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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. But But I play Em in the Am. Is it wrong to be different?
  2. No! The Grits are to help him hold onto his Becan silly?
  3. Here He Comes Here Comes Whatever He's a demon eating Chicken Wings He's a demon eating Chicken Wings
  4. Is Whatever a relative of MiddleAge Man?
  5. Sure bring up Becan and make me hungr!
  6. Gives such a Warm and Fuzzy feelin
  7. Bill is giving us learn theory lessons ? Now I have to learn how a guitar works ?
  8. You Go Girl Boy Whatever ?
  9. There is something S***y about a hairy man in a Tutu ?
  10. I surrender! But did you have to bring Reaper into this thread ?
  11. I think one counts for Four!
  12. Wait a second! You had a party and didn't invite us. Deeply hurt and going to drown my sorrows in FOOD! ?
  13. Bill is really Billie Jean King?
  14. S.L.I.P. did it for me. Thanks S.L.I.P. ?
  15. But what if I'm using an allen wrench ?
  16. I tapping my foot, so does that count as still being music related?
  17. Is it just me thinking about a BLT with extra Becan ?
  18. @Grant Starr You're off to a good start with three post in a row. ?
  19. He was blessed by Meng and got to keep his post number from the old forum. The rest of us, back to square one. So hurry up and start posting, maybe in 20 years you can catch him
  20. If it's Grant Ward becareful? Marvel Fans might get this one
  21. I don't have time. I have to practice to look fantastic. I mean play fantastic. I think it is too late for me on both counts☹ .....?
  22. There was only one piano. ............................
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