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Everything posted by abacab

  1. I had some DAW crashing issues with Metal Ray5 v3.5 when using the riffer, so I rolled back to v3.3 and it's stable again. What is the best way to refer this to tech support?
  2. abacab

    u-He Bazille

    The only thing that has ever stopped me from getting Bazille was that I already had Beatzille, a magware version that I got for free. It sounds awesome!
  3. I originally installed all of the ST4 MAX sounds manually in the days long before the IK Product Manager was available. Took me about 2 days. ? But never had this issue, as I ensured that all of the libraries were present and accounted for, and any applicable sound content updates were applied. Maybe there was a glitch with the Product Manager, and it brain farted?
  4. As far as I know Spitfire is the only one that does it this way. The issue here is that you only have one LABS installation per email address. Even though you may install it onto two machines and in separate content paths, only one machine at a time will reflect the libraries as "installed" when you log in to Spitfire Audio. If you reset and reinstall any LABS library that reflects "not installed" on a given machine, that library is then shifted to "not installed" on the other. Confusing, right? Makes no sense at all to me how they are doing this... ?
  5. I found this at Spitfire Audio: Why do my libraries appear as installed on my second computer? "If you log into the Spitfire Audio app on your second computer you will see your libraries already appear as installed, this is because the app does not detect that you are logged in on a different computer to the one you previously used to install your libraries." https://spitfireaudio.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360008947337-Why-do-my-libraries-appear-as-installed-on-my-second-computer-
  6. I updated the Ample Metal Ray, and it managed to crash both Cakewalk and Studio One 5. Reproducible with v3.5.0, VST2 & 3. The issue seems to occur while re-opening the Ample plugin GUI, after closing it while the riffer was playing. OK, so I tried it with my last resort test DAW, Reaper. Crashed that too, which is quite an achievement! Here is some data provided by AppCrashView for one of the Cakewalk crashes: Name=Application Name Value=Cakewalk.exe Name=Application Version Value= Name=Fault Module Name Value=Ample Metal R.dll Name=Fault Module Version Value= Name=Exception Code Value=c0000005 Uninstalled v3.5, and fell back to v3.3. That seems to have resolved the crashes. Let me know if I'm not the only one seeing this please!
  7. It seems that the software industry in general is headed towards new normal > "Software as a service (SaaS)". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_as_a_service Now going beyond the requirements of just a one-time online activation, among other things, software updates can be pushed out automatically at any time they are ready. In my always connected DAW PC, I have noticed that whenever I fire up my Cherry Audio Voltage Modular it always checks for updated modules and software updates. I have "ask before downloading" checked in options. So I can see that this software distribution model does not seem to favor those who wish to remain offline. All Cherry really needs to do is make an offline activation code available. Done!
  8. Once you have the Abbey Road Collection, you might be happy with Waves. It's a kewl one!
  9. And a frequently missed option in ST4 is the folder view, in the library pane. Clicking that nearly invisible folder icon at the top left next to the word ""Library" (be patient, it may take a few moments to kick in) will present an alternate view based on folders and instruments, in the columns to the right.
  10. So apparently Phaseplant gives you all the wavetable goodness you need. I understand...
  11. Waves Codex is actually a quite nice synth. It sounds great! The only thing I could even remotely think is missing is that it is just 2 wavetable layers, with no VA engine. But you could also use Waves Element with 2 VA layers, and layer both synths in your DAW, for a BIG sound!
  12. I would imagine any bass using DI with some preamp tweaks should sound better on studio recordings than an amp + mic setup. I heard that they often recorded both, and then binned the amped bass track, and just used the DI.
  13. Speaking of 'installed' vs. 'not installed', has anybody tried installing their LABS on two computers? For example, I installed the entire LABS library on my DAW PC, and all was cool. But when I tried to put some on my laptop, before I did anything, the Spitfire installer over there showed them all as already 'installed', but missing their libraries. Only option at that point is to reset and re-install the libraries. So when I reset a few LABS libraries from the Spitfire Audio laptop copy, so I could install them over there, the same library's install status then changed to 'not installed' on my DAW computer? WTH? It appears that Spitfire Audio is linked to my email & login, rather than my computer ID's. Is there any info about this on Spitfire? ?
  14. @Asato Maa https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR X3&language=3&help=ExternalDevices.02.html
  15. It would be very nice if IK would just supply a custom installer that let you select the instruments you wish to have installed. As it is now, you just open the IK chute, and it all flows down! As it stands now, I have 418GB content in my SampleTank 3 and SampleTank 4 folders, combined. Some of that could go away, as I never intend to use all of it...
  16. That's the thing with SampleTank 4 MAX. Be sure to install ALL of the instrument sounds.
  17. I had the A300-PRO successfully hooked up to Cakewalk Sonar at one time some years ago, but switched over to Studio One and Ableton Live when Gibson shut Cakewalk down. I now use an Arturia Keylab 61 MKII as my main controller. And still keep Cakewalk around for old times sake and a few old projects. I would say that if you are willing to read the manual, download the driver and control surface plugin from Roland, then configure Cakewalk for it, you should have success with the A300-PRO in Cakewalk. So it's a bit more work than "integrate immediately", but it should still be good for this.
  18. Well good luck in your quest! In the end it is up to you how much time, effort. and money you wish to invest! The comment above from msmcleod should be taken as credible, as he is a Cakewalk staff member.
  19. You probably should describe in specific goals what you need or expect the MIDI keyboard to do for your workflow. Like I mentioned earlier, any MIDI keyboard will send MIDI notes and CC controls to the DAW and virtual instruments without being "integrated". Make music! But being "integrated" typically means that in addition you will have "mouse-free" access to a control surface with control over the DAW transport controls and track selection, and maybe a few other DAW specific tricks. For strictly DAW control, there is always something like this! https://www.presonus.com/products/FaderPort-8
  20. It was probably already mentioned, but I can confirm that the MPS 4.1 upgrade gets you new serials for Exponential Audio Nimbus and R4. I only got 1 serial for each with the original MPS 4.0 purchase, so now I have 2 each.
  21. Eighty-eight miles per hour!
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