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Everything posted by Johnbee58

  1. I'm taking notice that in Sonar when I open a plugin it comes up minimized and when I open the window to maximize it the rest of the DAW is not visible anymore. An example-When I use the CLA-NX virtual environment plugin and then try to open my SSL E Channel it comes up in a minimized window at the bottom of the screen. Then when I maximize it the E channel takes up the whole screen and there's no way I can pull it closed to just see what I have to see on the E channel. Therefore, I cannot edit the E channel settings while being able to see the rest of the DAW. This doesn't happen in CbB. Maybe a bug that should be worked out? Maybe a setting in preferences that needs to be unticked? Thanks ?John B
  2. It seems that all the secrecy is showing at least some of us that this company is no more trustworthy than Waves. ? John B
  3. Please forgive me if I missed this discussion before but I'm wondering if both Next and Sonar can be chosen with a Bandlab membership or just one or the other. I've been a member since April 2024 and am using Sonar because it seems closest to CbB. I understand that Next is something very different and don't know if I want to bother with it. ?John B
  4. You're so right! Next time back to my OLD barber. He only gets $25.00 and that includes the tip. ?JB EDIT-As far as a Senior discount for a DAW?! I don't see it happening.
  5. I paid $40.00 for a haircut last month at one of those classy men's salons. And that was for a "buzz cut"!?
  6. Senior citizen discounts hardly exist anymore. I'll be 69 in July which means I've been a senior for a few years. The only SC discount I've seen yet is at a local "mom & pop" restaurant for lunch. ?John B
  7. I was thinking that too, but my fear with that is with Windows constantly updating and creating new operating systems it will eventually get to a point where a new OS will no longer support it. ?JB
  8. They did say as much last year when they mentioned that several price points will be made available for different needs. The initial thread that Jesse Jost posted had some excellent information on the subject but was unfortunately locked because some people on this forum can't act like adults. It's still available to read. Go back and have a look. ? ?John B
  9. We're almost at the 1 year mark since we were told that we would have to start paying for the DAW. I'm assuming that CbB is still available for free to new users for download. Also, I'm sure they know that probably most of us don't like subscriptions especially after the big blowout with the Waves situation last year. I'm hoping the wait is just to finalize loose ends and the perpetual licenses will materialize soon. I only started the membership to see how the new Sonar works. I'm only going to wait so long before I start shopping around. ? John B
  10. Uh, do you know you can have it right now through Backstage Pass by joining Bandlab for $15.00 USD per month? It's an early access release which you can use fully until the prices for the perpetual licenses are established. There are other perks in the Bandlab membership as well. Just letting you know. I've had it since April. ?John B
  11. I think we have to be patient. The developers are probably working on improving the functionality of the DAW so they can finally set their price ranges. The look of the interface is the least important factor and can be improved over time. That being said, I do like the look of CbB better mainly because the knobs and pots look more dimensional. Someone early on compared it to the look of Ableton and I think I know where they're coming from although I don't think it's quite that crude, but I would rather see more improvement in the functionality (new features, etc) and let nature take its course with everything else (like graphics). Patience, people. ? ?John B
  12. @David BaayThanks Dave! I've seen that preview in the Start menu, so it makes sense now. When you hold the mouse over it it will play without opening the project. I can see it being useful in some way but it would be handy if they create, as you say, a way to limit it before final storage. ?John B
  13. @sjoens & @Noel Borthwick Thank you both for your information. I found it. It's in the Utilities menu.? ?John B
  14. @sjoensThanks so much for your explanation. ? Now I must ask you if there s anyway to turn that feature off. While I appreciate the Bakers building that into the program my workflow for years has always included a way to accomplish this kind of a "safety" myself. To me this is just creating more files than I need. Or is there a simple way to know how to delete these "extra" files when the project is complete? Thanks ?John B
  15. I've been using Sonar via the early access Backstage Pass program since April. So far I'm not real impressed especially with the user interface but I realize there are many changes promised in the works so I'm not really expecting too much right now. I'm looking forward to better things ahead. ? I've been taking notice that Sonar has been creating extra files, sometimes even extra audio folders. These files have long and vague titles consisting mostly of lowercase letters and numbers. They are audio WAV files and seem to be copies of what I render from the project. Is this supposed to be happening and is there anything I can check or uncheck in Preferences to make this stop? I don't want to be wasting more storage space than necessary. It never happened in CbB. Thanks ?John B
  16. Just trying to be a nice guy and helpful. Forget I said anything. Next time I'm feeling helpful I'll do something else. JB?
  17. Maybe this has been discussed before but to all the people who were ripped off by Gibson when they sold out in 2017 and screwed some of you out of the $500.00 you paid for "Lifetime" upgrades/dates or whatever. Did you ever consider a class action lawsuit against Gibson? They were the ones who "took your money and ran". I'm not a attorney but I know that many product issues like this were settled in class action suits. Maybe some of you can find a lawyer you can at least ask. I'm not involved so I really don't care. Just a suggestion for those who were. If you haven't considered it yet maybe something to think about. Gibson must have made a considerable amount of money from that scam. ?John B
  18. Oh! OK. Thanks alot! ?John B
  19. Not a music question but a forum one. What do the stars and bullets at the titles of the threads mean? Just wondering. ?John B
  20. I forgot to mention thanks to @KSband for the heart like. ?John B
  21. I hope everybody on this forum can forgive me for the way I started my earlier thread on how we will be informed about the new products. I was wrong to gravitate to that level. Peace to all ?John B
  22. Yeah. I'm willing. Let's keep it friendly. I shouldn't have made it the way I did. I apologize to all. I shouldn't have stooped to "their level". ?John B
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