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Everything posted by reginaldStjohn

  1. I would suggest sending one of your projects to cakewalk support to see if they can help you. Support@cakewalk.com
  2. This topic had a similiar problem. Turns out that if you have a path in Cakewalk set with a zip file or some others it will hang trying to read in that file.
  3. Here is says that it should be remembered when you save your project. I don't use it so I actually don't know. https://www.cakewalk.com/Support/Knowledge-Base/2007013093/Staff-and-Lyrics-Views
  4. There is a "zero controllers" setting in preferences that could cause this. http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=4&help=Dialogs2.068.html
  5. That Sounds like you want a chord track. Cakewalk does not have that.
  6. If you instatiate a new instance of a virtual instrument you can have a whole new 16 channels to work with. When playing with your controller you have to enable echo on the ones you want to record or play. When playing back as long as the Midi track is directed towards the desired synth then the midi data for that one midi track should only affect the pointed to instrument.
  7. Seems like this line got a bit mixed up with their MTurboReverb???? "MTurboDelay - the most powerful algorithmic reverb ever made. 100 reverbs in one and more..."
  8. I think what it means is that while moving the track there is a little highlight bar that shows what level the track will be dropped to if the mouse is let go at that time. By moving the track right/left the indicator will move to show at what level the track will be dropped.
  9. Could it be the "!" in your folder names? Try removing it and see what happens
  10. Interesting. I have always got a response within a few days. Not that they have a solution just that they acknowledge that they recieved it.
  11. That is a strange problem. You should definitely not have to "reinstall" anything to get plugins to work. I would start with checking your audio driver buffer settings and change them to something bigger or smaller to see if it helps. There are also midi buffer settings documented here. Also, letting people know your Audio Interface make and model as well as what driver type and settings your using might help.
  12. Send your crash dumps to support@cakewalk.com to report the issue
  13. I don't know, but once you time stretch it is often a good idea to bounce anyway. Online redering of stretched audio is usuall worse quality then when you bounce it (offline quality setting)
  14. I don't think that Cakewalk allows routing that would create a feedback loop. Any reason you can't use a regular delay plugin? It seems that is what they are made for. I didn't watch the video so ignore my comment if it is unreleated.
  15. You can't do a freehand lasso but you can do a rectangular lasso by right clicking and dragging.
  16. There are transpose functions for midi, or you can manually select all the notes and drag them up and down in the piano roll view (PVR) to transpose them. To tune them less than a half step you would have to do that in the synthesizer that they are driving. Please check out the documentation https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=EditingMIDI.33.html
  17. I don't know of a way to automatically make a single kontakt instrument providing several tracks turn into several tracks of individual tracks of kontakt. However, you could duplicate your Kontakt track n times, assuming it is a simple instrument track?, and then delete the appropriate instruments rather than loading them again.
  18. You would have to stretch the file by the correct percent 440/432. However, it will pitch everything, the drums as well as instruments and change the tempo. You may be able to pitch it without changing the length or tempo but there will be more artifacts. If you are going to do a bunch you might look into an audio editor (gold wave, sound forge etc.)
  19. We really need to know more about your setup. What audio card are you using? What driver mode? Is this the built in microphone on a laptop or a dedicated microphone plugged into an audio interface? Can you record audio from another source or do all recording modes fail? Please try the tutorials section to see some examples.
  20. Probably there is a controller (CC1?) in the midi data or you have "zero controllers on stop" enabled in the preferences. http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=4&help=Dialogs2.068.html
  21. You could try to submit your project to the cakewalk team to see if there is something inherently wrong in the project or Cakewalk (Support@cakewalk.com) It also could be a system dependent problem, video driver, hardware conflict etc.
  22. Make sure your using the most recent version of Cakewalk. Create a minimial project that reproduces your issue, share it via a cloud drive (like icloud, google drive, one drive etc.) Them submit a support ticket using "support@cakewalk.com" explaining your issue and share the link to your project in the email.
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