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Everything posted by reginaldStjohn

  1. Submit a support request to support@cakewalk.com
  2. So... Are you using a MIDI instrument (VSTi) to create your guitar sound or do you have a wave file? Guitar Pro is a guitar notation program that has some built in sounds but is basically playing midi notes of the notation into a synthesizer instrument. If your using a MIDI instrument then there is no need for stretching audio. If your track is audio then to make a double you don't need to stretch it either. Just duplicate the track, pan both tracks opposite and then add a small delay (1-5 ms) to one of them. This is called the HAAS effect. If you want a true double to make the track seem wider you need to actually play it again with different timing and slight pitch differences. There are plug-ins that mimic a double tracked instruments but they use the same principles mentioned above. With all that being said, I don't know of any polyphonic Elastic audio. There are Elastic audio settings for when you stretch audio but it doesn't have a "polyphonic" mode. See https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=AudioSnap.23.html
  3. Running Win 11 and Cakewalk here with no troubles.
  4. Not in cakewalk. There are other tools that will do it but they are external VSTs or tools.
  5. I have never got takes to work if you don't use them just for composting a track from the takes. If you have multiple un-muted takes at the same place in the timeline then when you apply a fade then Cakewalk doesn't know what you are trying to fade, the clip to its neighbor or to the clip right underneath it. Best to either bounce all the clips into one clip per timeline segment per track or use multiple tracks for each take. You could also submit a feature request specifying how you would like it to work in the https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/8-feedback-loop/ forum
  6. Or do a "save as" to keep what you want then edit away. Mix Recall does not preserve tracks and data. Just the state of mixes as mentioned in the documentation.
  7. Not that I know of. The interfaces I know of into a Daw like Cakewalk are the following: - Cal scripts - used to mostly modify midi data - Midi Control - Continuous controllers etc. - ARA - The interface Melodyne and other use to get access to the audio directly while not streaming. - VST/i - Plug-ins, API to access streaming audio/midi and create audio/midi output.
  8. I have the Nektar LX88+ and it works fine with cakewalk. They have a special driver that you install. The only thing I could't get it to do was switch the sliders from controlling the tracks to control busses.
  9. Please see the tutorial section for basic help in getting audio to work. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/35-tutorials/ Make sure you have input echo enabled on the track. https://www.cakewalk.com/Support/Knowledge-Base/2007013146/Input-Monitoring-Hearing-Audio-FX-On-Input#:~:text=Enable Input Monitoring,monitoring directly though your soundcard.
  10. Even if the master bus is muted or has a problem there should still be a reading in the individual track meters. You could try to bypass all effects and see if that changes anything. Are you using the pro channel? I have had some times where a pro channel module would cause a track to not play. bypassing or removing the effect would then allow audio to pass. I would also toggle the mute and solo on and then off just to make sure nothing is soloed.
  11. It could be that it is expecting a different version or signature on the plug-in. Just a guess
  12. If the documentation doesn't help you then you are on your own to figure it out. What particular issue are you having? When I solo a track it solo's and that is the only track I hear, unless I have "dim solo" enabled. Mine behaves like is documented below. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Playback.14.html
  13. I am not sure what you are talking about? What Cakewalk piano? The Piano Roll View or something else? Are you wanting to trigger samples, one shot wave files?
  14. I must be missing what you are seeing. Are you saying that when you add a Key/meter change using the "meter/key" screen that it adds two key changes? One bar of a key change that you inserted and then adds another key change back to the original one? The key/meter change doesn't actually transpose existing midi notes. It just is a visual indicator of your desired key. The meter changes the metronome counting. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Recording.04.html
  15. If you click "Views->meter/key " to see the list of meters and keys you can edit and see if there is one after the one you inserted causing it to revert
  16. You can hide the drum pane in the PRV by clicking on the "view->hide drum pane" item in the PVR.
  17. Make sure the clip you are opening is not locked or muted. You also may want to try to create a new clip to see if it exhibits the same issue or if it is just that clip that cannot be edited.
  18. If the vocals were recorded that way, and it looks like they were, then there is not much you can do. The clipping is part of the wave file and cannot be removed by just by turning the volume down. There are tools that can help, Izotope RX, to mention one, but they are comparatively expensive and won't completely remove the artifacts. The best option is to re-record them.
  19. reginaldStjohn

    Zero Audio

    Well, first of all it looks like you are trying to record guitar into the mic of your laptop? That is not going to produce any good results. Second, if you want to hear the input then you have to click the "input echo" button that is on each track. However, you will get feedback from your speakers into the microphone. You need to use headphones when recording. There are some good video tutorials in the tutorials section of the forum. that will help you get started. In addition, reading the documentation is always a good place to star.
  20. I've resorted to only playing "tricks" on the guitar since I can't seem to master the normal way.
  21. It could be related to "zero controllers on stop" setting. Try toggling it and see if it helps
  22. Just a suggestion. Go into the plugin manager and do a rescan VSTs.
  23. Please post this in the "Feedback" Subforum. That is were feature requests go. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/8-feedback-loop/
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