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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. Be prepared to do a lot of freezing with this synth..... especially if you use pitch bends.....
  2. With Cakewalk closed, rename the AUD.INI file and then restart Cakewalk. That file will be rebuilt with its default settings. See if that gets the buffer slider back. This file can be found in the following folder (Make sure you've set Windows to view extensions of known file types) %appdata%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core
  3. Not here. Can you give some details as to what plugins you're using. Maybe hold down shift as you open the project to rule out a plugin issue. What driver mode are you using? What sample rate, bit depth and buffer size are you using? When you reinstalled the drivers for your interface, did you download the latest versions? (using manufacturer's websites rather than Windows updates) Also, are you using Cakewalk by Bandlab 2020.9 build 006 (Check this with Help | About)
  4. No But what you can do is open the file with Shift held down and say no plugins until you find wish one is causing the issue. Note: Like many programs, you can find their versions using Help | About.
  5. What are your PC specs? Are you using version 4.13 of ST4? Have you tried it with both the VST2 and VST3 versions?
  6. Because this thread is only for specific issues introduced in the Early Release version.
  7. Roll back to 2020.9 build 006 and see if the issue still exists there. If it does, then log a standard support ticket here. https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000025633
  8. Was this issue introduced with the Early Release or has this been an issue for previous versions as well?
  9. Works here. I have that version Focusite driver. with CbB 2020.10 Build 61 Are you in ASIO mode?
  10. Is this an issue introduced with the early release? I.E. have you reverted to 2020.9 Build 006 to make sure this behaviour was introduced with the early release?
  11. Here you go. This file contains a small CWP file, the MIDImonitor DLL (This is a 64 bit vsti), the articulation map, for just in case, my Cakewalk.ini file. I have also added some screenshots hopefully showing the issue is more detail. http://users.on.net/akm/Promidi_Articulation_Maps.zipx Just in case my Cakewalk.ini and TTQSEQ.ini file were having an effect, I temporarily renamed than to *.bak, but it did not make a difference.
  12. I was actually going to suggest that you edit your custom workspace to deselect "Display settings" under "Load from this workspace". (Edit workspaces under the workspaces menu and select "Manage workspaces"
  13. In all my keyswitch articulation maps, I have checked "Transpose", and it is set to "Drawn. I also make sure the articulation map duration covers all of the notes I wish that keyswitch to play. Of course, I am using note events for the keyswitches. When I start playback in the middle of an articulation map, that is the behaviour I am seeing. i.e. Only the most recent articulation event is sent. I think I am closer to understanding what is going on here. I think the MIDI Chase function may not be handling the MIDI Channel of the events properly when they come from articulation map. According to MIDImonitor, the MIDI channel the articulation map (as configured above) is sending reverts to channel 1 (which is neither that of the MIDI track, or as programmed in the articulation map) . It's almost there. However, until this is sorted, I will have to continue to use Drum maps for keyswitching on a separate MIDI track. Let me know if you would still like a video, I am happy to do one and PM it to you.
  14. This is happening on a new single MIDI track project. For example, if I have four Articulation maps in a row, and I start playback from before the beginning of the first one, the MIDI events get sent correctly all the way through past the forth Articulation map. If I start playback in the middle of the 2nd, 3rd, or forth Articulation map, MIDI data from the first Articulation map gets sent. I would have thought it would only chase back to the Articulation map that the now pointer starts playback on. I am getting the feeling a screen video might show what I mean. I have a plug in that shows the exact MIDI events being sent.
  15. If this was a condition that existed prior to this Early Release then you need to log a normal support ticket. https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000025633
  16. If you have one, did you disable your 3rd party antivirus/antimalware program prior to the attempt? My 2004 update consistently failed until I did this. My 20H2 update was offered via Windows update and went smooth as (Even did not have to disable my antivirus/antimalware program)
  17. Keyswitches - some (many) orchestration (and sometimes others ) patches have multiple articulations (Sustain, spiccato, Pizzicato, etc) keyswitches with are set by sending unused lower or upper keys on the keyboard. Articulation maps provide an easy (and a named) way to program these and have them display (and send) in the PRV on a single track. Previously, we have to either put the notes in manually (With out any names) or use a separate MIDI track for the keyswitches and make a drum track for the names There was a video that Cakewalk posted that showed a real world use for this
  18. I think I have found a couple of issue with the articulation mapping. The MIDI chase is not always playing the correct articulation when playback is started mid note or mid articulation map. It reverts to one of the previously set articulation maps until a new articulation map is encountered. If a MIDI track has its MIDI channel defined in the MIDI track's inspector, the articulation map should ignore the MIDI channel as set in the articulation map and should be over-ridden by the MIDI channel as defined in the inspector. Of course, if the MIDI track's MIDI channel is set to "none", then the MIDI channel as defined in the articulation map should be used. (This is the way standard MIDI events work) Cut, Cope, Paste and delete Special should have "articulation sections" in their respective dialogue boxes.
  19. Excellent work on the articulation maps. Can I make a couple of small requests. On the Articulation map Editor, when using the "Add from MIDI" button under “articulations”, to add articulations, is it possible to keep the button in listen mode after pressing a key on your MIDI controller (using "cancel" to stop listening). That will make it much quicker to add multiple keys in one operation. Currently , one needs to repeatedly press the "Add from MIDI" button after each key press on the MIDI controller. Is it possible for the MIDI chase function search back for the most recent articulation map and apply the events therein..
  20. Wouldn't it be simpler to just download the latest iLok driver/software. Then, after step 1, simply install that over the top of the older installation. That, theoretically, should save the steps 2 to 4 ? - (Including the dreaded registry edit)
  21. If it's been a few months, there may be Windows updates that need to complete. Also, it wouldn't hurt to update your Vdist runtimes (These are done separately from Windows updates) See: https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads Is your OS fully patched and all hardware drivers up to date? (using manufacturer's websites rather than Windows updates)
  22. Cakewalk must have updated the installer on their website. I performed another manual download and install and this time I ended up with BA 6.1.0.
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