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Everything posted by Johnbee58

  1. Sorry, DICKENS. Please do me a favor. Don't ever respond to any questions I post. Your kind of vile help I don't want or need. In fact, I'm considering not purchasing Cakewalk if I have to put up with people the likes of you.
  2. I most definitely agree with you on this. 99% of the help and advise here is given in good faith by some very helpful and PLEASANT people. I've learned most of what I know about Cakewalk by some very wonderful folks here. Everytime I see name Byron Dickins on a forum I see a post from a person with an attitude. You don't have to help people if it frustrates you so much.
  3. No. I don't buy that. People don't come to this forum to be intimidated in the form of "help". If Mr. Dickson (or anybody else here) can't give help without an attitude and degrading people they should refrain from offering their "help". It's not seen as being helpful. It's seen as INTIMIDATING!
  4. It's not so much what you say but how you say it. You can be helpful without the attitude. Try it. People will feel better about you. ?John B
  5. Hey, @Byron Dickens. Don't you ever have anything nice to say to people? Practically everything you say to people you're putting them down somehow. You're very disrespectful. If you can't say anything pleasant please don't say anything at all! And I'm sure I'm not the only one here who feels that way!
  6. Back in 2013 I made the huge mistake of joining the Propellerhead Reason forum. I'm still paying for it to this day. They required my email address and then got hacked. They since closed the forum down but my email address wound up on the dark web (according to my ID Sheild) and I continue to get about 30 to 50 pieces of spam every single day. I 'd love to change my email address but I pay most if my bills automatically on line through this email account. Yes, there is no reason why a music forum would need your email address ?John B
  7. I listen to Yoko Ono when I need to induce vomiting and I'm fresh out of ipecac. ?
  8. To the OP-I know I'm risking getting a lot of idiotic comments* but have you tried Melodyne? ? *Autotune is EVIL!!
  9. Don't bother with Emvoice. I have it and used it for 2 projects. Nobody listened to them. Still too robotic. ?John B
  10. I get up early. Saw it @6AM (EDT). But was resolved quicker than in the past. That janitor is getting better. I guess, like a musician, it takes practice. ?John B
  11. Hopefully they cleaned it up for good this time. ?John B
  12. Cannot get on any part of the forum.  It seems to be inundated with spam type material.  This is the second morning in a row this has happened.  You probably know about it.  What's going on?

    John B.

    1. Wookiee


      It's being dealt with, spam bots are a pain in the postiera 

    2. Johnbee58


      They sure are.  Thanks.

    3. Francisca Rigaud

      Francisca Rigaud

      Is this forum still active? I have just started to use Cakewalk and have a few questions, but I see nowhere to post them? That often happens nowadays with forums.... nowhere to post questions, which is very, very odd. Even doing a search didn't help. Can anyone maybe help me? 


  13. Noel should know. If he says it will work I'm optimistic. ?John B
  14. My bet is as long as your current computer works. Why would they continue to offer a program that offers everything for free? There would be no incentive to lay your money down, unless there was something better behind the $$$$$$. Anyway, I don't want this to become another thread about the future of Cakewalk. I'm only hoping things will be finalized soon so we'll all know the story. ?John B
  15. Yes, but for how long after the change is made? I do intend to move to something new in the future. Maybe Cakewalk, maybe not. I DO have Reason 12 which I upgraded from 7 last year but it doesn't have Auto Punch in/Out so I rarely use that. Had I known it didn't have that very important feature I would not have upgraded. But too late for that now. John B
  16. Thanks @InstrEd. I also read somewhere on that thread that they will offer a short trial period so I will be able to see how it really works for me before I lay my non refundable money down. I've been checking out FL Studio 20 and Prosonus Studio One for possible alternatives. I'm really hoping Cakewalk will work for me (price and performance wise) because I really don't want another learning curve. It took me 9 years to learn what I know so far about Cakewalk and I still don't know everything but I know enough to do what I do with it. ?John B
  17. I just looked at the tech requirements for the upcoming Cakewalk Sonar (& Next). They both require (or suggest) an 8 Core CPU. My sig below tells of my current system as an i5 11400 2.60@ GHz 2.59GHz. (Windows 10). I recently doubled my RAM from 16 gigs to 32. I'm not overly versed on these variables but is this telling me that I have sufficient computing power to run Cakewalk Sonar (the new one) or not? If not, I may be forced to change DAWs whether I want to or not. My PC is only 2 years old and I will not buy a new one. Thanks John B
  18. @noynekker, @bjornpdx & @Supa Reels Thanks for your interest. I pulled the song. ?John B.
  19. @FreeEarCandyThanks for listening, FEC! ?John B
  20. I know what you mean. I'm going through some financial trials myself right now. Takes the fun out of life sometimes. Hopefully will be settled soon. ?John B
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