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Everything posted by Amberwolf
The first thing I tend to think of whenever I see your username is "epic trigga". No idea what it would mean, but...there it is. FWIW, I started with used well-worn analog tape decks (open reel 1/4"), in the 80s, with "toy" keyboards and such (sometimes opening up the backs of the keybaords to touch different parts of the PCB to make it make noises other than those intended; I didn't know enough electronics to actually modify stuff, but I knew from accidents with radios that this could happen with audio circuits and fingers). In the (early 90s? late 80s? whenever the a500 was first available used) I went to the amiga and Trax (which sucked) and Bars&Pipes (which was great), but by the mid-90s was forced to a Windows machine, and picked Cakewalk v3 because it was easier and more intuitive to use than the other one that was on Synthony's demo computers (Cubase? dont' remember), and just about everything could be done with a keyboard with only a few things being easier with a mouse, whcih made everything faster to do. Been using CW, then CWPA, SONAR, and Project5 since then. (still ahve the others but the older SONAR is what I'm still using--I'd consider the newer SONAR if it weren't subscription-only, and had a permanent *completely offline* license system like the old one, so that once activated, I'd just be able to keep using it just like it was right then forever, and if I had to reinstall (on any machine) I just use the same key as that one, so I could still use it no matter what happens to Bandlab/etc, just as the Bakers made sure we could do with the old SONARs). I'm a bit better at the production side of things nowadays, but I'm not sure that my actual music is any better than it was then. (still have boxes of probably unplayable reels and cassettes, and a few DATs I wish I had a machine to play; if there was a mostly-automated way to get those into the computer and onto Soundclick I'd stick it all up there for "posterity"...or maybe archive.org would be a better place).
Where's this phantom noise coming from??
Amberwolf replied to Cobus Prinsloo's topic in Cakewalk Sonar
What other plugins and instruments are on all the tracks and buses feeding that one? Some plugins generate noise as part of their function; it may be so low you can't even hear it but still be able to see it in an analyzer view. Is input echo on for any track? General input noise can also do that. -
Can someone advise on how to deal with a new low frequency hum/buzz.
Amberwolf replied to Roy Slough's topic in Gear
If it's a ground loop issue, then a workaround is to get one of those old adapters for plugging a grounded device into a two-prong outlet. You're suposed to then run the wire from the adapter to a ground somewhere else, but in your case you can't do that because it will cause the hum. The ground is a safety feature to prevent electrical shock. I expect that you probably won't have an issue with that, but you should be aware that without a ground the risk exists if certain types of failures happen inside the power supply. Like this kind of thing https://www.amazon.com/JACKYLED-Listed-Grounding-Adapter-2-pack/dp/B06XTHWYPK though I don't know anything about that specific one (I have a couple ancient ones kept in a drawer for various things, including stuff like this). If you have a multimeter, you can test if the HA-adapter connects the neutral of the ac side to the - side of the dc out; this could cause the hum. Can't do much about it beside replacing it with a different one that doesn't do that. -
Welcome--I know your name from somewhere...did you used to frequent the old newsgroup ages back?
Just to be sure, is that really only 2gig, or 2terabyte?
What do the midi tracks feed? if it's external hardware gear, or external software, you would have to record those as audio tracks within the program with the midi tracks first, and then you can export those. If it's internal software (vst, etc) then the other advice already give on this thread should work.
Is this the device you are playing back from? https://www.roland.com/us/products/mobile_studio_canvas/ or are you only using the built in sound on the laptop? Meaning, where are your speakers / headphones plugged into to listen to the music? If you are listening to the music via the laptop speakers or headphone connector, then exactly how do you have the system wired to get the sound from the SC50 into those? What specific procedure, step by step, did you use on the older versions? Which steps are unavailable on the version you are using now? Was the system wired exactly the same way then as now? If not, what specifically was changed? Does it still work correctly on your older version?
Can someone advise on how to deal with a new low frequency hum/buzz.
