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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. I pulled the trigger. Now I am dreading the download. One thing I am using is a download Manager rather than via my browser or IK Product Manager. This does make the download go much quicker here. Sometimes, using my browser, the files come down at around 250kbps (depending on time). My browser is latest 64bit Firefox. Tried all others, same result. Even tried another PC, same result. Using a download Manager, gets me the files at around 53mbps (or about 6.3 megabytes a second).
  2. Make sure that the Bandlab process is not running. From the command prompt: (or start + run) taskkill /IM "BandLab Assistant.exe" /F Then download the latest BandLab Assistant and install it (from here) https://www.bandlab.com/download/assistant/windows
  3. Promidi

    Strange dropouts

    Can you post the specs of that 1TB hard drive. Is it a 5400rpm? You can use a program like CrystalDiskinfo to find this out
  4. Promidi

    SSL 2+?

    What is your OS? Are you using the latest drivers: https://www.solidstatelogic.com/support-page/downloads What driver mode are you using (ASIO is preferred)? Is that latency input, output, or Total Round trip? What is your bit depth and buffer size?
  5. Promidi

    Strange dropouts

    We really need more information. What are your machine specs and OS level. Have you installed the latest drivers? (using manufacturer's websites rather than Windows updates) Exactly what Windows optimisation tweaks have you applied. Tried disabling C-stated and Intel Speedsteep? (This is done in the PC's BIOS and the method varies between PCs) Tried Start + run "control powercfg.cpl,,1" (without quotes) and set CPU Min and Max to 100% ? In preferences | Audio | Configuration File Tried adjusting the following EnableSetThreadIdealProcessor = False MixThreadCount = {number of cores minus 1} You might like to exit Cakewalk by Bandlab and make a copy of the following file before doing this: %appdata%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\aud.ini
  6. What OS tweaks have you done. What is your OS and build number? Turned core parking off? Try disabling C-States and Intel speed step (This is done in BIOS - how depends on your system) Start + Run > "control powercfg.cpl,,1" (without quotes), set CPU min and Max to 100% What is your sample rate and bit depth? My projectless Cakewalk only take 25% ram(I have 16gig ram). Check your task manager for CPU and memory utilisation. Are there any other sound cards enabled other than the Audiobox USB? I have an i5 4th gen, 16gig ram buffer size at 256, 48Khz 24bit Windows 10 64bit 2004 with a 2nd gen focusrite 2i2 and I can record a stereo signal with no drop outs.
  7. That would be a question best asked of Wavelet Audio https://wavelet-audio.com/contact-us/
  8. There must be some system issue particular to your PC (or even your internet connect) for there to be this many issues downloading and installing Cakewalk by Bandlab. I have never received a corrupt file while downloading installing Cakewalk by Bandlab.
  9. This is a Kontact instrument - However, will work with Player.
  10. Is there any way you can see about getting an Nvida or an AMD dedicated graphics card (does not have to be the latest - I just use a GTX960). That will offload some of the graphic processing to the card (windows itself does this). While I know Cakewalk itself does not utilise the GPU, some plugins do for some of their display information. I know Meldaproduction plugins can. See if you can borrow a GPU
  11. Which sound card/interface are you using the listen to the exported mix. It is the same device that Cakewalk uses. Have you confirm whether the buzzing sound is actually present in the exported file (maybe playing it on another physical PC)
  12. Tried disabling C-states and Intel speedstep (or AMD equiv)?
  13. That would do it if the EQ is a linear Phase EQ. (Like cakewalk's LPEQ) How you prevent it would be determined by the exact plugin used.
  14. Promidi

    Piano roll questions

    1) No there isn't 2) Even though CC10 is the GM/XG MIDI default for Pan, not all VSTis follow that standard. If you want CC10 to control pan for a given VSTi and it isn't, then you might be able to use the VSTi's MIDI learn function to map CC10 to Pan.
  15. Do you have any look-a-head plugins on that audio track? When you put the audio track back and then disable all effects, does the latency go away.. If so, then it's a plugin.
  16. IMHO 64bit is way overkill. Hell, even 32bit is almost overkill....
  17. Me too. This could actually be a game changer in the same way the arranger tool is. In fact, I would actually be willing to BETA test this.
  18. Promidi

    USB Midi Driver

    At the end of the day, you might find it easer to simply pony up the cash for a replacement USB to MIDI adapter. The one I use is a Roland Roland UM-ONE mk2 USB MIDI Interface. This is a little more expensive than the cheap ones you find of Ebay. However, the cheap ones tend to have small internal buffers that cause them to have issues with a high data density (like sysex).
  19. The only other thing I can think of is that your screensets are locked. If it's not that, then I am out of ideas. I use screensets all the time in my projects and screensets always save ok for me. Maybe drop a note to Cakewalk support. https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000025633
  20. Are you using version 2020.9 Build 006 of Cakewalk by Bandlab?
  21. Are you using the latest Cakewalk by Bandlab (Which is 2020.9 Build 006)? On the latest versions, see if deselecting "Apply Workspaces on project Load" makes a difference (I can't remember when this was introduced). See if deselecting the option "Windows Layouts" under "load from Workspace" in Workspace Manager for any used Workspaces makes a difference..
  22. I also have that library and I am pretty sure that this library does not respond to Pitch bend MIDI events..
  23. I also have deeply customised my bindings and I have never encountered this issue. Are you using Workspaces by any chance? I do, and for all of the ones I use, I deselect the option "Keyboard Shortcuts" under "load from Workspace" in Workspace Manager.
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