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Everything posted by Canopus

  1. My unplanned upgrade to K12U CE was partly because I’m not entirely sure there will ever be a K13U or K13U CE available to buy, and I absolutely hate subscription plans. I still to this day regret that I didn’t buy Adobe's latest and greatest CS bundle while it was still possible. So I guess I’m a man of reason after all. Or possibly a man of uncertainty.
  2. My strategy this year was to buy next to nothing, but here I am just having ordered an update from K10U to K12U CE. Oh, well. The best-laid plans of mice and plug-in hoarders.
  3. My guess is that it wouldn’t be commercially viable to include all AD2 sounds, as that would make it possible to get all sounds in all ADpaks for the price of one XO. Unless, of course, it would only import those that you have actually bought and have present on you local drive. I haven't found any way of doing it though.
  4. It looks like Kroma version 1.5 is free for owners of version 1.0 (like me). Yeah, I can live with that. Free is even better than a sale.
  5. The S.S.G. Small Studio Grand was the one that caught my ear. Not too niche but still with a nice distinct character I’m going for it.
  6. According to their Facebook page, XLN Audio is apparently releasing XO version 1.1 tomorrow Nov. 19. Here's a short sneak peek: https://www.facebook.com/xlnaudio.music/videos/2457272994520323/
  7. I finally upgraded my SynthMaster Player bought four years ago to the full SynthMaster. Already having SynthMaster One, I made a cross-grade for just under $17. That’s the lowest SynthMaster cross-grade offer I’ve ever seen. And not buying directly from KV331 means you don't have to pay extra in order to use PayPal. Funny that KV331 ended their $4 expansion sale yesterday. I think the overall effect would have been greater if these offers had run in parallel.
  8. Could AudioThing possibly have made that new GUI a tad less sparkling and vibrant? This is like so over the top.
  9. Thanks. I would never have found that coupon if you hadn't mentioned where it was. Actually, I didn't even know I had an account to log in to at KV331 Audio.
  10. And now you’re feeling veeeeery, veeeeery, veeeeery sleeeeeepy... When this clip ends you will go to the Cakewalk Deals forum and buy plugins you don't need and will never use, until your credit card limit is seriously overdrawn or someone hits you in the head with a persuader.
  11. Um, yeah, thanks, but if you read my previous post I was actually trying to remove any links or string references in this thread to that instrument, in order to verify whether the sudden increase of views has been caused by an attempt by some SEO service to increase the number of hits relating to that piano. Public forums are known to be used for manipulation of Google search results like that. The only two reasons I can think of that may have caused many thousands of views of this thread for the last week are either a bot, most likely SEO based, or some madman without a life, vigorously hammering the refresh button. A few days ago I sent a PM to one of the BandLab support staff, asking if they could look up the referral or otherwise the source of these views from the server request logs. I haven’t yet received any reply, but hopefully they’re looking into it. It’s all there, so it shouldn’t be hard to do.
  12. No, not very likely. But maybe the two octave Kindergarten version in genuine plastic will.
  13. The number of views for this thread used to be between ten or twenty each day. For the last week or so I’ve notice that the number of views without any apparent reason has jumped to maybe ten times that. Today I found that there must have been over a thousand views for the last 8 hours!? And as far as I can see they keep rolling in. I’m totally baffled. This is actually making me feel uneasy, as it might seem as if I am boosting the number of views on this thread, which I’m definitely not. The most logical reason for this to happen would be if some big site suddenly posted a link to this thread, but I’m unable to find any such reference through Google. Or, optionally, if some words in a recent post would stir some massive interest. But I can’t understand what those words would be. However, being aware of all the more extensive use of SEO in user forums – could that have something to do with it? As this sudden increase of views seems to have occurred in the last week, one obvious suspect would be the reference to an Italian made musical instrument. However far-fetched that may seem, I have obscured the name of that instrument in the last post to see if that makes any difference. And, @Michael Fogarty, if you read this – would it be possible for you to do the same change in your post above as well? Additionally, I’ve placed a reference thread in another corner of this forum for easy comparison of user statistics.
  14. Fazioli F308 is an Italian made grand piano. With a size of 10’ 2” x 63” (3.08 x 1.58 m) and a MSRP of $224,600, it's not for everyone.
  15. Now this is really starting to get interesting.
  16. From the looks of that video, it seems pretty impressive for the price. Not overly complicated but still quite powerful.
  17. Oh, I wish. No, what you see in the screenshot is unfortunately only a VSTi, albeit a good one. It’s the True Keys Italian, a sampled Fa****i F**8 from VI Labs. With a size of 10’ 2” x 63” (3.08 x 1.58 m) and a MSRP of $224,600 for the real thing, I find a VSTi better suited for my living space. Not to mention my wallet.
  18. Got Unfiltered Audio Fault for nothing using my $25 voucher. The price was $24.99 once the VAT was added, so I ended up having to throw away one cent of the voucher value. Oh, the agony.
  19. Yes, I can also confirm that page navigation seems to work in UVI Workstation 3.0.6 using CbB as host. I have tested both Keysuite Acoustic and Keysuite Electric, non of which worked with CbB using 3.0.5 but do seem to work using 3.0.6. I actually downloaded UVI Workstation 3.0.6 yesterday, but as there weren't any mention of a Cakewalk GUI fix in the changelog, I didn't even bother to test it. I can't understand why UVI keep that as a well hidden secret.
  20. Great find! Just in case anyone else is having problems trying to create an account at eInstruments using Firefox, try Chrome instead. Firefox kept returning some unspecified server error but not so with Chrome. Oh, well.
  21. A large number of forum members really likes bacon so that's already taken care of.
  22. 14GB of RAM? That’s a very odd number. How is that configured? As your memory modules doesn’t seem to be matched pairs, it could be a memory issue.
  23. One aspect of your list that I find intriguing is that the three soundbanks that does work (Attack EP88, Digital Synsations and Sweep Machine) are all older soundbanks, while the rest that doesn’t work (Drum Designer, Meteor PX V8 and Whoosh FX) are newer ones. Matthew mentioned that Beatbox Anthology 2 doesn't work and that's also a fairly new soundbank. To the list of failures I can add both Key Suite Acoustic and Key Suite Electric, both of which were released earlier this year. Quite possibly UVI have changed the page navigation script in more recent soundbanks and that change for some unknown reason doesn’t work well inside CbB.
  24. That’s exactly the behaviour I have experienced as well. Just my added two cents: all UVI soundbanks use a superset of the LUA script language for their GUI. Could it be that CbB somehow is blocking mouse click information from reaching the plug-in? I mean, when you press a key on the keyboard, CbB normally intercepts that keypress regardless if the plug-in has focus or not (just press “P” with a plug-in open to see what I’m mean). Could it be that Cakewalk somehow under certain circumstances intercepts and steers away mouse clicks as well?
  25. The MIDI notes in the PRV will inherit the track colour they have been given in Track View. Using default track colours, the first three tracks will in the PRV have black text on green, mustard and blue respectively. So I must assume that you are talking about the colour of unselected tracks when displayed ghosted alongside the selected track in the PRV. They will indeed be rendered using black text on a dark gray background, as seen at the bottom of the example below. There are 16 different colours exposed in the Theme Editor making up the different graphical elements possible to modify in the PRV. As none of these colours relate to ghosted MIDI notes, nothing can be done to change their appearance in the Theme Editor as far as I can see. And if I'm wrong, I'm sure someone soon will correct me.
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