Amberwolf replied to Roy Slough's topic in Gear
Do the laptop ac adapter and the new item ac adapter have grounding plugs? If not, it isn't an outlet-caused "ground loop". If one or both has no ground pin on the ac adapter, then do they both have polarized plugs? (and if they have detachable cords, on *both* ends of the ac cords to the adapters)? (so that they can only be connected to the AC source in one way) If it's possible to plug one in either way, try it the other way. Some devices are not "isolated", and use the neutral side as ground, *and* connect that internally to the negative rail of the DC output, which can cause problems of various kinds. If the plug is not polarized, it can also lead to worse hum when the neutral-wired side of the system is connected to the hot side of the outlet. (this "shouldn't" matter, electrically, but it often does). Does it happen when the laptop is not connected to it's ac adapter, or when the new item is not connected to it's ac adapter (assuming it can operate without it, some can and some can't)? If it stops when one of them is not connected to teh outlet, then it's likely that one or both have the neutral connected to the DC side ground, and it's allowing AC noise to pass thru into the ground. Since it didn't happen until you added the new item, it's probably the new item's adapter causing the problem. Since the new item doesn't cause the problem under every test condition so far, it's unlikely that the new item has bad or insufficient capacitors allowing AC noise to pass thru to the DC side, but it could still be that, and a replacement ac adapter that's functioning correctly would fix this issue. Alternately, if you are electrically-DIY-capable, you can wire up a battery power source for the new item, using an old unused ac adapter's cord that has the same plug as the new item to connect the battery(ies) to the device instead of the actual ac adapter. That eliminates all possible issues with the ac adapter (grounding, faulty caps, etc). -
Thanks! It's rather out of my usual methods, so it (and my last few most recent tracks) are quite the experiment for me.
Is it possible that reader view is being activated somehow? (maybe the page is listed in the sidepanel reading list?)
It'll have to be a little thicker than that. AFAICR, a large volume of water or liquid hydrogen would do a better job than metal shielding (don't recall why). It's easier and cheaper and smaller to minimize the issue by using three systems, all of which always perform every operation the same way at the same time, with a "voting" (output matching) system that takes a minimum of two identical results to allow an output from the system. It is virtually impossible for them all to get the *same* error, at the same time, from a radiation-induced event, so there should never be a fault from that. If there's enough radiation you could get errors in more than one of the three, causing the operation to have to be redone, and with enough events it could cause delays in system response...but a system without the triplication would just be crashing or otherwise erroring all the time instead, so.... I don't recall the statistics for radiation events at the surface of the planet, but it's pretty low. Since most events pass right thru the matter they enter without hitting anything, the number of events that cause problems is even lower. In areas with planetary magnetic field anomalies and degradation (south pacific for instance) it's higher by quite a bit, and can actually be a serious issue (IIRC some satellites have to shut down when passing thru the SPA area); it can be more of an issue in the north and south magnetic pole areas as well (for the same reason--particulate radiation is channelled via the field down to the surface, which is what causes the auroras). But...even at the lowest, it can still cause glitches in computer / etc operation. Another likely cause of glitches, that you cannot shield against or do anything about, is quantum effects, including quantum tunneling. These also have more effect the smaller the components are; they are one reason that there is a limit to how small/compact we can make devices.
While the neutrinos probably don't do it, there is plenty of particulate radiation that does this sort of thing every day all over the world, from cosmic rays (fast protons, etc) that hit the atmosphere and release multiple further particles that shower down and scatter (some of which trigger lightning, etc). It's more and more of an issue as we make smaller and smaller circuits, especially memory devices, as it becomes easier and easier for a single tiny particle to have enough energy after it makes it thru all the solids to hit the silicon and either change the charge on a memory cell, or actualy damage it.
If you mean the "shortcut manager" you specify in the title of the thread, Cakewalk has had one for a very long time, as far back as I can remember. It's under Options KeyBindings in my version. It doesn't show a keyboard as your graphic for Unity does, and it's kinda unrefined and not as easy to use as it could be, at least as of the old version I use, but it's there, and you can assign or reassign most of the shortcuts in the program to suit your needs. It even has presets to emulate other DAWs' shortcut arrangements, and you can save your own setups and switch between them as needed. (so you could have a setup that makes all the stuff you need instant access to for a specific workflow like recording / comping / etc in easy, then another that makes workflow like midi editing easy, etc). If you mean something else, then be as specific as you can about what you're after.
You reference "keyboards", "recipient MIDI software", and "soft synths" separately, but it sounds as if you are using them all to refer to the same thing. If this is not true, please explain what you mean by each one, specifically. (it might make a difference to the troubleshooting) If they do all refer to the same thing, then it means that the soft synths *do* output audio, but only from clips/notes already on the track(s). If that's not true, please explain the specifics. If these are both true, then the only thing I can think of offhand is that input echo is not turned on for the tracks, or something has gone wrong and IE is not working. Without IE, data will record to the track, and play from it, but it will not be passed directly from the input to the output for live playback of that input.
Way way back when I was at deepfry...er, DeVry learning electronics, we had to use the 6502(?) MCU box with hexadecimal keypad to do something "interesting" or the instructor would not pass you (regardless of your actual grades), so I used it to drive two dacs to make the Reliant scoot across a 'scope screen and shoot at the enterprise that just sat still (both in side view cuz they could just be straight lines and very simple). Wanted to do the whole mutara battle but I barely figured out how to code just that, and it took *hours* to key into the MCU via the keypad (there was no other way to input it, and if it lost power, made a mistake, or lost your place, you started over). Somebody else did "pong", I don't remember anybody else's.
