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Everything posted by Canopus

  1. I would say the Plug-in Manager in Cubase is almost as good as Cakewalk's, but as the list is stored in an XML file it is possible to manually improve the result to handle its shortcomings. You might want to do this if you e.g. want to create more friendly names for vendors and/or instruments. The name of the file is C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\Cubase [VERSION]_64\PluginManager.xml. However, this must be done when Cubase is not running as the program will overwrite that file with its current plug-in manager entries when the program is closed. But as Cubase will keep the entries being read during start-up you won't have to think about this until the next time you want to manually edit that file. You might also want to store a copy of your manually edited XML file under a different name just in case.
  2. When Count Dracula for the first time saw Molly's throat by the light of the full moon, he immediately muttered to himself: Oh, Blood! Eeh! Oh, Blood! Aah!
  3. Canopus


    It used to be uplate once every month but now it’s more like once every second month, so I’m much less tired. Seems like these days I’m Only Sleeping.
  4. Oh, well – whatever floats your, erm, yellow submarine.
  5. Just a guess: as the Theme Editor only allows correctly sized images to be imported into an image slot, maybe someone has been playing around with some external resource editor? It’s hard to believe though that any incorrectly sized image would not be either distorted or cropped when rendered in CbB, so I can’t really see the point in doing that.
  6. The only virtual instruments that came with Cubase Pro 9.5 and were accessible from outside Cubase were Retrologue and Padshop, but I don’t know if that’s been changed in Cubase Pro 10. I hadn’t planned to update to Cubase Pro 10 but at this price I probably can’t resist.
  7. Canopus


    Looks like they’ve just taken out their dentures for the night. Nah, this is more like it.
  8. Canopus


    Change your avatar back to Gromit and I promise you’ll feel much better. Yes, I miss him.
  9. Just bought a couple of issues that sounded interesting for next to nothing. Thanks for the tip.
  10. Thanks for the tip about Molekular. I’ve had it since I bought K10U almost three years ago, but I don’t think I’ve ever used it. After reading your post I put Reaktor in the effects bin and ran some simple tests. Molekular might be a hidden gem, but it definitely requires some R of TFM though.
  11. FWIW, I’ve got KORG M1 Legacy version 1.7.0 installed and running in CbB 2019.03 and the selected patch is the patch that turns up after the project has been reopened, just as expected. The only other KORG Legacy VSTi I’ve got is WaveStation version 1.8.0 and it also reopens with the patch it was last saved with. This is regardless if I close and reopen the project while leaving CbB open, or if I close CbB altogether before reopening the project.
  12. I don’t know if I fully understand your problem, but are you trying to align clips to markers? I don’t know about any fixed visual vertical cue extending from a marker down to the bottom of the pane, but if you click both the Snap To and the Snap to Landmark Event buttons, you will effectively be able to snap to markers. For this to work, you must first also make sure that Markers are selected as valid landmarks (most easily done by right-clicking the Snap button in the control bar).
  13. Canopus

