on the Synth Rack in the Reference Manual? PP 587. I don't use the synth rack much but seems like the Reference Manual is pretty thorough.
  10. Posting a screen capture might help people see the problem you are addressing. Also, do you have any locked clips? Try bouncing your clips first and then repeat. Just some suggestions.
  11. If it is a MIDI arrangement the first thing you could do is to adjust the midi velocities a bit. You would loose some differences in the dynamics but that is what you are asking for. Compressors are another way to even things out but you really have to practice so you know what they sound like. A compressor will reduce the dynamic range but all the parameters and settings will depend on the track material and what you want to accomplish with it. Another option is volume automation. You can affect the volume of the audio on each track to reduce dynamics with out affecting the timbre of the articulations. Finally, you should be aware that classical music is my its nature very dynamic. By reducing the dynamics too much you may remove a part of the music that makes it classical.
  12. @rejkmackan: What you showed in your video is actually quite a mild example of what can actually happen. Thanks for posting that for the the developers to see. This has been happening to me a lot lately. If I have multiple take lanes and have comped them. The with the lanes collapsed I will start editing the track and sometimes the muted takes in other lanes start to cross-fade with the non-muted takes. I often have to delete all the muted takes to not have this happen.
  13. Just a few questions that might help get things going for you. What are the properties of the wave file, Sample Rate, Bit Depth? Did you record the wave file or is it some kind of loop or imported audio? What happens if you "bounce to clip" with the clip selected? In your screen shot you have volume automation enabled, is that what you intended? Are you saying that if you adjust the volume of the clip there is no change? If you zoom into the clip's waveform does it look like a reasonable waveform or it it strange? From the clip I see it doesn't look like a waveform I am used to. One thought, take the clips audio and export it using some other program like Goldwave. Does it then import correctly?
  14. It could be an issue with shared memory or IRQ resources. If the offending HW is removed it may make things run smother because you have removed the conflict?
  15. Is track 2 a simple instrument track like track 1? Is it the same VSTi (Addictive Keys) or something else? Are you arming the 2nd track to record? Have you un-armed the 1st track? If you still have the 1st track armed for recording then it could be muted depending on the record setting as shown below. Make sure that the 1st track's record button is not highlighted or turn the "Recording Mode" to "Sound on Sound"
  16. It would also help if you told us a bit about what kind of components you have in your computer, CPU, Graphics, Memory etc. as well as what audio card you are running with.
  17. You could post in the feature request forum. I know Studio One has this ability
  18. Are you using the pro channel by chance? I have had issues with some pro-channel modules not working but if I delete them and re-add them then the track will work. Maybe this is related?
  19. Not directly that I know of. You could bypass or delete the plugin and compare the difference?
  20. I would first do the "Beginners Guide" section in the Cakewalk user's manual. It describes how to insert and route for a midi instrument. Page 130 of the Reference Guide. Depending on if you are using a simple instrument track or a separate midi and audio track things might look different but the principles are the same. You have to route the output of your midi track to the input of the virtual instrument. Then you route the audio output of the instrument to an audio track. A simple instrument track is just a single track representation of a combined midi and audio track that have been routed for you. You also need to make sure that you route the audio track out to a master bus or hardware output to be able to hear it.
  21. You can do automation several ways in Cakewalk. Page 489 of the User's manual talks about using automation envelopes in the track. Page 693 talks about controller lanes in the PVR (Piano Roll View) which lets you add, edit or delete controller information, like pitch wheel.
  22. Have you checked the User's guide, Pg 255 talks about how to use and setup the metronome. Page 1503 shows the metronome settings. If you use the "Audio Metronome" you specify a bus output to which it is supposed be routed. Even if you don't here anything you should see the bus's meters moving when you hit play or record if you have the appropriate buttons enabled as specified on pg 255
  23. This probably isn't a CPU power issue it probably has more to do with your audio card. If you list the make and model of your audio interface then others may be more likely to help. If your using a built in audio device, like Realtek, then that may be the core of your issue. Also, you may need to do some PC optimization like disable sleeping on USB ports, set your power profile to Performance etc. Does Cakewalk give any errors or warnings when you try to play like "drop out" or "audio engine" stop? Here is a fairly recent thread someone started about optimizing their PC
  24. There are definitely 3rd party meters that do this, the Izotope Insight metering suite comes to mind. However, the only way I know how to do that in Cakewalk directly is to make a custom Theme using the theme editor. Even then, I am not sure the levels where the colors change can be set.
  25. There is a setting to reset all controllers on stop. This could be resetting an expression or CC that controls the volume or dynamics of the Kontakt instrument. Try moving your mod wheel and see if it changes. Also, are the playback meters in the audio track of the Kontakt instrument reading the same as the bus meters?
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