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Everything posted by CSistine

  1. Sometimes it's the question what is rude and aggressive and who started to provoke someone? But YMMV!
  2. Still I prefer full Kontakt libraries payed or free! It's much easier to handle and backup, if you use more than 1 machine IMHO!
  3. But better iLok than machine based challenge-response auth! It's much better and simpler when you have once to setup a new pc! But I agree with you that their former authorization was superior!
  4. I am privileged, 'cos in 10 seconds I am out in Nature! In the woods with elks and other animals. And in the same time I am in my studio. What more do you want?
  5. For a long time this has been the first plugin of any provider that beats its predecessor in performance! ? Great done, Audiothing! By the way, even the old version is a very efficient delay/reverb!
  6. @Starship Krupa: You caught me! I wanted to avoid arguments like this! ? But actually it is my own fault!
  7. Nice that your bugs have been fixed! ? It surely depends how you use the program! I mentioned the bug above in the OP that is new to CbB and was never in Splat. There are some other "new" bugs where the selection of things doesn't work as it should. Though I agree with you that Splat has a lot of bugs, especially with take lanes. But most of them (take lanes) are still there in CbB. There are also plugins (VST3) that crash CbB, but not Splat. And so on. New features bring always a lot of new bugs in the first place. You can see this if you look at the changelog of all CbB releases (e.g. after the introduction of the arranger). But overall if I use Splat it is not much different to me than using CbB. There are too many bugs especially when I am editing audio clips. So far I know how to work around most of them, but it is painful and elaborate sometimes. But YMMV as always, happy Xmas!
  8. Mary-Chris-mess ! I hope they don't divorce! ?
  9. It's not all about money! There are times when I enjoy driving my car more than playing my guitars! ? But actually you're right, it's hard to beat! ?
  10. That's completely right, in this sad time the future must be somewhere back!
  11. Because I like to enter MIDI data in Cakewalk (PRV) and because we don't know what the future of Sonar of Sonar will be, I opened Sonar Platinum today to enter some MIDI and noticed all is very fine as long as I have Splat. By this occasion I noticed that a bug that has annoyed me since a long time is not existent in Sonar Platinum, e.g. if you change the time of a note in the Event Inspector with the little +/- buttons and then leave the time field, then the time is not changed (reset to its former value). In Splat that works as it should! In CbB it works only if you press enter. Though there have been some nice additions in CbB, I am not that much convinced that it has less bugs then Sonar Platinum. Many of the so-called bug fixes were caused of the new features like the Arranger, the new tempo track and so on. And frankly, some of those new goodies suffer until today IMHO. So is Sonar Platinum an option to replace CbB?
  12. Does EW still have only 1 iLok activation per purchase?
  13. Still I prefer to do a lot of plugin organization, even you are right about the downside (time sink!). The reason for me is that I am not really aware about all my (too many) plugins, thus what to search? But if I can organize e.g. all delays in a folder, then I have an overview and I am able to pick one of the choices! But YMMV!
  14. For years I waited for a sale. Then I stocked up 4 delays from competitors (aside from some dozens I had already) and now I am covered. The new version has also iLok authorization, so I see no need to get it for $31. I think I'll manage to abstain from this deal! ?
  15. I got S1 Artist with one of my interfaces, but I couldn't make friends with S1 at all. Already the startup page that seems not to be suspendable and the plugin selection that is totally bad arranged IMHO (pictures ...) put me off! Also I wonder if it is possible to disable the initial plugin scan that is nonsense in my opinion. But YMMV! For me Reaper seems to be the best alternative to Sonar/CbB, although I miss mono tracks (that default to mono plugins and pan), Radius stretch algorithms, multi-level plugin organization and Sonar's convenient PRV. Other than that I only see advantages with Reaper (completely offline activation, portable install, superfast startup and updates, almost 100% stable, batch processing, lufs/rms normalization, good plugin compatibility, minimal resource consumption, ...).
  16. For me PA is a great example to demonstrate that subs are expensive and not reasonable in the end (at least for me and my purposes). I have purchased all from PA that I am interested in (even much more! I don't like or need the last 20 newcomer plugins). Now I don't need to pay a penny anymore, what I had to for years to come if I was on sub! Thus their calculation how profitable a sub would be for me (and I think for most musicians) is pure nonsense!
  17. This is only the purchase cost! You hide the cost for the disk space! ?
  18. It's a real offline authorization, i.e. that you are able to install the plugins even if you're machine has crashed or must be replaced! So far I never had trouble with their authorization!
  19. Regrettably this is true for waveform zoom! I mean especially when I am working with take lanes, then it is a PITA that each lane has to be zoomed in again. Otherwise I have no problem with it.
  20. I wanted to get it, but it sounds too cinematic for my purposes! I don't think it fits to songs with a drums, but YMMV.
  21. I still wonder if there is a prediction when the offline activation of CbB will be available again?
  22. I hesitate ... (but I redeemed the freebie). ? I'm still on K13 Standard and K14 is no option (not enough of interest)! But if K15 will be interesting, then Glaze is included anyway (already in K14).
  23. I don't like Player libs, because you cannot install them offline (only with Native Access)! That's why I still use my Kontakt 6 full. At the moment there are luckily not so many libs that require V7. At least not the ones I am interested in! But as always, YMMV! ?
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