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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. Cakewalk must have updated the installer on their website. I performed another manual download and install and this time I ended up with BA 6.1.0.
  2. That's the first thing I tried.... same result. It still downloads I installed it anyway, but the reinstalled version still asks for an update.... which fails.
  3. I load heaps of "MIDI only" Cakewalk Pro Audio 9 WRK files into Cakewalk by Bandlab 2020.9 build 006. Never had an issue. They all just load and play to the end.
  4. Can't update here either. Currently on of BA. Says it needs an update. I click on update , Not only does BA quit, but the BA process also terminates. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling BA and downloading from https://www.bandlab.com/download/assistant/windows same result.... I chucked a reboot in there somewhere for good measure - same result. I am still stuck on BA I have flicked a support ticket to Cakewalk support.
  5. Promidi


    Is the Komplete audio 1 present but greyed out..... or is the Komplete audio 1 not even present? If the former, it's because for a given application, only one ASIO device can be selected an the same time. It's a limitation of ASIO driver mode. If the latter, check to make sure Komplete audio 1 is visible and enabled in the Device Manager. Start + Run "devmgmt.msc" (without quotes)
  6. Full version of Kontakt 5.3 or higher required
  7. Promidi


    The reason I bring up "the GL 2.1 thing" is because, according to https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/audio-interfaces/komplete-audio-1-audio-2/specifications/, the Komplete Audio 1 needs a graphics card which supports Open GL 2.1 or higher (That would include onboard graphics) You really should be using ASIO driver mode. The build number (like in all programs) and in Help | About
  8. I was able to open your file , but without any audio files or plugins. It would be more accurate to say that a plugin or something about your system is causing Cakewalk to crash. Are you using version 2020.9 Build 006 of Cakewalk by Bandlab? Also, are you using the latest version of all the plugins that you're using? Is your PC fully patched? Are all drivers up to date? (using manufacturer's websites rather than Windows updates)
  9. When the time comes, get someone who knows what they are doing to do it for you.....
  10. I have to wholeheartedly agree with this assessment. Sometimes things need to be said, no matter how unpopular.... For me, TTS-1 just works... always has.
  11. Why doesn't TTS-1 work on your system? Are you using the version that comes with Cakewalk by Bandlab?
  12. Promidi


    Balanced cables are cabled specifically designed to cancel out noise along the audio chain. You mention "headphone", so I am assuming not. Can we have some PC specs. OS (I notice the driver page does not mention Windows 10), CPU, Ram, video card Are you using version 3.1 of the drivers (for WIndows 7,8 or 8.1) Does your graphics Card support Open GL 2.1 or higher? What driver mode are you using? Are you using Cakewalk by Bandlab 2020.9 build 006?
  13. Promidi


    Are you using balanced cables?
  14. Any standard MIDI controller that is visible to windows 10 as a MIDI device should be fine in Cakewalk. You are going to list what features you are after. How many keys, how many knobs, sliders, pads you're after. Whether you want velocity sensitive pads. The size of the pads. Whether you want aftertouch sensitivity on the keys. Whether you want to be able to split the keyboard, or send note data on dual channels. Whether you want to be able to program the sliders and pads to send what ever MIDI data you like. CCs, AFT, notes, or sysex Whether you want transport controlls How many a pitch bend or modulation wheels you're after. Whether you want to be able to add a sustain and/or foot controller pedal Whether you're using the MIDI controller as a straight MIDI controller or an ACT control surface Etc
  15. Requires the full retail version of Kontakt 6.2.2 or higher
  16. If it's all MIDI then your audio interface should not matter. (Unless you're routing MIDI to a VSTi) Have you checked in Preferences | Project settings. Thinks like Clock settings (not set to MIDI sync) . When I load a Cakewalk Pro Audio (WRK) file from 2001,into Cakewalk by Bandlab, it plays properly and does not stop until the end of the file. In my CbB Preferences | Project | Clock the clock source is set to "Audio" with a "Ticks per quarter note" of 120 (I usually change this to 960 if updating the file for Cakewalk by Bandlab).
  17. Contact Cakewalk support https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000025633
  18. Transgressor 2 US$29.00 https://www.bozdigitallabs.com/product/transgressor-2/ The Wall US$29.00 https://www.bozdigitallabs.com/product/the-wall/
  19. This can be done by writing two CAL scripts. One to increase velocity and another to decrease velocity. Then you can assign these CAL scripts to keybindings The Cal Script to Increase (do (forEachEvent (do (if (&& (== Event.Kind NOTE) (< Note.Vel 127)) (++ Note.Vel) ) ) ) ) The Cal Script to decrease (do (forEachEvent (do (if (&& (== Event.Kind NOTE) (> Note.Vel 0)) (-- Note.Vel) ) ) ) )
  20. The only thing I use IK Product Manager for is to check for updates. To download the actual products and sounds content, I simply use IK's website and a download manager. With this I can download at twice the speed that IK Product Manager does. The download manager I use is this one. https://www.freedownloadmanager.org/
  21. Have you tried using a third party Download manager? The one I use is this one. https://www.freedownloadmanager.org/ I used this for the Sampletank 4 Max content and that content came down at over 6.4 megabytes per second (or 51.2 Mb/s)
  22. Promidi

    Input Echo Query

    Still need to know what audio interface are you using and what driver mode (ASIO, WASAPI, etc) are you using?
  23. Promidi

    Input Echo Query

    Ok, this is the cause of your initial issue. Add a device in here and select it and then you'll be able to enable input echo for audio tracks. What audio interface are you using and what driver mode (ASIO, WASAPI, etc) are you using?
  24. Promidi

    Input Echo Query

    In preferences | Devices , do you have any input drivers selected?
  25. The real power of Sampletank 4 is in the edit screen........ especially for those sounds that specifically use the version 4 engine.
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