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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. @shawker thanks for the link about CLAP. I hope it takes off and is successful.
  2. But if this was Apple saying no more support the minions were be okay take my $$$ Apple.
  3. I'm surprised it took them so long to drop it.
  4. Be careful, sin is not a low calorie food ?
  5. If you have a whole bag you will be summoned by the Onion Gods and you shall know thy answer
  6. you were answering Steve's question then you should of spelled it Too
  7. No! I don't like that answer even if it is the truth. Project5 was a DAW like Ableton Live with a great workflow. Unfortunately it never gained enough market share and the old, old owners of Cakewalk dropped it. For its time it was a great product. Problem with Project5 is that it wasn't a multi threaded aware DAW so in today's market it would not fair very well. I still loved the workflow and I wish there was a way to have it added into CbB just for the great scratchpad as I liked to call it. It was super easy to get ideas down.
  8. Funyon's are one of those snack foods that I can't resist. So my wife decided this past Christmas to wrap up a bag in a nice big box for me to open. She has been doing this for years as I do to her on a food item we can't resist I got her some candy confectionery that she loves. The year before I got her Trader Joe's dark chocolate peanut butter cups.
  9. I got a bag of Funyon's for Christmas So don't go making fun of us old folks or we shall get our shot-guns and............ Nevermind
  10. @Shane_B. One of life's missed opportunities ?
  11. Another 50% off sale from NI in 3 months! Wonder what they have in store for version 7?
  12. In the 1990's (?) they opened a Chippendale's in Chicagoland area and someone from where my wife worked at the time got tickets for the show for some of the girls at the office to go. Kicker was that the Chippendale's were not bringing in enough business and they had girl's some nights of the week. That is the tickets the lady got for the show
  13. Really? Looks like you could be the one on the left ? (Sorry couldn't resist)
  14. @Rain Hope you don't wait 13 months to respond to your own thread ?
  15. Are there coconuts? Asking for a friend of a friend of a friend
  16. Knew it was going to happen price wise ?
  17. Seems they used a revolving door so will it ever end ? ?
  18. That is why I play the keyboard being lefthanded A man has to know his limitations. Of course Dirty Harry wasn't talking about playing musical instruments or was he ?
  19. Larry don't do this to me. I don't want to try it because I might be like Mikey and like it
  20. And you fell for that line ? That is like the professor who says don't study that section because it won't be on the final exam!
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