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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. I apologize for my nerdiness ?
  2. Only if the crew has aboard a Faderport for transport The last crew tried to use a Behringer X-Touch and it was set to the wrong protocol, resulted in drop-out
  3. Maybe if they use a MixCraft shuttle...........................
  4. But they have to rely on Scotty in Engineering to get them there and he uses Fruity Loops?
  5. Mr. Spock - "Without followers, evil cannot spread" "Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end."
  6. Last year Michaels impacted Key West Florida just as a tropical storm. My friends cousins family lives there. They had a mess. I don't wish a Tropical storm or hurricane on anyone.
  7. Mar-a-Lago will be hit. Of course the man will just find another golf course to play at? Hope all is safe and it misses land and heads back into the Atlantic Ocean Northward. We have been having to many of these.
  8. I finally got edited by the forum editing police? Can I use my get out of jail card from Monopoly?
  9. Because if he takes the pill he gets way to ***** ? The commercial for Cialis is rather humorous. Buy this expensive pill and go take baths in separate Bath tubs?
  10. can I borrow the custom for Halloween ?
  11. MIDI enhanced evil or the old MIDI evil?
  12. My wife being a nurse totally agrees and wishes they could do that to the patients parents that don't.
  13. Speaking of GPS coordinates: The first year my girls got smart phones the Easter Egg Hunt had GPS number in each egg. They had to figure out the location of their hidden "Easter Baskets" by the GPS location. They finally figured it out that the Baskets were at Grandparents house ? Last year they made a hunt for wife and I. Boy did they get us back. They mad a crossword puzzle and a Jumble to figure out. We did it. Or I should say my wife figured most of it out. We actually had a good time. We thought we were bad having a few dozen eggs hidden. They they way more eggs hidden with clues in each. I think it took us 1-1/2 hours just to find the eggs! We started our girls on these twister Easter Egg Hunts when they were toddles and each year we came up with something harder then the last year.
  14. yes! I was being sarcastic ? Sorry I failed and will sit in the corner.
  15. The person who coined the word had an enemy that couldn't pronounce "s" and remember the pen is mightier than the sword?
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