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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Son we need to talk about your lack of credits! Time for you leave these ivory walls and face the music ?
  2. Wow I think I was doing okay with my few thousand posts scattered around on different forums. 100,000+ is impressive! I'm out of my league and should just go back into being a full-time hermit ?
  3. Since when has need been a criteria ?
  4. They have pills for that. Sorry ? Lar couldn't resist.
  5. My wife's cousin and family live in Wichita KS and they have a really nice size house for less then half the cost of us in in Suburbs of Chicago. They tried to move back around Chicagoland to be by ailing parents several years ago but the COL here turned them away.
  6. Drum roll please to keep it music related No problem ?
  7. If you respond to me and do a little bantering back and forth it can help your post count
  8. I'll have to keep an ? out for it ?
  9. No one is stopping you here
  10. It is a very nice looking fireplace. Always wanted one. Maybe in my retirement domicile.
  11. The horror! I can't bear to watch the carbon footprint you are making ?
  12. InstrEd


    VST2 is being dropped by Steinberg not VST3 specs
  13. Kenny is just showing off his graphic artist ? skills ?
  14. Where would you sit? She comes with the unit right ? I'll get my coat again
  15. Sorry I already dropped this class. I got out before it ruined my GPA
  16. and if you buy something from them and get on the mail list they have sales quite a few times a year.
  17. Nice Halo. Don't get addicted to that game ?
  18. Isn't that what all addicts say ?
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