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122224 000001 000021g -- first public version. https://amberwolf.bandcamp.com/track/if-i-should-wake At only 30 seconds***, it's likely this is just going to be the intro for a long evolving track. This one is another experiment with "misusing" sounds from assorted sources (mostly Ghosthack and Cymatics for this one) and building something around them after dropping them randomly in the track view, then rearranging (a lot) to make it musical, and begin forming what I want out of it, as I begin to hear something coming together. ***with two new sections now added, it's up to a bit more than a couple of minutes now. BTW, if you like the theme from "The Expanse", I've been told that the third section bears some resemblance in sound. I haven't gone to compare them directly yet, but I certainly liked that theme (the whole show actually, not just the music) so I'm surprised that I didn't hear this resemblance myself. 😊 assorted tiny timing changes, stretched a few small sections of some clips to better flow 12-29-24: 122224 000001 100035j -- first extension and transition, using some of the same pieces as the first section (re-edited for the new one) plus some edited (retuned, snipped, processed, etc) parts of clips from Ghosthack's beautiful Shymer collection. 12-30-24: 122224 000001 100042k -- extensive small edits, added sounds, altered pitches, etc. Note the second section is stylistically different from the first; connected by the sounds and some of the musical phrasings. Only adds another minute for a total of about 1 and a half minutes total, enough to leave you wishing for more. 12-30-24: 122224 000001 200063p -- second extension and transition (this section is more "cinematic"). Still under 3 minutes so far; am working on section four now, which will probably add another minute or so. 12-30-24: 122224 000001 200069r -- extensive small edits in all sections 12-31-24: 122224 000001 200071s -- extensive small percussion and timing edits. BTW, if you like the theme from "The Expanse", I've been told that the third section bears some resemblance in sound. I haven't gone to compare them directly yet, but I certainly liked that theme (the whole show actually, not just the music) so I'm surprised that I didn't hear this resemblance myself. 😊 1-1-25: 122224 000001 200076u -- extensive small percussion and timing edits. 1-4-25: 122224 000001 200080w -- extensive small percussion and timing edits, mostly removing percussion tha was "in the way" of other things.
Necrotopic REVIVE! Is there any way to "block" a plugin (VST) from sending parameter changes, to prevent the autosave triggering? Note that I'm still using an ancient SONAR (happens even in in 6, 7, etc) , so no answer from devs is expected, but anyone with insight is welcome to respond with useful feedback. 😉 I know it's a plugin issue, not cakewalk/etc. I use Acmebargig's Shred, and any project with it in there, *even if it's disabled in the bin*, will instantly dirty the project when I save the project. I can let the project just sit there, and eventually it will autosave on it's own long before the timed autosave. It's even worse if I am doing anything, especially play/stop/play/rewind/stop/click in timeline/play/stop/etc--it may autosave everytime I hit stop, and sometimes do it several times in a row before I can even do the next thing, with my finger already pressing the next editing key. There is no automation feeding Shred, and it doesnt' matter if it's UI is open, minimized, or closed. Or if the track's automation read RD button is disabled or not. Or bus vs track vs clip fx bin. Just having Shred in the project causes it. I use autosave at every 100 changes, 10 minutes, which I've found is a reasonable balance between annoyance of autosave at the wrong moment and data loss. I also frequently SaveAs with a new filename using my own versioning system with tiny notes in the filename, but the autosave is "just in case" and sometimes is useful for recovering from a stupid or a plugin hang or crash with minimal editing loss. Upping the changes number to something ridiculous slows the process down, but doesn't stop it, and then it doesn't autosave for my real changes after I delete the plugin. Oddly, it does not *appear* to autosave more often if there are multiple copies of the plugin in different track bins (using different heads/chains), which seems wierd...but it happens so often anyway, it's not easy to tell if this is really true. AFAICR its' the only plugin I use that does this...but it's annoying enough that whenever possible I bounce the clips used with it and delete it from the project. However, there are many projects I can't do that for a long time because I'm working a lot directly with the source clips that feed it, tweaking them (or the shred setup itself) for the "right sound". I have other amp sims, but this one has a bunch of presets that are already close enough to what I want that I use it a lot.
I'll have to check that one out. Except for the mono part, I do that with the old Sonitus Multiband Compressor, with a preset that essentially disables the compression/limiting, and just lets me solo each of the 5 bands (you can solo all of them or only one or a few), to mute the other ones. But it looks simpler in Isol8. I've used ChannelTools to do different stereo/mono filtering, but I don't do much of that so don't know it all that well.