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Everything posted by abacab

  1. Looks like they may be going to launch on a new web hosting platform. Is this new? The fine print at the bottom of the page says: "This shop will be powered by Shopify"
  2. https://kushview.net/element/ It's open source, so you can download and compile it yourself. But the pre-built current release installer costs only $2.99 here: https://kushview.net/product/element-single-download/
  3. Unfortunately, I was automatically *following* this thread because I responded to it a couple of years ago. So every time someone digs up this old thread to complain, I get a new notification. ? Probably time to *un-follow* it now! Hopefully this thread does get locked, so folks won't waste any more time with it.
  4. Some MIDI drivers are single-client only. In that case only one program at a time can access your MIDI device. Close any other programs that may be using MIDI, and then restart Cakewalk.
  5. Hoops are not required, nor is reading the whole topic. There is a useful search function in the top bar of the forum that will allow you to search the contents of a thread for a specific search phrase. In any case this particular topic should have been locked long ago, as the original posted question was solved, and then others added their question to it along the way. Fyi, this thread was started almost 3 years ago, and contains multiple questions and answers. So this thread has become a rather confusing mess for anyone else stumbling across it. It's not an organized FAQ, it that's what you are seeking! Cakewalk is a complex DAW, and you should start with the documentation and tutorials, to help out with the learning curve. The YouTube videos linked above from Creative Sauce would be a good place to start. Then if you have any specific questions you would like answered by the community, please start your own topic with YOUR question. ?
  6. I played around and setup 2 CbB projects, one with 1 instance of ST4 using 6 instruments, and the other using 6 instances of ST4, each with 1 instrument. It took more memory to run 6 instances of ST4, but I had more balanced CPU core utilization that way. With only one instance of ST4 running all 6 instruments, I had a single CPU core bearing most of the work. In my experience, once a single core goes much above 50%, there is a higher risk of dropouts.
  7. abacab

    Waves free plugin

    I understand, but have only bought WUP once just to add the re-sizeable plugins feature update. So I generally stay un-WUPped! Had no issues with the last update for a free plugin to v13. So I currently have v11, v12, and v13 running side by side, no issues. But since I take a full image of my system drive daily, I can always just roll my PC back to "yesterday" if things ever go sideways with an update!
  8. abacab

    Waves free plugin

    Huh? Whassat mean? WUP insecurity?
  9. They apparently have several US patents that might make them attractive to acquisition. https://accusonus.com/patents
  10. abacab

    Waves free plugin

    Well whatever, it's free! No risk!
  11. Just updated them here! Not just for M1. The plug-in resizing does work in Windows, but is a bit hard to locate. It's found in the "Zoom" level which is accessed via the options menu when you click in the preset window. Thanks Surreal!
  12. abacab

    XLN Audio XO

    $29 and it's all mine!
  13. AK has a lot of great editing options, and the Studio Grand that I have sounds good, but I wish they would include a live keyboard performance view. Most other virtual keyboard instruments seem to have that feature. For a good example, look at the Arturia Piano V.
  14. That is a good suggestion. I always ran into issues using ST4 as a "multi" instrument. The load went up drastically. ST3 is definitely lighter. Just be aware that many of the instruments in ST4 are newly sampled, and not available in ST3. I have ST4 MAX, and the ST4 exclusives as represented in the IK sound list documentation are the majority of the new ST4 library. In this case, I only load 1 or 2 instruments into an instance of ST4. Each instance of ST4 should get it's own core on your CPU (obviously DAW dependent case here).
  15. If I didn't already have a Scarlett 2i2 USB, I'd probably go for the GO. The specs look good.
  16. AD2 and AK are in maintenance mode. Keep buying Tootrack until Max Martin needs more money...
  17. That's a great idea, but some folks interested in a portable interface may already own a full fledged DAW, and may not actually need or want Studio One Artist. It looks perfect for a home recording/laptop studio.
  18. I had a Korg X2 workstation 25 years ago. Loved that little floppy drive! Before I had a DAW, I used to download MIDI files from the net, and used that floppy to load them into the sequencer. SysEx sounds like the correct answer here, although I never tried to change modes that way. I'm a button pusher! I did wrangle some SysEx eventually but it was usually simple stuff like loading and saving banks. But that was many years ago for me!
  19. Under the "Advanced" button you can set a keyboard split for the B3 upper and lower manuals from your controller at a note like C3, or your choice. Or you can use two keyboard controllers sending notes on MIDI ch 1 and ch 2 for upper and lower, respectively. These settings are in the "gear" options menu. If you have actual MIDI pedals, you can send them in on MIDI ch 3.
  20. Me too! Starbucks French Roast! Home brewed...
  21. Much better option for home recording than ASIO4all and an onboard Realtek chip. * Instrument in and Mic/Line in combo connector, with Mic pre-amp and phantom power to XLR, and balanced 1/4" L/R outputs for studio monitors. Plus headphone amp with 1/4" TRS stereo headphone output.
  22. I believe it was mentioned that Prime is limited to the PreSonus Studio Magic suite plugins.
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