    UVI Woosh

    This effect seems to contain everything you possibly could whoosh for.
  14. As the old Cakewalk forum is quickly falling into oblivion, I might grab the opportunity to repost a Rapture Pro related post which I created there in December 2017. Those of you that have seen my Gran Vista and Carbon themes for CbB might already suspect that I suffer from a serious case of graphical OCD, and in order to remove all doubts I’ll give you (ta-da) an updated and improved version of the old post here: [old_post] Yes, I know this is the Deals forum. But in case someone didn't know (and actually cares), it is possible to add your own custom graphics to the Rapture Pro or Rapture Session browser. This can be convenient if you want to have a more visually appealing structure in the browser for third party preset libraries. And of course if you've got Rapture Classic and/or Dimension Pro expansion packs and would like to give them dedicated slot images. It's just a matter of creating a png file in the format 193x87 pixels for each such library, place them in the respective program library root folder and name them exactly the same as the folder but with a .png extension. For instance, in the case of the fisound Universal 120 V2 sound bank mentioned above, after installation on a Windows system with Rapture Pro installed, the default program folders would be "C:\Cakewalk Content\Rapture Pro\Programs\Universal 120" and "C:\Cakewalk Content\Rapture Pro\Programs\Universal 120 v2". If you've also got the free bonus pack you can place it in a folder called "Universal 120 v2 Bonus". Your actual paths may differ, but you get the general idea. You would then create three png images called "Universal 120.png", "Universal 120 v2.png" (and in case you've got the bonus pack, "Universal 120 v2 Bonus.png)." Restart Rapture Pro and the images should turn up. Here's how it looks over at my place. Oh, and to make life a bit easier for anyone interested, here are my png files ready to be downloaded. Just right click and select "Save As..." (or whatever option your particular browser might offer). You would have to rename them following the instructions above though. [/old_post] Ok, old news, so what’s the update, you might ask. Well, considering the current thread it is of course a similar png file which I’ve made for Universal 120 vol. 3. Here it is, based on the original image found over at fisound. I hope that Chad doesn’t mind, otherwise just let me know and I’ll remove it. For instance, if you have Rapture Pro and installed the sound bank to the default library, you would place the image in “C:\Cakewalk Content\Rapture Pro\Programs\Universal 120 v3” and rename it “Universal 120 v3.png”.
  15. Hey, that’s not too bad. Some bondo and a lick of paint and it will look like new again. Yeah, and maybe some springs at the back. I’m currently driving a 1989 shopping cart filled with black plastic bags and plug-ins, thanks to Larry.
  16. It definitely doesn’t happen every day that a new Rapture/Rapture Pro sound library gets released so anyone using those synths should take notice. Sound design by Francesco Silvestri and Chad Beckwith. As the included 1.8 GB of multisamples consists of uncompressed wave files they can of course be used elsewhere as well. Also, their previous sound pack for Rapture/Rapture Pro Universal Vol. 2 is still on sale for $9.99.
  17. The only reason I can think of that would render different results in Cakewalk and Reason would be if you haven’t compared the exact same articulations and/or not used the exact same velocity. That Reason somehow would compensate for the attack times in different sound libraries different articulations is really hard for me to believe.
  18. I may be completely wrong here, but as you’re talking about GPO and EW, aren’t you simply talking about instrument articulations with a very long attack time, such as legato strings? If so, that has absolutely nothing to do with latency. The way I try to deal with it is to have those MIDI clips start slightly ahead of the measure so the instruments “sound right” in the context. If this indeed is the issue, why you wouldn’t have similar problems with Reaper is beyond me.
  19. Try increasing the DropoutMsec value in Preferences > Audio > Configuration File. I don’t know about Sample Tank, but as this happens during load it might be the same problem as I had with some Kontakt libraries from Audiofier. In my case increasing the default value of 250 to 2300 solved that issue. I guess my sample drive wasn’t fast enough to stream large audio files at the speed required for the default setting to work.
  20. The Cakewalk user interface is practical, good looking and customizable. The flexibility of the Control Bar is best in class. The docking interface can be easily adapted to different workflows through screen sets and lenses. And those who don’t like the look of things can always use some customized theme or make their own tweaks using the Theme Editor. Changing this GUI would be suicide. Also, given the limited number of development resources I can’t really see that happen.
  21. OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Ok guys, back to the drawing board. And this time make it out of one solid block of cast iron so he can’t even lift it up from the ground.
  22. It’s created in titanium and hyper-duplex steel and below tested live by Yngwie Malmsteen. Only three guitars have been made, one later to be auctioned in London and the other two to be used in marketing by special steel manufacturer Sandvik. More details here.
  23. Funny you should mention this as I have lately experienced the same kind of problem with different soundbanks not responding as expected in UVI Workstation v3.0.5 x64 running as a plug-in under CbB and Windows 7. My most recent purchase UVI Key Suite Acoustic didn’t respond to the page navigation buttons although the buttons were highlighted when clicked. Just like you I also discovered that clicking on one of the three top tabs EDIT, EFFECTS, or ARP in Workstation solved this problem (well, until I closed WS and open it up again). After reading this thread I also tested AcousticSamples GD-6, and sure enough the Edit button in the Chord area doesn’t respond until I’ve clicked one of the three tabs. But I don't think this is an issue with AcousticSamples, but rather the UVI Workstation and/or possibly Cakewalk and/or running under Windows 7. I recently raised a support ticket with UVI wrt Key Suite Acoustic, but their answer was that they can’t recreate this issue. Maybe you should raise a ticket as well? As I’m currently on the move I only have my Windows 7 laptop with me and unfortunately can’t check the behaviour on my Windows 10 desktop (which also has Cubase and Studio One installed for even more thorough testing). Sure, I know Windows 7 is no longer officially supported by UVI and when the security updates stop coming early next year I’ll abandon it as well. But until then.
  24. You mean something like this? Nah, I don't think that can be done. No, but seriously, as I use Photoshop I would use the Wand tool with the option Contiguous selected and then Shift+Click select all three segments. Once all segments are selected I would create a Gradient with all those colours and apply to the selection.
  25. H*ll yeah, could it be the “XLN-Audio-Shooting-Themselves-in-the-Foot-Day”!? Edit: No, thankfully it wasn't. I'm relieved that it wasn't just an April Fools' joke.
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