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Everything posted by CSistine

  1. I have quite some rewards now, but it's always difficult for me to find something in the APD shop! Too much cinematic and atmospheric stuff, or still too expensive!
  2. It's nice that you know what I need! ? No, seriously mono tracks makes sense with the use of plugins! Even if you can set VST3 plugins to use only one channel this is a PITA to set it for each plugin and you cannot do it for VST2 plugins. And the overhead of stereo (if you really don't need it) is essential with some plugins. Sometimes it blows up the interface needlessly!
  3. The feature I have been waiting for in Reaper, is still not there: Mono tracks! For me this is the biggest shortage of Reaper! But probably this is never being realized!
  4. This reminds me of the 80s where I invested all available money in a Tascam 38 recorder (8-track, 1/2"). Today I could never afford it! ? I feel empathy for him! There is some truth in it! But you are right, the quality of digital is surely much better, especially for small studios! But I liked recording with tape or digital hardware recorders, because IMO it was/is easier to focus on the music (recording). With computers it's easy to wander off, to get focused on something else! ? That's also the reason why I prefer to have no internet on music computers! Also with computer recording I usually make too many takes ('cos it just takes some disk space). This causes a lot of time wasted to choose the right ones! ?
  5. Nonetheless the best recordings were made with tape and not with a computer IMHO!
  6. The only difference with tapes was that you had almost no bugs and no software hassles (updates...). It was more straight forward. Though I agree that it was really expensive and with less functionality! ?
  7. I could get for about $50 in 2021 at everyplugin. I had to wait a long time, 'cos it was rarely on sale and that had been a very special opportunity! I like it, it is a very great, exceptional plugin!
  8. Especially with code "group"!
  9. Somehow you are right! On the other hand I regret that I have choosen Cakewalk! I have invested years in learning how to use it and generally I like its workflow and features. But all these up and downs, where I was in doubt whether I still are able to use it in the future (like now)! It resulted in hours and hours where I did something else than music (e.g. compare daws), lost time, was frustrated! That's what I like with Reaper, you have the certainty that you can use your license as long as a version runs on any of your existing or new computers! Thus you're able to edit/finish your projects. Based on my experience this is an important aspect that has to be considered when choosing a daw! But YMMV.
  10. The same for me! And I really don't like their online-only authorization!
  11. "is free": You are right, at the moment it still is, but it seems this will change soon (in some months)! I only wanted to hint this! "rocksed": Maybe you need better glasses! ? I have struck out the 's' and added the "ed"!
  12. Yes and on the next page they want you to pay something (subscription or single payment)!
  13. Regrettably it seems that an installation of a new CbB version changes some settings! Each time I am annoyed that the list of plugin paths have been changed (items added)! Usually I only notice this when I do the first plugin scan!
  14. You can insert a (multiple) MIDI track(s) and select the current TTS1 in the tracks properties (this is default if you don't have another VSTi in the project). But if you use the same instance of TTS1 you have also only one output (stereo)! I use this very often, when I have several versions of MIDI input for the same part, so that I can solo or mute the alternatives!
  15. But AFAIK this is more a kind of a new "feature" of the audio software industry. I can't remember something like this happening 10 years ago! Hell, I like the modern times! ?
  16. IMHO the Kuassa amps speaker sound very realistic. The second advantage of Kuassa is their authorization system that is completely offline, i.e. no company dependency after purchase!
  17. And the big techs get more and more intrusive! Everything is collected into a shady backyard system!
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