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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Really I thought his guitar pick was ?
  2. Of course for Mike V its already Saturday. Hope Mike had a great Friday
  3. Well with a avatar of "Mesh" of course you're not it great shape?
  4. Only when he is chewing liquorice?
  5. I never understood why the reporters have to be out there in the storm. Just plain stupid!
  6. And he was proud to abuse, I mean use her?
  7. Why yes he was. He could shoot a blues lick that would knock you over?
  8. I guess folks who really like hardware might bite.
  9. Seeing the aerial photos of the Bahamas I'm amazed there wasn't more deaths. I'm glad there wasn't. What a disaster. Hope this country comes together, stops the bickering and do what needs to be done to help.
  10. Well he always gets things wrong, doesn't he. Elton does the music and Bernie Taupin does the lyrics ?
  11. Why are you bringing another DAW into this..........................................................................................?
  12. Good point Jim. These simple things that us hobbyist tend to forget.
  13. Fixed it for you, at least in the good ole USA as being an election year. Which makes me wonder, how did the 1812 Overture become the music that seems to be played for 4th of July in this country ?
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