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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Happy Happy Happy Birthday ? I can't remember if I told you Larry as the first thing to go is thee memory ?
  2. I'm glad you still are flexible ?
  3. Or every three years if medical reasons warrant.
  4. I actually was in grocery store to shop in suburb 30 miles away from home and saw an old coworker still working for grocery store now managing deli. The buzzer goes off for the bakery and no one is there. Deli manager telsl me do you want to get that out of the oven. I did and the store manager came yelling. Deli manager ask me to do it as I at one time managed the bakery. Mind you this was 28 years ago but I could do it in my sleep. Just thinking if I had to do it for a couple years to survive I probably wouldn't get hired because I'm over qualified ?
  5. I might be in this a sad boat too. 50's with advanced degree and if my work goes south I'm dreading my prospects. Learn but don't be too smart.
  6. Congratulations ? ? ? ? Congrats and you can back off the forum a touch and enjoy recording some music.
  7. That always stinks. We need you, we need you, but we can't hire you because you're too old. Makes so much sense ??
  8. In that case bro can you lend me some $$$ ?
  9. Well by me they renamed LSD to things I shall not repeat
  10. @PavlovsCat I think you did a fine job on the song and remember if the song invokes feelings from the listener it is a winner! I would say you have a winner and wouldn't delete it. Think you should post it in the song thread.
  11. and a Covid Free New Year! Please Santa that is all we are asking for
  12. At least you didn't get a lump of coal ?
  13. Not a good time to get that Ed with Santa Coming and all ?
  14. I just downloaded Dec issue to read for a mini trip and of course Jan issue drops
  15. The problem with all DAW's in general is that the makers have a vision for the program and users come up with 1,000's of ways to use the DAW. I also look at it another way Olaf if we were back in the tape era good luck doing what you want to do easily. I'm not saying we should go back to the reel to reel tape era but saying if I have to adapt to get a project done it is what it is. I'm thankful we have all this tech I'm able to run on a Laptop! Glenn Stanton's suggestion is a good one. Have the Bakers look at your project and at least you will get a clearer picture of what you want to do is possible Peace
  16. I think you did do that, it was written in between the lines ? Okay silliness aside I can see how Olaf wants to do it but CbB is not really the DAW for that style IMHO. @bdickens I usually work like you do to. @Olaf this is a forum with give and take and if you don't like the advice given just nod and move on. Peace.
  17. Staffpad if you have a 2n1 tablet could also be an option depending on your needs https://www.staffpad.net of course the above musescore is free
  18. Just checking on you Lar that it wasn't you that might of put an extra shot of Irish whiskey in your coffee this morning? I only bring it up because I'm concerned that it always starts will one shot of whisky and we all know you were down in Kentucky P.S. Merry Christmas to you and your family Uncle Lar
  19. as long as I don't have to Co-Sine I'm getting my coat again
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