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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/forum/8-feedback-loop/
  2. Promidi

    Arturia Tape J-37

    Maybe a user with FX Collection 5 can chime in....
  3. Promidi

    Arturia Tape J-37

    After logging on to Arturia, I was offered it for $US59.00. Probably because I have FX Collection 4 At this time I do not intent purchasing - I have enough tape emulation vsts.
  4. Loading this project will make this issue manifest on my system. Controller Pane Gets Smaller with Every Click of Drum Pane Note - Sonar.cwp
  5. As per title. Update via Melodyne > Help > Check for Updates.
  6. Try using Cakewalk’s Vdist runtime repair tool. See:
  7. I am using a PCR-800 which is also quite old and I have never had this issue. I am sure we can get the bottom of this. Can you please try the following: If you create a project with a single MIDI track. On this MIDI track: 1) set the input to receive from CasioWK-1600 on MIDI channel 1 (or what ever MIDI channel the CasioWK-1600 is transmitting on - even omni might do) 2) set input echo on, arm it. When you record to this single MIDI track, does this scenario create the doubled notes?
  8. Forgive me if this is mentioned elsewhere..... but what model is your MIDI keyboard?
  9. Remove that entry in Preferences - MIDI - Control Surfaces and see what happens....
  10. If you rename your aud.ini file (found here: "%AppData%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\") Does Cakewalk start?
  11. What is in Preferences - MIDI - Control Surfaces
  12. I really hope not. That would really stuff up my workflow. In fact, I broached this subject with the bakers, and they have no plans to abandon CAL scripts (or even Studioware Panels) because there are still many people (myself included) who use them every day in their projects. Instead of waiting for said MIDI editing function to be made available in Sonar, I simply write a CAL script to do it. I am really thankful that I have that ability. MIDI is really how you get all the cool stuff to happen in any DAW. Without MIDI, then all your DAW becomes is a glorified tape deck.
  13. See if uninstalling your Vdist runtimes then runing the Cakewalk redist installer helps. Im am not sure if Cakewalk’s redist installer requires Vdist to be present in the first place. If it does, then you can run Microsoft’s latest Vdist runtime. See: (Next to X86) https://learn.microsoft.com/en-au/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170#latest-microsoft-visual-c-redistributable-version
  14. CAL scripts can be written to adjust existing velocity values or set velocity values to new values. For instance, this will set the velocities of selected notes to a random number between 60 and 100) (do (forEachEvent (if (== Event.Kind NOTE) (= Note.Vel (random 60 100))))) This one shifts the velocities of selected notes up or down by a random number up to 10. (do (int newvel) (forEachEvent (if (== Event.Kind NOTE) (do (= newvel (+ Note.Vel (random -10 10))) (if (> newvel 127) (= newvel 127)) (if (< newvel 0) (= newvel 0)) (= Note.Vel newvel) );end do );end if );end for );end do
  15. I had a bit of a look at the CAL scripts on my PC. Personally, I would rewrite it. Do you want the MIDI velocities to be random deviations from the original values, or do you simply want the velocities to be arbitrarily set to random values between x and y?
  16. When ever it comes to CAL, the real question should be “Can a CAL script be written to”.......... what ever you want. Chances are the answer to that question is yes. Can you post your VARYVEL.CAL
  17. The point of plugins like TTS-1 is that it will play back General MIDI files properly and correctly - as long as the files follow the GS/GM/ MIDI spec properly. TTS-1 will respond correctly to the patch changes and controllers. “NoteTrack, Cakewalk Sound Center, or third-party VST plugins ” will not have these patch mappings, and controllers. With these, and other “replacements”, be prepared to do a lot of editing of the files to make them sound right. Most of these “replacements” that people mention are not even multi-timbrel. You have to have a separate instance for each track the GM file contains (up to a max of 16 tracks) Personally, I just use an old external sound playback device that will play back General MIDI files without having to edit the files at all - it responds correctly to the GS/GM/XG MIDI spec - multi-timbrel and all. It even responds to polyphonic aftertouch. I am hoping that Cakewalk will partner with a maker of a proper multi-timbrel replacement for TTS-1 that will let uses load GM files into Cakewalk and play them without having to fluff around trying to get them to sound right.
  18. No there isn’t. This “M” is only lit if at least one track is muted
  19. If you want to request features, you should really do so here: When you do, be sure to cite specific examples of what you would like. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/forum/8-feedback-loop/
  20. Zero problems here. try via wired , non firewalled, non VPNed connection.
  21. Definitely not a waste of time...... glad to help.
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