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Everything posted by Johnbee58

  1. My favorite. RIP to a gifted soul. ?John B
  2. @DeeringAmpsThanks so much, Tom. ?John B
  3. The funny thing is, Tom, Ozone Imager is in the menu and can be used if I open a new instance of it. Now, one would think that would work, but the problem is that I had an instance of OI already on a track that I put there when I created the project. That's the one that doesn't open up. It shows up in brackets and when I click on it it says something about it not being installed properly. The reason why I want to to use that particular instance (without opening a new one) is that the settings I used on that instance of OI can't be copied so I have to set it up all again, which isn't hard to do, really, but it a mystery as to why the current OI saved in the project can't be used and also, why I can't export/import the original settings of the one that's already there. I know it's a mouthful but there it is. Thanks for your suggestions, just the same. ?John B
  4. @bitflipper @DeeringAmps I looked in Program Files/Common Files/VST3 and found several VST Files outside of folders but Ozone Imager wasn't among them. But there is a folder called Izotope which has a file called iZOzoneSBimager.dll which is listed as an Application Extension. I tried copy/pasting it into the main folder amongst the other VST Files but no joy. ? Any other suggestions? ?John B
  5. I think I might've figured it out. When I looked in Sonar's VST plugin folder there were only three locations scanned, so it might be what Bitflipper said about rescanning the folders because CbB had many more folders in the scanned menu. I'll have to try to locate every folder in there and make sure they're scanned by Sonar. I'll get back to you. Thanks! ?John B
  6. The plugin is in only one folder, VST 3. ?
  7. The error message says that it is improperly installed. ?
  8. The other day I tried opening some of my recent projects made in CbB into my old Sonar X3 Studio. They opened OK but on one I used the Ozone Imager. It was in brackets and upon clicking on it produced an error. I went into plugin menu and just opened a new Ozone which worked fine but I wanted to copy the settings from the project using the Save/Load feature. I went back into CbB to export the settings and when I went back into Sonar to load the VST file it wasn't there. Sonar didn't recognize the format. What's going on there? Thanks ?John B
  9. Thanks so much, Larry. It is pleasing to know that as a guy who doesn't listen to many vocal projects you have chosen to check me out. ?John B
  10. I agree the intro could be a bit shorter but it's no biggie if it's an artistic thing. Your horns are interesting. What are you using, if you don't mind my asking? ?John B
  11. I think my Mom took to heart the Winston cigarette ad about lower birth weight and easier delivery. I was barely over 5 pounds when I was born and had weak lungs as a result. She "confessed" that to my wife when she was pregnant with our son in 1981. Terrific video and the music fits perfectly. ?John B
  12. I enjoy this very much but it sounds to me that it needs more of a melody in the front. As it is it's a great background but a lead type of line would take it to another dimension. ?John B
  13. @treeshaNo worries. Thanks again. ?John B
  14. @FreeEarCandy FEC-Thanks so much. ?John B
  15. Hi Nigel; Your music and videos are always of the highest quality. This song has an infectious beat and the production is superb. ?John B
  16. @Bajan BlueThanks, Nigel! I was a bit confused on @treesha's comment because of the time mark she mentioned. She said her observation was @3:45, which kind of puzzled me because that's where the song ends, but you clarified it as being @ 2:25. What you're hearing there are 2 low horns, ( baritone sax and a bass trombone) doing a "Tower Of Power style" lick where the low bari sax puts down some funk and the higher horns do a response. The 5 horn line up there is bass trombone, bari sax, tenor sax and 2 trumpets. I can see that it could be mistaken as distortion as the samples are a bit bright, but it's not. ?JB
  17. Hello, @daryl1968Daryl. Thanks so much for listening and your useful comments. I am well, thank you.? No offense taken. Thank you for your observation. ? ?John B
  18. Johnbee58

    Asha - video

    Great imagery and sounds. How did you get the female vocal? Is that in the library too? ?John B
  19. Johnbee58

    Chez Café

    So nice to hear a tribute to the sax great Wayne Shorter. The sounds are great enough for a tribute song. Very nice. ?John B
  20. Quirky and unusual but cool nonetheless. Interesting choice of sounds. ?John B
  21. Loving the use of the deep strings on the guitar. The attacks strike me the most (no pun intended). It sounds as if you're playing some string instrument other than a guitar (dulcimer maybe). Also love the imagery in your lyrics. ?John B
  22. You sure know how to write a pop song. Lots of greats twists & turns. Lyrics are clever. Nice and tight performances by all. ?John B
  23. Very pleasant o take in. I don't hear anything that needs correcting. Your playing is excellent and so is your production & mix. ?John B
  24. Oh, My!! Broke the link. Sorry. Please try again. ? Jhn B
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