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Everything posted by CSistine

  1. For me a reason could be the authorization. I could accept an ongoing authorization for the free product, but I am not willing to PAY for something like that! It's not future-safe at all, IMHO! But it's also true for me: I have invested so much learning in this DAW that I rather would like to keep it! Other than the authorization it could be that some minor things have been removed/changed that I liked so much (multiple plugin layouts, external plugin manager, Radius stretch methods, the way of comping, ...). We'll see!
  2. Regrettably I cannot run it, because I only have Kontakt 6 (7 required)!
  3. Yes, it is a trend, but still there are a some others! It would make the decision very easy for me, if the new Sonar had a time limited activation (re-activation needed)! Then I will surely pass! (I accepted it for a free product, but would never for a payed one!) I don't think this is the main reason! I am sure it is more this big brother thing a) for the marketing department and b) to force users to new versions! Poor guy! ? I have quite a lot of actual software that does not depend on online nag. The last 2 years I focus my purchases on this! But there are also some companies that are on a black list because of their activation! ? The minimum requirement for me is offline activation (this is also fulfilled with iLok!) and most companies still support this.
  4. It's a pity that most of these K-Player libraries are not available as K-Full version! ? I hate to install with NA and secondly, the Kontakt Libraries panel gets even more overcrowded!
  5. Thanks! But too late, I grabbed the W495 although I had already a bulk of EQs/strips that I probably never use! ?
  6. Regrettably it was not possible to get another copy of PolyMAX (2 additional iLok seats), if you already have it in your PB account!
  7. I interpret the point in time of this popup that the bakers have overrated themselves! It seems there is more effort necessary as they have expected! I guess that they had thought at this time they would have released the new Sonar for a while. But maybe I'm wrong!
  8. Wow, what great hardware deals you have in the U.S. ! Regrettably our deals are far from that!
  9. I have forgotten: Also the move around/link of the blobs after installation with the install manager is harebrained! This (sample location) is a step backwards with almost all installation managers of all brands!
  10. The almighty online madness and install manager madness! ? They cost me hours of installation and backup trouble! Oh well, how I am lucky with the hated iLok authorizations! They make life really easier than such sh..!
  11. It's strange, I hate the UJAM authorization and installation so much! Usually I avoid to get something from such providers, but with all those freebies and good deals the list of my UJAM plugins has grown anyway! ?
  12. I totally agree! For me the threshold for an impulsive buy is definitely too high if the price inc. VAT is $31.25 (25+25%)! The chance to get something for a lower value is almost zero, because there is rarely an offer for $44.99 (=$25.00 for me after voucher and VAT). Beside the aspect that I already have a large PA collection it would require that I really want a plugin for the new prices and there is none!
  13. Generally you're right! But for me it is sometimes very difficult to be disciplined with a DAW and the endless plugin gear! In the 80s with my 8-track tape recorder and a few hardware units it was that much easier to be concentrated on the recording, on the song! But what I really like nowadays are the extended possibilities for post production, like some mentioned above. Although it takes a lot of time, you are able to squeeze out a miracle of a less than average performance/recording. With regard to song creation I do it still the old way, i.e. the song is almost finished before I start working in a DAW. However, it takes too much time to adjust the instrumentation and find the right vsti's and presets for the open keyboard and/or classical instrument additions.
  14. I react also very sensitive to what is sold as AI nowadays! Most things that are called AI or the like suffer from the limited brain of its creators! It happens so often that they forget about a lot of situations in real life where it should behave differently and this leads to a lot of annoyance or even disaster! Don't ask me about cars!
  15. It's only a pity that the operability is not so great, no mouse wheel usage, no direct value input and fine tuning is a bit coarse. As I have a choice of so many plugins I usually prefer to use the ones that are better in this area! For me this is very important, but YMMV.
  16. I don't want to list names, especially not on this forum! But I've had situations where some were controlling my system as it were their's!
  17. Regrettably it is a login authorization and except for a few exceptions I avoid those like the plague!
  18. But why do they make it that hard? It's similar with CbB's reactivation sh..! Really not user-friendly! And the explanations are more of a hollow excuse!
  19. ^^this! Startup and also updates go with speed of light! No other daw compares! Also there is a great batch processing included where you can run a plugin chain and loudness normalization ... on a couple of audio files.
  20. One thing is completely different with this last version: Regrettably you cannot do offline re-activation! For this reason I'll stick with version 2022.11 as long as it runs and if then the offline activation is not available, I'll jump back to Sonar Platinum!
  21. Free is a big word for this one that requires an account login! ? I uninstalled immediately! Wasted time!
  22. This is the 1st Boz product that requires full online access for installation! ?
  23. Such things happened to me only with MONO Vst-Instrument tracks that I had bounced in place. Though sometimes it helped to reload the project. With mono VSTi tracks I had regularily such problems, why I switched to bounce to new track then, that gave really another result!
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